Tableau table filter for one column only in table - tableau-api

I have a really basic question that I can't figure out. I need to create a table that has multiple calculated fields, but I need only one of the calculated fields to be filtered for a specific dimension value. For example, I have the following data set (dummy data) and I want to create a table that will include total clicks for both companies, but [cost per click] from one company only, company B.
Company| Clicks| $ Cost
Comp A | 100 | $20
Comp B | 200 | $40
TOTAL 300 | $0.13
$0.13 comes from 40/300; $40 from company B and 300 clicks from both company A and B.
How do you create a table that has multiple calculations but with one of those calculations filtered on one dimension value only?

One simple calculated field:
sum(if [Company] = 'B' then [Cost] end )/sum([Click])

This should get you in the right direction.
Based on your question and your comment, you want to divide the cost by the TOTAL number of clicks in your dataset.
Create a calculated field called "TotalClicks" and enter this formula
window_sum(sum([Clicks])) // This formula will sum the clicks field for all rows
Create a calculated field called Cost / Clicks and enter this formula
sum([Cost]) / [TotalClicks]
Add the Cost / Clicks field to the sheet and it should look like this
NOTE: If you need to partition / group your report, you may have to play around with this some. I don't use window functions within tableau very often since I usually handle the aggregation at the datasource level instead.
NOTE: Since you mentioned filtering, I will add this statement -- If you filter out any of your data, that data will not (cannot) be included in any calculated fields (To the best of my knowledge and experience, anyway). If you need to include that data (total clicks), I think the only option is to add that aggregated total to your dataset - otherwise, tableau can't calculate it if you are filtering it out.
Edit2: If you cannot change the underlying dataset, you could accomplish this by creating another datasource and joining it to your inital data source --
Data > Add Datasource, add the datasource again and change the name so you can identify it
Click Data > Edit Relationships. Click Custom and REMOVE any linked fields -- this will essentially produce a Cartesian join (every record in your first DataSource will have every reocrd from your second Datasource)
Select the second datasource and create a calculated field (ClicksTotal_DS2) using the same window_sum function
Select the first datasource and create a calculated field (named Cost / Clicks_DS2) using this formula
sum([Cost])/ [Sheet1 (test) (2)].[ClicksTotal_DS2]
Now you can apply a filter to your first data source, and your second data source will still calculate the total.


Tableau Target Vs. Actual - Can not get totals to show correctly

I am having trouble showing the correct totals in my tableau worksheet.
I have supervisors that are part of specific zones that need to complete a certain number of tests in different categories. For example, supervisor 15716 must complete 8 tests in category 1. I need to show the target, which is a number stored in the database and show the actual number of tests in that category that have been completed within a date range. I have it working, but Im not sure if I did it correctly because I can not show any totals.
System target - number stored in database
CountOfSheetID - calculated field
Percent Compliant - calculated field
Try this approach -
First define a calculated field called [Within Date Range?] as
[Date] >= [MyStartDate] AND [Date] <= [LastSelectedDayOfMonth]
and put that new field on the filter shelf, only including data where [Within Date Range?] is True. (You could also just filter the [Date] field if that is flexible enough for you)
The you don't need the CountofSheetId calculated field at all. If you want to know how many records have a non-null value for [SheetID] within your date range, you can simply drop [SheetID] on a shelf and choose to treat it as Measure with the aggregation function COUNT()
Then just build your visualization to show the counts you want (not percentages, the actual counts)
Finally, you can convert counts into Percentages by clicking on the pills for your Measures and choosing Percentage under Quick Table Calcs. You'll want to experiment with the "Compute Using" setting to tell Tableau how to compute your percentages -- i.e. define percentage of "what".
Percentages are implemented as table calcs in Tableau. Read the help to understand table calcs, especially the description of partitioning and addressing.

How to filter one source by clicking and filtering a bar chart from another source in Tableau?

