AEM 6.5 layout container does not appear.(Mac OS) - aem

so I am trying to do the wnkd tutorial for AEM. after eventually run the instance and after I build my project on the wknd folder guide using mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic I understand if I have AEM 6.5 it should be the command.
Also I have java 11.0 and maven 3.8.7
Everything seems to work until I wanted to create a new page and the content layout did not show on the screen.
[enter image description here](
I found out from each module and the root of the project the pom.xml had a issue with a plugin
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- V A U L T P A C K A G E P L U G I N S -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- skip sub package validation for now as some vendor packages like CIF apps will not pass -->
I tried changing the version of the plugin uninstalling some extension (I am using VS code).
Right know this are the extension that I am using:
VS code AEM Sync
Project Manager for Java
Maven for Java.
this is the error massage over all:
`Failed to execute mojo org.apache.jackrabbit:filevault-package-maven-plugin:1.1.6:validate-files {execution: default-validate-files} (org.apache.jackrabbit:filevault-package-maven-plugin:1.1.6:validate-files:default-validate-files:process-classes)
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Failed to execute mojo org.apache.jackrabbit:filevault-package-maven-plugin:1.1.6:validate-files {execution: default-validate-files}
at ... Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No 'vault/properties.xml' found in either '/usrs/xxxx/Desktop/tutorialsAEM/basic-wnkd-bis/aem-guides-wknd/all/src/main/content/META-INF' or '/usrs/xxxx/Desktop/tutorialsAEM/basic-wnkd-bis/aem-guides-wknd/all/target/vault-work/META-INF'
at ...`
Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!


Apache CXF using eclipse: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.:wsdl2java

When trying to build our project from within Eclipse I keep getting the following error:
Execution generate-sources of goal
org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java failed: A required
class was missing while executing
The reason for that is that - while we still compile for a Java-8 target environment - the tool chain (i.e. Eclipse, M2E (Eclipe's Maven-plugin), Maven, and CXF) is executed using Java-11.
In Java 9+ javax/xml/bind is not part of the rt.jar anymore, hence the class is missing when the plugin tries to start up. Elsewhere I found that one can enable it by specifying an "--add-modules java.xml.bind" JVM option.
I tried adding that option to the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable but that is apparently ignored when M2E starts up Maven (and with it the CXF plugin) in a separate VM.
Next I tried to specify that option in the plugin's configuration in the pom.xml like so:
<additionalJvmArgs>--add-modules java.xml.bind</additionalJvmArgs>
... but that also didn't fly. :-(
Any idea anyone, how and where one can specify that option or how I can make the former standard javax-classes available to a Maven-plugin running under Java 9+ (when executed from Eclipse M2E) ?
Just in case: this is NOT an Eclipse or M2E issues! Even when I start Maven on the command line using Java 9+ I get:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java (generate-sources) on project my_project: Execution generate-sources of goal org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.cxf:cxf-codegen-plugin:3.2.0:wsdl2java: javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/HexBinaryAdapter

Error "Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later" on Maven compile

