Can we change the UI of call kit package in flutter - flutter

Can we change the UI of the callkit package in a flutter, I want to show a full-screen notification screen for that I am using thecall kit package of flutter, so I have to remove those answer and reject buttons.


How to implement timeline kind of UI in flutter?

How can we implement UI like the image attached below. I do not know if we can call this timeline UI or not. I found package in but could we somehow paint this in flutter?

Unity ads in flutter

How can I place unity banner and intestertial banner in flutter app without triggering any event. I want the ads to show automatically when the app is launched.

Flutter overlay over other apps

I want to build a Flutter App that can show information in a modalBottomSheet, but outside of the App.
The App should run in the background and when I want it to show something, it should show a modalBottomSheet over the curently used App. It doesn't matter if the user is in a App or just the Homescreen, important is that the App runs from the background and can overlay other Apps.
You could use flutter_overlay_window. It can display your flutter app over other apps on the screen

flutter audio_service and just_audio is not working with navigation on iOS

I have project with audio_service and just_audio. It is working fine on Android. But It is not working on iOS. I found out that it is happening because of the navigation route.
I have attached the example project. Example
If I call the Player screen at home, it is playing. If I call the home screen first then there is button to call the Player screen. If user click the player screen show but song is not playing. It is showing loading indicator.
Do you know why it is not working.
May be you should try to stop the service before the init.
As there is some issue with latest iOS update in audio_service and it will be fixed soon.

How to add ads in flutter flame

Like we have sprite to add/render images in flutter flame. Is their any widget or any way to show ads(admob) in flutter flame project.
Since Flame is just another Flutter widget you can use the firebase_admob just like it would have been used in any other Flutter app. There is good documentation of how to use the admob flutter widgets in their readme.
If you want to display an ad on top of the game I suggest that you either use a Stack widget or use the overlays system in Flame.