I used an Apriori algorithm to view the frequent relationships in the dataset and I want to do a dashboard to better visualize this data but I don't know how to do this filter.
This is the bar chart that I created to show the support (amount of times something happend) and the confidence (probability of B happening given A) of these associations:
Apriori Chart
Next to it on the dashboard, I'll have a table with the full dataset used in this Apriori analysis where I have more information such as ID, Income, Hours Worked, etc:
Table from different data source
How can I create this relationship? The two data sources don't have a column in common that I can use for that.
I would need some way to:
Split the values in the antecedents columns by comma and filter only those columns with value equal to 1 in the other dataset
**Dataset A**
'Age Range <=30, Joblevel 1, Maritalstatus Single'
'Age Range <=30'
'Joblevel 1'
'Maritalstatus Single'
**Dataset B**
'Age Range <=30' == 1
'Joblevel 1' == 1
'Maritalstatus Single' == 1
Clicking this would filter the table next to it
Is there any way I can do this in Tableau?
You can download the tbwx i used in this example here
Thanks in advance for the help!
I am not able to check your twbx on the machine I'm using but I think you should be able to do this. The fields in the 2 data sources need to match so manipulate the data sources the make this happen.
For data source 1 there's a function SPLIT which will mean you are able to split the comma separated string to 3 fields.
Putting those 3 fields to the Detail shelf of your bar chart (or even Rows and hiding the header) will mean you can use them in an action filter.
Your second data source is a cross tab - post pivot. You should be able to pivot this data source. Highlight the measures and pivot them. This will give you the field Pivot Field Names and Pivot Field Values.
You only want to keep those with a value of 1 so create a calculated field
[Lookup1]: IF [Pivot Field Values] = 1 THEN [Pivot Field Names] END
Duplicate this field twice so you have Lookup1, Lookup2 and Lookup 3.
Then you should be able to action filter the table.
In the action filter set it up so SplitField1 = Lookup1, SplitField2 = Lookup2, etc.
Fingers crossed this works, I haven't been able to test so I am pulling it out of my head.

Spotfire - Filtering a Table by Values in a Calculated Column

I am trying to filter a table visualization of all of my data by looking to see if a Study Number contains Activity A. If a Study Number contains Activity A then I want to filter for all rows containing those Study Numbers even if the Activity is not A. See mock data below. In my real data set I have ~55,000 rows.
I have created a calculated to return Study Numbers if Activity= A but I am not sure where to go from there. Thanks for any help.
If(UniqueConcatenate([Activity]) OVER ([Study Number])~="A","Y","N")
Will give you this resulting column that you can then filter on (or you can use the formula as a Data Limiting Expression:

can't figure out how to assign column from Dim table to measures group

DW is written in foreign language so i translated it on pictures.
It is about some facility where you can rent rooms and equipment.
In Fact table i have one measure column which represents number of reservations and it works as expected, problem is in DimPayment table i have columns PaymentSum and PaymentSumWDiscount which i would need to use as measures. i tried to do something in calculations tab but i only get null values
I can't figure out how to use columns PaymentSum and PaymentSumWDiscount
as measures
i tried to do something in calculations tab but i only get null values
JOIN the FactReserving table to the DimPayment table in the Data Source View and then you can access those two columns in the Measure group.
It looks like you want to use your Dimension attributes as measure.
One way to achieve this is to make your Dimension table as a Measure Group as well.
The following example works with the AdventureWorks sample to create a measure group for the Product table:
In Visual Studio / SSDT, open your Cube, create a new Measure Group and select your table. (for your scenario, it would be the DimPayment table).
Your dimension usage mapping for this would be 'Fact' as both your fact and dimension are in the same table.
Now, you should be able to use the measures normally.
All the numeric fields automatically added as measures:
Using it as a measure:

Show calculated measure in row?

I'm using Tableau Desktop 9.0 on OSX. I have data (loaded from a local CSV file) that looks like this:
I want a chart that shows the number of items beginning with 0212 as a percentage of all items, for each organisation. (I mean as a percentage of the organisation's items - for example, in the above, I would like to show 0.1 (10/(10+90)) for organisation 142.)
I have been able to get part way there, by adding org to Columns, and SUM(items) to Rows. Then by adding a Wildcard filter on code, for starts with 0212.
This shows me the number of items starting with 0212, by organisation.
But what I don't know how to do is show this divided by the value of all items for the organisation.
Is this possible in Tableau, or do I need to pre-calculate it before loading my data source?
One way is to define a calculated field called matches_code_prefix as:
left(code, 4) = "0212"
You can also define a parameter called, say, code_prefix to avoid hard coding the prefix string:
left(code, 4) = code_prefix
And then show the parameter control for code_prefix to allow the user to interact with it.
If you use this new field as a dimension to separate SUM(items) according to those that match the prefix and those that don't, you can then use a quick table calculation to get the percent of total.
For example, you can place org on the Rows shelf and matches_code_prefix on the Columns shelf, and SUM(items) on the Text shelf to make a table. Then under the analysis menu, turn on grand totals for both rows and columns to see the behavior. Next, right click on SUM(items) and choose Quick Table Calc->Percent of Total. Tableau will display the percents of total in the table.
If you want the percent of total defined differently than the default, then right click on the measure again and set Compute Using to a different value such as matches_code_prefix in your case. It's usually better to set compute using to a specific field.
If you only want to display the value for the matching case, select the column header you don't want to see and choose hide. You can also turn off the grand totals from the analysis menu when you are done.
When you are confident in the values in your table, you can turn it into a bar chart for example by moving matches_code_prefix to the detail shelf and the measure to the Columns shelf.
The above is the drag and drop approach. If you prefer to hard code everything in a single calculated field that is calculated on the database side, you could instead define a calculation such as:
zn(sum(if matches_code_prefix then items end)) / sum(items)
Then set the default number format for that field to display as a percentage