Launch/Test VS Emulator for Android in/from VS Code - visual-studio-code

I've noticed that Visual Studio has a separate/independent VS Emulator for Android, but I can't figure out how to launch/test their emulator directly from Visual Studio Code. Has anyone used it before? Can anyone tell me how to connect/launch the emulator in/from VS Code?

there is a marketplace plugin for that:
launch via
Cmd-Shit-P > Launch Android Emulator
you can also create a task to do it:
and put the task in your debug pipeline (see this: this will launch the emulator. to have the emulator open to whatever you're doing, it depends on the framework, etc. For instance, React Native you can use expo for "realtime" updating/debugging (basically just an app that lives on the phone and proxies the compiled code). For full "automated" pipeline, you'd need a task to build your apk, upload it to the phone, then launch apk.


Can I code a whole Flutter app with just vscode?

I'm just starting to program with Flutter and I'm wondering if it's possible to program a whole flutter app, with just vs code, because of many reasons I can't use Android Studio on my laptop.
Just knowing if it's possible would be enough for me :)
Well, I started a standard Flutter App and I'm developing it from the basis.
Yes, you can code a whole Flutter project with VScode, you need just to follow the install process of all requirements for flutter:
However, you will need Android Studio in order to get an Android Emulator, to debug and preview your work process. ( you will not need to run it every time from Android Studio)
and when you will have the emulator installed then you can do the whole code process of a Flutter project only from VScode

run an emulator without android studio

I'm using flutter on visual studio code and my android studio emulator doesn't work.
Is there a way I can run an emulator on visual studio code without android studio's help?
on android studio press shift twice then write device manger choose it then run the emulator
if this doesn't work can you provide more info about the error you get from android studio
I recommend that you run "flutter doctor" in your VS Code Terminal to determine any issues with your Android Studio and/or emulator. Then update your question with any errors that occur or simply write out the error you are getting from Android Studio when trying to start your emulator.
However, you won't have to use an emulator that is on Android Studio if you simply turn on Developer Mode/Options on your personal Android Device, then turn on "USB Debugging", this will allow you to run a version on your app on your phone as long as you have your phone connected to your computer through a USB cable.

Flutter- Creating an android emulator for my app

I wrote an app, and now I want to test on a Android environment,but when I press debug, no emulator is shown. I clicked on create new emulator, and It says creating new emulator, but nothing happens after that. Also, I tried to connect my phone to use it as an emulator but It wasn't being found by visual studio code. I am a beginner so please, any helps
Try to reinstall flutter SDK and don't forget to install flutter plugin on your editor (Android Studio or VsCode), Depending on your OS follow one of this instruction, it's so simple to install.

VS Code Live Share Flutter?

I have a flutter project and an android emulator running.
With visual studio code live share my friend can se all my files and code.
How can he run the code on an emulator on his end as well?
Because now he can only see the code but can't run the app.
Is it possible for him to see my emulator or run the project himself?
Vscode shares only the code.
If you want to share the app too, you'll need another program such as TeamViewer or similar.

Appium with Android Studio

Does Appium with android studio needs uiautomator Viewer, Because Why i'm asking Here as a beginner I need To Know Appium Installation having Two Methods "Eclipse with appium" And Advanced Method is Appium with Android Studio. UIAUTOMATOR need or Not. for Appium with Android Studio.
Thanks in advance
I am not entirely sure of what you are asking, but if I understand correctly here is my answer:
I use Eclipse and Appium, and because the Android SDK plug-in for Eclipse has been deprecated, you need to install Android Studio to get the SDK. You also need to install the Android Studio to get the UIAutomator, which you will find you absolutely need to have. Once I installed the Android Studio, I've not had any need to actually use it as a development environment at all. The UIAutomator can be invoked from a command line.
it don't ned the uiautomator, you can use the inspector. so no need uiautomator if you want to set up the appium with the android studio.
if you are not using android studio then it needs it.
Depending the element which you need to access while running the test case.
If you can not get elements then its necessary to find element by xpath
Its available in android-sdk/tools/bin.
it's necessary to download android studio for appium as SDK plugin no longer available.
so don't worry just set all path correctly.
i'm new too but with help of android studio i'm not receiving any error or problem related UIAutomator.