How to Port Telegram Sticker Animation .tgs into flutter? - flutter

Telegram has a moving sticker animation using the tgs extension, how to make it work for displaying in a flutter project?
I want the telegram animation sticker to be realized on the flutter widget


embed a tiktok video onto an app page with flutter?

Video player, webview, custom widgets on pubdev, all seem to be failing me on what should be a simple problem... how do i display a tiktok video on a page using flutter widgets? Embarassed to admit how long I have tried to code this.
I have tried the html-editor widget too.
Coding/interface is via flutterflow.

Can we change the UI of call kit package in flutter

Can we change the UI of the callkit package in a flutter, I want to show a full-screen notification screen for that I am using thecall kit package of flutter, so I have to remove those answer and reject buttons.

how to overlay text on webrtc RTCVideoView flutter

I want to overlay the text on RTCVideoView flutter and also record this text along with the video.
I'm using Flutter Webrtc package for video rendering and I want to overlay text on the screen and save it after that.

Flutter PageView paper animation

I am trying to create an animation in Flutter PageView to change the pages like in a book. For example, Google Play Books does the same in the online book when you change the page.

Is there a way to create on boarding screen similar to telegram in flutter?

I'm a flutter newbie and I love both the telegram apps (Telegram and Telegram X), the on boarding screen of these apps are awesome. I want to create on boarding screen similar to that in flutter with the same animation, is there a way I can do that?