Flutter PageView paper animation - flutter

I am trying to create an animation in Flutter PageView to change the pages like in a book. For example, Google Play Books does the same in the online book when you change the page.


How to implement timeline kind of UI in flutter?

How can we implement UI like the image attached below. I do not know if we can call this timeline UI or not. I found package in pub.dev but could we somehow paint this in flutter?

embed a tiktok video onto an app page with flutter?

Video player, webview, custom widgets on pubdev, all seem to be failing me on what should be a simple problem... how do i display a tiktok video on a page using flutter widgets? Embarassed to admit how long I have tried to code this.
I have tried the html-editor widget too.
Coding/interface is via flutterflow.

How to show video on carousel using flutter?

I am new to flutter. I am trying to show video in a carousel. I am able to show images but when it comes to video I'm stuck. I have searched everywhere but couldn't find any example.
If you know how to implement a photo carousel, it should be easy to make a video carousel. Just implement a video player using chewie package and just place the video widget instead of the image widget.
As you have provided no code in your question. So, I do not know why you are stuck in video. Also, you can check the below question/ans:
Video Carousel slider for flutter

Is there any way to add many yt videos on carousel and slide them horizontally (lazy loading) in Flutter?

This is actually a request! I googled that video carousel slider repo or sample for flutter (mobile). But i couldn't find any example.
These are unanswered questions about it:
Carousal slider with video player getting memory leak error in flutter
Video Carousel slider for flutter
I need to show in active index of slider, animated yt video (gif thumbnails) instead a thumbnail image on carousel slider in Flutter mobile app. When i touched on video/gif, it'll replace page and play the video in new page. Unluckily, there's no video carousel slider for Flutter in Google.
Hope someone help me!

How to add ads in flutter flame

Like we have sprite to add/render images in flutter flame. Is their any widget or any way to show ads(admob) in flutter flame project.
Since Flame is just another Flutter widget you can use the firebase_admob just like it would have been used in any other Flutter app. There is good documentation of how to use the admob flutter widgets in their readme.
If you want to display an ad on top of the game I suggest that you either use a Stack widget or use the overlays system in Flame.