RACI (Resposible,Accountable,Consulted,Informed) matrix - enterprise-architect

How Can create RACI (Resposible,Accountable,Consulted,Informed) matrix in Sparx Enterprise Architect? In visual Paradigm, RACI chart can be created easily, based on lanes and associated activities within them

The image below shows one possible way to do this.
I selected diagram type 'Custom' but I expect you could use many other diagram types if you prefer. I right-clicked on the diagram, selected 'Swim Lanes, Matrix, and Kanban' from the context menu, then used the 'Matrix' option to build the diagram.


Variable driven graph

Is it possible to edit this visual to compare CAMPAIGN and MEDIASITE (Highlighted). They are both dimensions. But essentially I want the visual below to show each dimension separately

How to set the visual size of one component based on another component in the same type?

I am using Dymola. Assuming that I have two components in my model, I want to use the same visual size for the components that share the same type.
So how could I set the visual size of one component according to another one?
I am not planning to use annotation code, cause that could be too much trouble when there are many components?
I think using annotations will be the only way to go. This is where the position and size of a component are determined. The only way that comes to my mind is using parameters to set these positions as (partially) shown below.
model pos_params
parameter Real pos_x1 = -10;
Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant const annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{pos_x1,-10},{10,10}})));
end pos_params;
To get to your result you would need to have some additional parameters in multiple components.
Still, doing this in Dymola will make make the graphical manipulation of size an position of a model cumbersome, as the icon will be set to have zero size.
There is no way around annotations, because they define the graphical representation of components. But you can copy-paste the relevant extent values easily from one component to another using the Annotation window.

Power BI - Multiple Regions and Multiple KPI's all in one View

I am looking for a visual in Power BI that shows a list of regions along with various KPI's all on one visual, so that I can easily compare one region to the next all in one snapshot. In an excel report, the view would resemble list of Regions down the rows, and the various KPI's(red/green/yellow) along the columns. Is there a visual in Power Bi that represents this?
I would use the Table visual for this. Each KPI would be modeled as a Measure, and added to the Values well. Conditional Formatting would be applied to each KPI to set the colors.

Is there a way to copy Legend from one diagram to another?

I have some common legend to be followed across project for all diagrams.
I see no way to copy the Legend from one EA diagram to another.
is there a way out for this ?
I had no issue using Ctrl-C while the legend is selected and using Ctrl-V in the target diagram.

What does box shading mean in Enterprise Architect?

I have imported MySQL database into EA and found that some tables depicted as dimmed rectangles and another ones -- as shaded rectangles:
The majority is dimmed.
What does it mean and how to change?
Looks like either a diagram filter or a visual filter. Switch it off and you should be fine.