I am getting the following error on $ mvn compile:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project Sym360: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later.
[ERROR] Target option 1.5 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
Here is the code of my pom.xml:
<project xmlns=""
java -->
<!-- -->
I tried to add properties in the pom.xml code, but still getting the same error.
What helped me was these lines in pom.xml file
I had same issue, the problem is with properties. Check your JavaSE version in your project, it will be displayed beside JRE System Library folder in your project. If it is 1.5, then it will throw an error. Most probably you will have a updated version, so check the version and update it. I have updated it below based on your code.
Also in one of my IntelliJ IDEA projects, in addition to all of answers above, another try works:
Just change Language level in Modules section of Project Structure [image below]
I had same issue and i have added below configuration in pom.xml and it works.
I think you have wrong your pom.xml:
change to:
Now depending if you are using the command line use:
mvn clean compile
or either way(eclipse ide)
Right click on project Run with maven>build>Goal (compile)
In Eclipse This helped me:
Right Click on Project.
Click on Build path.
Click on Configure Build path.
It opens a Java Build path window.
Click on Java Compiler in the Left side.
It navigates to Java Compiler window in that to set the Compiler compliance level is set as according to your jre version(ex if java version is 1.8
then choose 1.8) as select.
Click on [Apply] button.
Click on [OK] button.
Right click on Project > Maven > Update the project.
Right click on Project > Run As > Maven install -- The pom.xml file is running and java jars are download and installed to project.
Right click on Project > Run As > Maven Test -- The pom.xml file is running and java jars are download and installed to project.
Then you got the Build Success message and your maven project is created successfully.
adding below code in pom will resolve the issue
I was facing the same issue and resolved it with the lines of code below:
I fixed this by adding this in pom.xml file:
For the new Apache net Bean its a little bit different from the suggestion by SUPARNA SOMAN
Right Click on your Project
-Hover on "set configuration" and click customize configuration
-.A new dialogue box opens....
At the left corner where the categories are, Click on "Source"
At the select form on the page below, select your required version of JDK ----see image for this last step.the last step required to change jdk version
On MacOS I have multiple versions
user> ls /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/
jdk-11.0.4.jdk jdk-12.0.2.jdk jdk1.8.0_221.jdk
and JAVA_HOME was not defined properly so Maven used jdk-12. I have jdk-11,jdk-8, and jdk-12.
user> mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.6.1
Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.1/libexec
Java version: 12.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-12.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: XXX, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.14.6", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
Define JAVA_HOME to use jdk-8.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home
Try again, now maven is:
user> mvn -version
Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.1/libexec
Java version: 1.8.0_221, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
and the build is:
None of the solutions above worked for me.
For some reasons the file with the name of my project.iml had changed. Found the difference in the previous subversion repository submission...
In projectname.iml I found this line:
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_5">
And all I had to do was changing it to 11
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_11">
After so many years, happily seeing the same error ! :P
[ERROR] Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
[ERROR] Target option 5 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
pom.xml did not have any source or target declarations, so maven must have taken some archaic versions as default, rather than being clever enough to get it from the install JVM (which is currently on 18).
So, without knowing the original issue, I could also resolve it through the below snippet below. That declares a specific source and target version, which subpresses the problem.
Some people have asked:
I understand that this works, but I don't understand why maven uses a default source value that it does not support? –
The answer is:
Maven doesn't know what version of the JDK you will use.
When used with JDK 1.8 Maven compiles work successfully.
When using newer versions of the JDK, it's not clear what version of the byte code you want to use. So Maven's has punted and continues use what it has used for many years.
At this day and age, it is difficult for Maven (as a generic build tool) to select a default byte code version that everyone will like.
So it's probably best to get used to putting the version of your source code and the byte code you want to generate in your pom.xml file.
You can argue (and I would agree) that maven should (by default) use a newer version of the maven-compiler-plugin but as I stated, whatever version was picked, someone would have a problem with it.
For example, if you use JDK 11, you might very well be using Java 11 syntax and need -source 11 -target 11 when compiling your code.
Even the most recent release of the plugin maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1 defaults to JDK 1.7 syntax which would result in compilation errors for Java 11 code.
A full description of the problem
Other's have said this, but to be complete. The default pom.xml doesn't specify the maven-compiler-plugin. To find out the version used you can use
mvn help:effective-pom | more
You'll see that the maven-compiler-plugin:3.1 is being used.
You can see that this version generates a command with -target 1.5 -source 1.5 which generates an error when used with versions of Java newer than Java 1.8.
The following shows the error that occurs when using JDK 17.
mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.8.6 (84538c9988a25aec085021c365c560670ad80f63)
Maven home: D:\p\apache-maven-3.8.6
Java version: 17.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: D:\p\jdk-17.0.2
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
mvn clean install -X
. . .
[DEBUG] -d D:\Play\maven\helloworld\target\classes -classpath D:\Play\maven\helloworld\target\classes; -sourcepath D:\Play\maven\helloworld\src\main\java; -g -nowarn -target 1.5 -source 1.5
. . .
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
[ERROR] Target option 5 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later.
[INFO] 2 errors
The fix
The fix was to update the maven pom.xml file to specify either a newer maven-compiler-plugin. I tested with maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1 and it uses -target 1.7 -source 1.7
The syntax is:
At the time of this writing version 3.10.1 was the latest version.
The other option is to specify the version of the byte code you want to generate, one way is to use this (as stated in another answer):
This will work even with the old version 3.1 plugin.
Here is the solution which helped me:
I had the same issue on error source option 5 is no longer supported, Use 6 or later
So i followed these instructions and problem SOLVED
Open Project Properties (File Menu)
Change the Source / Binary Format to the latest version (JDK 7 in my case)
Project Properties
Source / Binary Format
Clean and Build, Then Run the project
This is a message from a newer javac, e.g.:
$ java -version
openjdk version "11" 2018-09-25
$ javac -source 1.5 -target 1.5
error: Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later.
error: Target option 1.5 is no longer supported. Use 1.6 or later.
So, apparently you're using a newer JDK version with a Maven version prior to 3.8.0 ("<source>/<target> ... NOTE: Since 3.8.0 the default value has changed from 1.5 to 1.6"). The maven-compiler-plugin:3.1 you use is from April 2013.
There are two possibilities:
Update your Maven version to the latest (I'd recommend that)
Setting the Java Version in Maven:
2.2. Java 9 and Beyond
If in Eclipse, Write click on project and go to properties. Search for maven and configure a jdk higher version (1.7 onwards) there and apply. Now try maven install.
In my case, running MacOS Big Sur and JDK version 15, I added the code below in pom.xml file shown below. I added the 15 for my JDK version.
I then re-ran $ mvn clean wildfly:deploy and it worked.
Both options work for me to resolved Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later” on Maven compile
Open pom.xml file
Option1: add build tags
Option2: add properties tags
I faced the same challenge, what I did was to go to:
Project structure
Changed compile SDK to 30 (Latest at the time)
Build tools 30.0.3 (Latest)
Source compatibility (1.8 Java 8)
Target compatibility (1.8 Java 8)
Change the
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_1_5">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_11">
Set updated java version from build path as per you installed
I solve the problem by finding that my $JAVA_HOME is empty. After setting it, compilation succeeded!

