How to imput a value in a field to cread a calculation Tableau - tableau-api

I'm creating a dashboard in tableau.
I have a table with a total payment.
And I'd like to know if it's possible to create a imput field to reduce that payment, like a hand imput discount.
i.e. if the total payment is 2000 USD and we want to give a 500 USD disct, create a imput field that recieve the value and discount it.
Also this discount value is somehow discused and not indexed in any database so I cant connect to tableau.

you can try doing a calculated column
Discounted amount = [original_price_col_name] - 500
or Discounted amount = [original_price_col_name] * .20
so the new discounted price will appear in a new column called Discount amount

It would help if you used a Parameter to perform this in a more dynamic and user-friendly way. I have also added a calculation to show how to utilize the parameter.
Create an Integer or Float Parameter
Create a Calculated field to use the parameter in Tableau viz


Tableau Target Vs. Actual - Can not get totals to show correctly

I am having trouble showing the correct totals in my tableau worksheet.
I have supervisors that are part of specific zones that need to complete a certain number of tests in different categories. For example, supervisor 15716 must complete 8 tests in category 1. I need to show the target, which is a number stored in the database and show the actual number of tests in that category that have been completed within a date range. I have it working, but Im not sure if I did it correctly because I can not show any totals.
System target - number stored in database
CountOfSheetID - calculated field
Percent Compliant - calculated field
Try this approach -
First define a calculated field called [Within Date Range?] as
[Date] >= [MyStartDate] AND [Date] <= [LastSelectedDayOfMonth]
and put that new field on the filter shelf, only including data where [Within Date Range?] is True. (You could also just filter the [Date] field if that is flexible enough for you)
The you don't need the CountofSheetId calculated field at all. If you want to know how many records have a non-null value for [SheetID] within your date range, you can simply drop [SheetID] on a shelf and choose to treat it as Measure with the aggregation function COUNT()
Then just build your visualization to show the counts you want (not percentages, the actual counts)
Finally, you can convert counts into Percentages by clicking on the pills for your Measures and choosing Percentage under Quick Table Calcs. You'll want to experiment with the "Compute Using" setting to tell Tableau how to compute your percentages -- i.e. define percentage of "what".
Percentages are implemented as table calcs in Tableau. Read the help to understand table calcs, especially the description of partitioning and addressing.

Tableau calculated column based on another column

The following Tableau calculated field calculates properly for my entire dataset: sum([Total Risk])/sum([TotalACV])
However, there is an additional column called AccountNumber - there are 9000 unique account numbers in my data set and multiple entries per Account Number.
I would like to change the calculation above so it calculates based on the individual AccountNumber, not the entire data set.
{FIXED([AccountNumber]) : ([Account Risk %])}

Tableau table filter for one column only in table

I have a really basic question that I can't figure out. I need to create a table that has multiple calculated fields, but I need only one of the calculated fields to be filtered for a specific dimension value. For example, I have the following data set (dummy data) and I want to create a table that will include total clicks for both companies, but [cost per click] from one company only, company B.
Company| Clicks| $ Cost
Comp A | 100 | $20
Comp B | 200 | $40
TOTAL 300 | $0.13
$0.13 comes from 40/300; $40 from company B and 300 clicks from both company A and B.
How do you create a table that has multiple calculations but with one of those calculations filtered on one dimension value only?
One simple calculated field:
sum(if [Company] = 'B' then [Cost] end )/sum([Click])
This should get you in the right direction.
Based on your question and your comment, you want to divide the cost by the TOTAL number of clicks in your dataset.
Create a calculated field called "TotalClicks" and enter this formula
window_sum(sum([Clicks])) // This formula will sum the clicks field for all rows
Create a calculated field called Cost / Clicks and enter this formula
sum([Cost]) / [TotalClicks]
Add the Cost / Clicks field to the sheet and it should look like this
NOTE: If you need to partition / group your report, you may have to play around with this some. I don't use window functions within tableau very often since I usually handle the aggregation at the datasource level instead.
NOTE: Since you mentioned filtering, I will add this statement -- If you filter out any of your data, that data will not (cannot) be included in any calculated fields (To the best of my knowledge and experience, anyway). If you need to include that data (total clicks), I think the only option is to add that aggregated total to your dataset - otherwise, tableau can't calculate it if you are filtering it out.
Edit2: If you cannot change the underlying dataset, you could accomplish this by creating another datasource and joining it to your inital data source --
Data > Add Datasource, add the datasource again and change the name so you can identify it
Click Data > Edit Relationships. Click Custom and REMOVE any linked fields -- this will essentially produce a Cartesian join (every record in your first DataSource will have every reocrd from your second Datasource)
Select the second datasource and create a calculated field (ClicksTotal_DS2) using the same window_sum function
Select the first datasource and create a calculated field (named Cost / Clicks_DS2) using this formula
sum([Cost])/ [Sheet1 (test) (2)].[ClicksTotal_DS2]
Now you can apply a filter to your first data source, and your second data source will still calculate the total.

