Resolving GitHub users via organization email - github

I'm trying to implement the validation presented in the Backstage documentation.
However, I am unable to apply. I think some guidelines are missing.
Has anyone successfully implemented this validation and could explain here?


Can't add application as super admin

I am attempting to add the "Amazon Web Services" Application to Google Workspaces.
I have been assigned the super admin role, in the admin dashboard. So, to the best of my knowledge, I should have permissions to add an application. But I keep getting the error message "Can't add Amazon Web Services. Please try again.". Which unfortunately is not particularly helpful in trying to understand what the problem is. I have tried different browsers, signing out/in etc. all to no avail.
However I must be missing something as the organisation owner is able to add the application with no issues, does anyone have any idea what could be preventing me from doing this?
Just to add, I have confirmed that I have the same roles attached as the organisation owner.
If your account has been assigned the role recently it is expected as it usually takes up to 24hrs for a role to fully propagate. After that you should be able to add it with no issues.
That is documented here

GitHub Action fails without information

One of my GitHub actions has failed with the following output:
There's no information here, and there doesn't seem to be any UI that I can interact with to get more information. Am I missing something?

Error message "Failed to enable dataprep" when allowing Trifacta to access project data

i connected several projects... but this one gives an error. Can anyone help?
Screenshot of error
This issue seems to be related to an internal project/billing configuration. Since this kind of messages can be thrown when the accounts have payment issues, I think that you should firstly verify that your billing account is in a good status; however, if you continue getting this error message after this validation, I suggest you to take a look the Issue Tracker tool that you can use to raise a Dataprep ticket in order to verify this scenario with the Google Technical Support Team.

How to force GMail show link in list

Several services, for example github, bitbucket and some ticket services able to send email which contain inlist link in GMail. Like that:
Inside they just put link.
How it is possible to do the same programmatically?
I think I found the right answer. The right name of this feature is Go-To Action. It’s possible to add it programmatically using microdata or JSON-LD. More details in documentation

Hide Workflow from SiteAdmin

We have a requirement in our project like we want to hide some workflows in siteadmin. We are using AEM 6.1. Please let us know if anybody has any solution. any help is highly appreciated.
Using User Permissions
This can be controlled by user permissions. The permissions can be updated in useradmin console to remove read permission from the workflow models you want not be shown to user. Permissions can be managed via groups
Please note that there are 2 workflow models for Schedule Activation/Deactivation, the read access is required for these in case you want user to be able to use "Activate/Deactivate Later" OOTB functionality in siteadmin/damadmin console. These 2 are anyways not shown in workflow list while initiating workflow from siteadmin/damadmin console, but we should take care while removing read permissions.
This solution is verified.
Using Model changes
Model can updated to make it as system workflow refer Adobe Forum Link. Verify this one with Day Care to see if there is a side effect.