Eclipse - How to add Kotlin to a Tomcat Project - Compile Kotlin AND Java Files

I need help adding Kotlin compiling to an existing eclipse java tomcat project.
For the record I am on Eclipse Oxygen 4.7, and have installed the Kotlin plugin. I have successfully created and ran gradle based spring boot Kotlin rest api demo and can compile and run "Kotlin Only Projects" and use my other java libs - AWESOME.
However now that I have Kotlin I want to use it in work for my other 'legacy' Tomcat 8 projects that are Java J2EE - Dynamic WTP ... new servlets I want to write in Kotlin.
I want to be able to add a Kotlin class in the java src folder in any of my previous packages so when I build a war it all logically together.
The IDE seems ok with this - I created a Kotlin class in a package (in a tomcat project java src package folder) and it have no issues on resolving, imports, or dependency...
I was thinking WOW!, Ok now to restart the Tomcat server in WTP and I'll be able to execute my Kotlin Servlet. No - 404 404 404.
I inspected the WEB-INF/classes build folder and along all the Java class files... guess what I saw?! A file called KotlinServlet.kt ( thats the name of my test servlet, the source version not a compile class version)
So for some reason the build /package/ deployment did not bother to compile the *.kt file and just copied it over (maybe that is the default for general WTP deploy).
I wonder if this would be solved by "Add Kotlin Nature" , the strange part is that none of the eclipse Kotlin menu functions are available to me. If I right click my project I get no Kotlin menu options.
Eclipse states the plugin is installed.
So my question is:
Given an existing conventional WTP Tomcat servlet project, HOW can we get it to identify and a compile *.kt files? How and why do I not have the Kotlin menu functions? (I downloaded and tested both the Oxygen Java and J2EE version - installed the Kotlin plugin - and no menus there either to add a Kotlin Nature. I also then tried the nightly build of the plugin. No menus appeared. Obviously the puglin is installed compiling other Kotlin projects and works in the editor.
From my research - "Add Kotlin Nature" is supposed to do the trick for joint Java / Kotlin compiling but that menu function is not available anywhere???
If this is a "Kotlin Project" eclipse compiles Kotlin fine.
Any Ideas? Seems like an IntelliJ conspiracy.
You need add correspond dependencies. The easiest way to manage project dependencies is to use build tools (maven, gradle, Ant+Ivy...). In maven example you need:
<!-- your properties... and define version fir kotlin -->
<!-- your project dependencies... and add one for kotlin -->
<!-- your project plugins... and add one for kotlin -->
If you use IDE you need to install kotlin language support plugin to make kotlin compile or test run more user friendly.
OK I am narrowing in on this. I found that the kotlin classes are being compiled to this location under runtime lib? Maybe this will be something I can figure to build to my normal classes folder.
OK - To get all the Kotlin menus - turns out you need to be on PACKAGE EXPLORER tab not PROJECT EXPLORER . arggh just found that by fluke.
The creation of a .kt file will automatically add the runtime and libs for Kotlin to your project.
Now on the the issue of the build / compile now. Still outstanding.
OK Update - Downloaded IntelliJ, and "IT" works out of the box, in 15 min I had a Hybrid Java/Kotlin Tomcat Project running.
Still Interested in the Eclipse solution but I am probably just going to shell out the cash for IntelliJ. Time is money.