Paypal IPN using PHP to get customized Quantity and Amount

I have downloaded the sample paypal IPN script using php and customised with the email for the buyout option and it has also some hidden paramaters such as amount, quantity,return_url, notify_url like this. My main idea is to do the buyout option for the product purchase in my website.The current calculation for the product purchase is as follows:
Item Price:$20
Quantity :10
Total amount $200
I need the calculation to some different way as our site have some static set of quantities and prices, so our point of calculation is as follows:
Item Price:$20
Quantity :10
Total amount:$20
So, the total amount needs to be the same for the given number of quantities.The IPN configuration doesn't allow me to change the quantity field by this way, please suggest some ideas to overcome this issue.
The item price is price per item, the quantity is of course multiplied by the item price. Your second example should have $2 as the --Item-- price. If you want to sell "10 items for $20", I think you will need to make a new item for that combo and just but the actual quantity in a custom field.
If you want to use the same item and paypal's quantity field, I think you need to look into calculating a discount and making that part of the parameters (discount_amount_cart or discount_amount_X for item X I think).

Can you send a full result set to an SQL function?

I am working in Postgres and I need to send in a full result set with many rows and column into a stored procedure or a function. Is this possible? If so, where can I see resources for syntax?
OK this is how I have it set up without being able to send in a result set, it forces me to break out comparison logic and put it in two different spots, however my goal is to keep the actual finding the promotion logic in one place, which I have done here. This may change one day, the comparison logic is less likely to change, it is pretty standard.
Promotion Line Item Logic
-There will be triggers set on INSERT for the promo_objects, promo_buy_objects, and promo_get_objects tables, there will be an UPDATE trigger on the promo table.
-The trigger for the xrefs will call a stored procedure called set_best_product_promos that will decide which promotion is best for that object and it will then save to a new table:
-The trigger for promo will call update_best_product_promos and will send in the promo_id and if active = true it will update the expiration date for that promo else it will delete all entries for that promo
The new table has been added to the promo.sql script, however the triggers and function can not be added until the function is written.
A script will run at midnight every night to delete the entries that have expired.
PSEUDO FOR cart code (application code)
Run the union query just as we are now shown_object_promotions (this gets all available promotions for the item)
Loop through results
if buy_quantity > 0
IF the quantity of the buy item in the cart is greater than or = the buy_quantity (I think c.active_items is the items in the cart)
IF get_quantity > 0
If the get item is in the cart AND it is the item sent into this function (I think c.active_items is the items in the cart)
run the get_best_product_promos function
run comparison logic
run the get_best_product_promos function
run comparison logic
EDIT: So I guess I could dump this cart logic as a stored procedure as well, and then make one for the comparison logic, and boom its all in stored procedures and portable and generic?
PSEUDO FOR set_best_product_promos:
-You will send in the object_id and promo_id
-You will declare all of your variables
-Go ahead an query the end date of the promo
-You will then query the promo_best_product_promos table to see if an entry exists for this product
IF exists:
RUN YOUR UNION QUERY accept this time you will have to explicitly say all the fields you want and what variables to select them into
Then loop through your query
run get_best_product_promos
run comparison logic
Now take those variables you set in the crazy logic and update promo_best_product_promos
insert the object_id, promo_id, and end date (expiration_date) into the promo_best_product_promos table
PSEUDO FOR get_best_product_promos:
If no buy and no get quantities
If discount type = percent
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
calculate the new price for the product and update the estimated unit price
If discount type = dollar
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
calculate the new price for the product and update the estimated unit price
If discount type = price
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
calculate the new price for the product and update the estimated unit price
If discount amount = Free
do nothing
If buy quantity but no get quantity
If discount type = percent
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
If discount type = dollar
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
If discount type = price
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
If discount amount = Free
do nothing
Else (assumes there is both buy and get)
IF the quantity of the buy item in the cart is >= the buy_quantity (I think c.active_items is the items in the cart)
If discount type = percent
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
If discount type = dollar
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
If discount type = price
calculate value of the promotion for this item to compare later
If discount amount = Free
#Use a different var here like in select_cart_promotion - they will always get this promotion
calculate the value of the promotion for these items
do something here to ensure the get product is in the cart
Take a look at cursors.
Postgres user defined functions can be written in many languages
On the formats of input and output parameters for PL/pgSQL you can check the documentation here
Are you sure that you need to pass this to a function? I believe you could structure your functions to avoid this, functions can return tables and get get tables inside of them. If this table of yours is a query/table/view then you can use SQL inside the function to get to it (passing only parameters of other data type); if this table is the result of another function you can call the function to get to the table. What's your scenario?