Tableau calculated column based on another column - tableau-api

The following Tableau calculated field calculates properly for my entire dataset: sum([Total Risk])/sum([TotalACV])
However, there is an additional column called AccountNumber - there are 9000 unique account numbers in my data set and multiple entries per Account Number.
I would like to change the calculation above so it calculates based on the individual AccountNumber, not the entire data set.

{FIXED([AccountNumber]) : ([Account Risk %])}


Is there a way of creating a Serial Number based on other inputs on a MS access form?

I have some samples I need to take.
In order to create a good identifier/serial number for the samples, I want it to be a product of its characteristics.
For example, if the sample was taken from India and the temperature was 40 degrees then I would click dropdowns in the form to create those two entries and then a serial number would be spat out in the form "Ind40".
Assuming that your form is bound to a table, you can create a calculated column in the table that concatenates the values from other columns into a single value.
For instance, create a new column and give it a name (for example, SerialNbr). Then for Data Type select "Calculated". An expression builder window will appear:
Enter the columns you'd like to concatenate and separate them with &. Here is an example of how the expression could look:
Left([Country],3) & [Temperature]
This expression takes the first 3 chars from the Country column and combines it with the value from Temperature column to create the value in column SerialNbr. The calculated column will automatically update when values are entered into the other fields. I'd also suggest adding another value to the calculated expression to help avoid duplicates, such as date/time of submission.

Tableau Target Vs. Actual - Can not get totals to show correctly

I am having trouble showing the correct totals in my tableau worksheet.
I have supervisors that are part of specific zones that need to complete a certain number of tests in different categories. For example, supervisor 15716 must complete 8 tests in category 1. I need to show the target, which is a number stored in the database and show the actual number of tests in that category that have been completed within a date range. I have it working, but Im not sure if I did it correctly because I can not show any totals.
System target - number stored in database
CountOfSheetID - calculated field
Percent Compliant - calculated field
Try this approach -
First define a calculated field called [Within Date Range?] as
[Date] >= [MyStartDate] AND [Date] <= [LastSelectedDayOfMonth]
and put that new field on the filter shelf, only including data where [Within Date Range?] is True. (You could also just filter the [Date] field if that is flexible enough for you)
The you don't need the CountofSheetId calculated field at all. If you want to know how many records have a non-null value for [SheetID] within your date range, you can simply drop [SheetID] on a shelf and choose to treat it as Measure with the aggregation function COUNT()
Then just build your visualization to show the counts you want (not percentages, the actual counts)
Finally, you can convert counts into Percentages by clicking on the pills for your Measures and choosing Percentage under Quick Table Calcs. You'll want to experiment with the "Compute Using" setting to tell Tableau how to compute your percentages -- i.e. define percentage of "what".
Percentages are implemented as table calcs in Tableau. Read the help to understand table calcs, especially the description of partitioning and addressing.

Tableau Count Distinct when graphed shows chronological last date, when deduplicated, not first

I'm doing a break fix on a Tableau report visualization that shows the outcomes of clients by client id for a given year by showing a running sum of distinct count of client id or RUNNING_SUM(COUNTD([ID])). The X axis of the visualization is the initial date of contact with the client. Occasionally, due to errors in the data or weird behavior, there are clients that have two initial dates, listed as two separate data rows where the column Initial Date will have different values but they will share an ID.
Currently, the visualization shows such people with their chronological last Initial Date and I need it to dedup such that the visualization shows them as starting from the chronological first Initial Date.
I could create a calculated field for if there are two IDs with multiple non identical Initial Dates then use the first, but I'm not sure how to create a calculated field that can groupby or otherwise check multiple dates per ID.
In Python/psuedo code, it would be something like
For ID in IDS:
if len(groupby.IDS.ID)>1:
then Initial_Date = min(InitialDate)
But I have to do the transformation in Tableau
Keep everything the same, but create a calculated field named "Initial Contact Date" with the calculation:
{FIXED [ID]: MIN(InitialDate)}
Then replace the date field on the X axis (Columns) with this date field instead.
That LOD Expression loops through all rows given the ID, and returns only the min one.

Tableau creating a calculated percentage (non-aggregate) based on an aggregated total

Either I am the first person to ever need to display percentages in Tableau or I do not know what to search for! I highly suspect it is the latter...
I believe what I am attempting to ask is how to make a calculated non-aggregated field by dividing by an aggregated number. Although I would prefer just to be able to display the percentages instead of a whole number.
This is how I would do it in Excel:
The data that already exists is Column A and B. In Tableau these would be non-aggregated. What I need to do in Tableau is to generate what is column C (also non-aggregated) because it does not exist in my data. In excel, all I did to get the aggregate number (total) of column B was:
And for the column C:
But I can't seem to do this at all in Tableau. When I try to use the same syntax, I get an error message: "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function."
Instead of having a calculated field, you can use a Quick Table Calculation on the column.
Right-click the pill of your data > Quick Table Calculation > Percent of Total. This will show the percentages instead. If you want to keep both, just duplicate column b first and then add the table calculation to the new column.

Tableau table filter for one column only in table

I have a really basic question that I can't figure out. I need to create a table that has multiple calculated fields, but I need only one of the calculated fields to be filtered for a specific dimension value. For example, I have the following data set (dummy data) and I want to create a table that will include total clicks for both companies, but [cost per click] from one company only, company B.
Company| Clicks| $ Cost
Comp A | 100 | $20
Comp B | 200 | $40
TOTAL 300 | $0.13
$0.13 comes from 40/300; $40 from company B and 300 clicks from both company A and B.
How do you create a table that has multiple calculations but with one of those calculations filtered on one dimension value only?
One simple calculated field:
sum(if [Company] = 'B' then [Cost] end )/sum([Click])
This should get you in the right direction.
Based on your question and your comment, you want to divide the cost by the TOTAL number of clicks in your dataset.
Create a calculated field called "TotalClicks" and enter this formula
window_sum(sum([Clicks])) // This formula will sum the clicks field for all rows
Create a calculated field called Cost / Clicks and enter this formula
sum([Cost]) / [TotalClicks]
Add the Cost / Clicks field to the sheet and it should look like this
NOTE: If you need to partition / group your report, you may have to play around with this some. I don't use window functions within tableau very often since I usually handle the aggregation at the datasource level instead.
NOTE: Since you mentioned filtering, I will add this statement -- If you filter out any of your data, that data will not (cannot) be included in any calculated fields (To the best of my knowledge and experience, anyway). If you need to include that data (total clicks), I think the only option is to add that aggregated total to your dataset - otherwise, tableau can't calculate it if you are filtering it out.
Edit2: If you cannot change the underlying dataset, you could accomplish this by creating another datasource and joining it to your inital data source --
Data > Add Datasource, add the datasource again and change the name so you can identify it
Click Data > Edit Relationships. Click Custom and REMOVE any linked fields -- this will essentially produce a Cartesian join (every record in your first DataSource will have every reocrd from your second Datasource)
Select the second datasource and create a calculated field (ClicksTotal_DS2) using the same window_sum function
Select the first datasource and create a calculated field (named Cost / Clicks_DS2) using this formula
sum([Cost])/ [Sheet1 (test) (2)].[ClicksTotal_DS2]
Now you can apply a filter to your first data source, and your second data source will still calculate the total.