GitHub Action fails without information - github

One of my GitHub actions has failed with the following output:
There's no information here, and there doesn't seem to be any UI that I can interact with to get more information. Am I missing something?


Resolving GitHub users via organization email

I'm trying to implement the validation presented in the Backstage documentation.
However, I am unable to apply. I think some guidelines are missing.
Has anyone successfully implemented this validation and could explain here?

Error message "Failed to enable dataprep" when allowing Trifacta to access project data

i connected several projects... but this one gives an error. Can anyone help?
Screenshot of error
This issue seems to be related to an internal project/billing configuration. Since this kind of messages can be thrown when the accounts have payment issues, I think that you should firstly verify that your billing account is in a good status; however, if you continue getting this error message after this validation, I suggest you to take a look the Issue Tracker tool that you can use to raise a Dataprep ticket in order to verify this scenario with the Google Technical Support Team.

Get review status of pull request from Github

Running on GitHub Enterprise I have a small Jenkins job that looks for pull-request comments and triggers a script depending on the message.
Now I only want to trigger the script if review is already done from GitHub point of view, like all CODE_OWNERS and no additional person requested changes. I don't want to implement that logic myself. GitHub has different section for reviews and status checks. I only want review state, since I am going to set the status myself.
But I was not able to the correct value from the API endpoint. Neither from pull-request itself, nor from pulls/id/reviews.
Closest that i found was "mergeable_state", but this unfortunately takes the status check into consideration.
Is there another place to look for?
I don't think you can fetch the global review status. I think that the best you can do is to check that there are no review requests and fetch all reviews to check if there are no requested changes.
Finally we decided to make a Probot app in Github which was able to get all the required information.

Close JIRA ticket on Git Commit

I am trying close all the JIRA tickets on post-receive hook. My python script is executing on post-receive, from commit message I am able to get JIRA ticket number and found the ticket in JIRA also.
All it is working fine but when I want to change status of JIRA ticket with below code getting error 400 bad request response from JIRA server.
also tried giving 500 internal server error.
jira.transition_issue(issue, '5', assignee={'name': 'pm_user'}, resolution={'id': '3'})
Please help me how to change the status of the ticket.
Authentication with JIRA and finding ticket with
issue = jira.issue(issuekey)
is also successful but unable to change the ticket status to "Done".
"500 internal server error" means an error on the server side, and your Jira admin can give you some clues by fetching the error message.
Check this thread to see if the solution applies:
Here's the python solution, which is what I'm working with. The transition IDs are part of the Workflow view, but not everyone can see those IDs. In my case I can see the graph but JIRA doesn't actually display what the IDs are in order to make it work.
You'll note that for the start of each section is an id and a number. Those are the numbers that you need and they CAN be different so you'll want to look at an issue in every one of the states and dump out their transitions to see what the ids are.

Use Github API to disable the merge button on a pull request and reenable it using REST

I have developed my own web server that does automation on my android app. If there are issues when the automation runs, I want to programmatically disable the "merge" button on a github pull request using a cURL REST command. I cannot find out the proper way to do this but it seems that many people would benefit from this functionality.
The api for github pull requests can be found here:
I know that this is possible because if you have merge conflicts on your branch, the button gets grayed out and you cannot click/merge it. That is the exact functionality I am looking for. Any help would be much appreciated.
This is possible. There are couple of steps you should take to enable this feature.
Configure some of your branches (typically it's master or/and develop, depends on your workflow) as protected.
Using Statuses API you can send Pending, Success, Error and Failure statuses. Pending,Error and Failed statuses will block Merge button.
Once it's done you can POST statuses based on your business rules.
POST /repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:sha
:sha is the hash of the latest commit in the Pull Request
With payload like this one:
"state": "success",
"target_url": "",
"description": "Automation tests passed!",
"context": "continuous-integration/automation-tests"
One thing is worth mentioning. When you have posted at least one status, the value from context filed will be shown on the protected branch settings page. Don't forget to mark this status as required:
Protected branches and required status checks
Protecting the branch and then blocking merging if the status checks doesn't pass or reviews are not done works. This is a very straight solution and it works perfectly.
But if you are more curious then try doing it without protecting the branch. I could not find a way to do this.