How to run the project after building with maven

I am new to maven. So I have a project with pom.xml file. So I ran that with maven and the build was successful. I have glassfish. Glassfish is already running separately. So now what is the next step to run the project with Glassfish? My IDE is eclipse.
You have to first tell Maven to build the WAR, check out this plugin for that:
Then you need to tell maven how to deploy to glassfish, you can either configure a Maven execution plugin to do this (see here: Or you can look around for a custom plugin devoted to integrating maven with glassfish. This one looks promising, but I have not used it:
Maven provides a lot of basic functionality out of the box, but most of the cooler stuff with build automation is done through plugins.
Just updating to add a very simple Pom that will do a auto-deployment. Note: if you just run a "mvn clean install", with the packaging set to 'war', maven will build the .war file for you and place it in the target/ folder. You can take this and deploy it to glassfish manually if you just want to get started.
Below is part of a very simple pom that uses the Maven execution plugin to auto-deploy to glassfish as a function of the build:
This basically just calls the deploy command on the glassfish asadmin utility[1]. You need to fill in the following variables:
${path-to-asadmin-util} --> this is the path to your asadmin utility
(normally in the glassfish_home/bin)
${username} --> glassfish admin username
${password-file} --> password file for logging into glassfish
${} --> name of your war
If you want to get more complicated I suggest taking a look at this thread: GlassFish v3 and glassfish-maven-plugin (Mac).
[1] -
[2] -
Additonnaly, you should have a glance at this StackOverflow thread, dealing with maven deployement in glassifsh :
For further understanding of Maven, you should REALLY read this (free) book : This is THE reference for Maven.
We can explain you what Maven is doing, producing, etc ... but Sonatype made a great work and you'll probably learn more reading it than we could ever do !
I found this tutorial useful:

Why does the maven eclipse plugin break the maven jetty plugin?

I would like to have the maven eclipse plugin regenerate my .classpath whenever a build is run, and I did so by using the following configuration:
Generate a new .classpath each time the build is run, but don't try
to download sources or javadocs
For some reason, this causes the maven jetty plugin to fail with ClassNotFoundException errors (it complains about all sorts of Spring classes not being there). Of course, it worked without a hit when I didn't have the maven eclipse plugin installed. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
$ mvn jetty:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Starting jetty 6.1.22 ...
2010-02-11 20:53:08.984:INFO::jetty-6.1.22
2010-02-11 20:53:09.109:WARN::Could not instantiate listener org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader.loadClassDirect(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.DefaultClassRealm.loadClass(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.DefaultClassRealm.loadClass(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Of course, if I delete that eclipse plugin section, I can run jetty as expected:
$ mvn jetty:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Feb 11, 2010 8:55:28 PM org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader initWebApplicationContext
INFO: Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 1672 ms
2010-02-11 20:55:28.687:INFO::Started SelectChannelConnector#
[INFO] Started Jetty Server
[INFO] Starting scanner at interval of 5 seconds.
Some things I know:
Yes, I only activate this profile if the .classpath is present. This seems counter-intuitive, but I have a reason: I have another profile that activates when the .classpath is absent which runs the eclipse plugin with the options for downloading source code and javadocs set to true. I don't want this to happen each build, so I created a separate plugin config for when the classpath is already there.
Yes, I could simply create properties that held the values of the options I wish to change instead of specifying the entire plugin config again. In that case, I would just set a eclipse.downloadSources property to true or false depending on the presence of the classpath and have a single plugin definition in the regular build section.
Any advice? This is a strange problem.
I suspect the Maven Eclipse Plugin to mess do some classpath woodo that affects the jetty plugin later.
But to be honest, this is not a very common way to use the Eclipse plugin, at least not to my knowledge. Most people don't include it in their build, they just run it when the POM has changed and this generally doesn't happen every build. Moreover, touching the .classpath confuses Eclipse if I remember well and forces a clean rebuild of the project which is pretty annoying.
So at the end, and I'm sorry for that, this seems to introduce more annoyances than benefits. You can try to open a Jira issue though.
You really don't want to run the maven-eclipse-plugin on every build when there's a .classpath present. I can't tell you exactly what it does to the classpaths, but this is not how it's intended to be used. The assumption is that when you run it you only run eclipse:eclipse (or some other goal).
Why do you want to keep re-running it?