Variable driven graph - tableau-api

Is it possible to edit this visual to compare CAMPAIGN and MEDIASITE (Highlighted). They are both dimensions. But essentially I want the visual below to show each dimension separately


Power BI - Multiple Regions and Multiple KPI's all in one View

I am looking for a visual in Power BI that shows a list of regions along with various KPI's all on one visual, so that I can easily compare one region to the next all in one snapshot. In an excel report, the view would resemble list of Regions down the rows, and the various KPI's(red/green/yellow) along the columns. Is there a visual in Power Bi that represents this?
I would use the Table visual for this. Each KPI would be modeled as a Measure, and added to the Values well. Conditional Formatting would be applied to each KPI to set the colors.

How to pickup a shape based on a cell text in tableau reports

I am not a tableau developer but i am just a user of tableau reports. My engineer is telling something is not possible so wanted to take experts suggestions and help to solve the problem.
My requirement is simple. We need to build a report in tableau with 4 columns and the last column should contain a color coded arrows (R,G,Y) representing the data trend (Up/Continuous/Down). The data will change frequently and the input source is excel sheet. My engineer is suggesting that, everytime we have to manually set those shapes in the 4th column, once the report is generated from the excel (basically from the first 3 columns only). I dont like to have a manual intervention everytime in tableau since i am not good at building/editing reports and its not a best practice to automate something.
In below picture the last column is the one i wanted to automatically generated based on excel sheets data.
My suggestion to him is to add the 4 column with data as below and in tableau bring the shapes accrodingly using some kind of a formula or so.
GC = Green continuous
GU = Green upwards trend
GD = Green downwards trend.. followed with different color codes (Green/Red/Yellow) as per data.
Is that possible in Tableau? If so any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.
It is definitely possible, as long as you have a formula that can produce the GC, GU, etc. values. Then it is simply a matter of mapping your custom values to relevant shapes (which is a simple manual one-off step in Tableau). If built-in shapes are not sufficient, you can add custom ones. Some types of shapes can also be colored dynamically, based on another formula.
Use Tableau Help or Google/Tableau Forum to find out how to do all of this.

RACI (Resposible,Accountable,Consulted,Informed) matrix

How Can create RACI (Resposible,Accountable,Consulted,Informed) matrix in Sparx Enterprise Architect? In visual Paradigm, RACI chart can be created easily, based on lanes and associated activities within them
The image below shows one possible way to do this.
I selected diagram type 'Custom' but I expect you could use many other diagram types if you prefer. I right-clicked on the diagram, selected 'Swim Lanes, Matrix, and Kanban' from the context menu, then used the 'Matrix' option to build the diagram.

Plotting metabolic networks?

I need to draw a map of the core metabolism of E.coli. Associated with each reaction in the map I have a number that indicates the flux through this reaction. I want the map to reflect these fluxes through the color of each reaction in the map.
I have tried using tools like Mathematica and Cytoscape, but it is very hard to get a nice layout of the metabolic network. I have seen maps of E.coli metabolism which look very nice on paper. What I need is a map like these, but where I can define the colors of the reactions.
There are some tools available, for example, But when I upload my E.coli SBML model, the plot layout is a disaster. There used to be a web IPython notebook that one could use for some prebuilt models, where you just had to input the reaction fluxes. But now it's gone:
See the image below for an example. Forget about the yellow bounding boxes delimiting compartments. I can spare those.
Some tracking of the broken link you posted brings me to Escher, which appears to be what visbio is now called:
For example see:
Escher is part of Cobrapy:
A software suite to model biological networks.

Crystal select expert

Is it possible to use the Select Expert to generate a filter so my reports only show results when a certain OLE Image is visible.
we currently have three OLE images (shown below)
I want to generate a filter to create a report that only shows one of any particular OLE Image. (just the results that have a red X against it)
Is there a way of differentiating between OLE Images?
If you require any more information I will try and get it as soon as possible. thank you in advance!
Because the images are completely dependent on {PROD_Product.Traffic_Status}, you can just filter the report according to this field. If you wanted to only display the rows with the red X for example, you could just add {PROD_Product.Traffic_Status}=0 to your record selection formula (basically, the inverse of the conditional suppression formula for the images).
In reality, you'll probably just want to create a numerical parameter that contains the choices 0, 1, or 2 to represent the different traffic statuses/images and filter according to that {PROD_Product.Traffic_Status}={?Traffic Status Parameter}