How to search and replace combined with if & else in powershell - powershell

Every night I got a text file that needs to be edited manually.
The file contains approximately 250 rows. Three example of a rows:
I need to replace the two last values in each row.
All rows ending with ;0;3;3;; should be replaced with ;0;17;18;; (the last one, solved)
The logic for the other two:
If the row contain a '-' it should replace the two last values from ;3;3;; to ;21;21;;
If it don´t have a '-' it should replace the two last values from ;3;3;; to ;22;22;;
This is my script
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem *.*)
(Get-Content $file) -replace ';0;3;3;;',';;0;17;18;;' -replace ';3;3;;',';21;21;;' |Out-file -encoding ASCII $file-new}
If I could add a '-' in the end of each row continga a '-' I could solve the issue with a modified script:
(Get-Content $file) -replace ';0;3;3;;',';;0;17;18;;' -replace ';3;3;;-',';22;22;;' -replace ';3;3;;',';21;21;;'|Out-file -encoding ASCII $file-new}`
But how do I add a '-' in the end of a row, if the row contain a '-'?
Best Regards
I tried with select-string, but I can´t figure it out...
if select-string -pattern '-' {append-text '-'|out-file -encoding ascii $file-new
else end

The following might do the trick, it uses a switch with the -Regex flag to read your files and match lines with regular expressions.
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem *.* -File) {
& {
switch -Regex -File $file.FullName {
# if the line ends with `;3;3;;` but is not preceded by `;0`
'(?<!;0);3;3;;$' {
# if it contains a `-`
if($_.Contains('-')) {
$_ -replace ';3;3;;$', ';21;21;;'
# if it doesn't contain a `-`
$_ -replace ';3;3;;$', ';22;22;;'
# if the line ends with `';0;3;3;;`
';0;3;3;;$' {
$_ -replace ';0;3;3;;$', ';0;17;18;;'
# if none of the above conditions are matched,
# output as is
Default { $_ }
} | Set-Content "$($file.BaseName)-new$($file.Extension)" -Encoding ascii
Using the content example in question the end result would become:


Using Powershell to copy and replace content from one file to another

I have two files: FileA and FileB, they are nearly identical.
Both files have a section which starts with ////////// MAIN \\\\\\\\\\. I need to replace the whole content from this point until the end of the file.
So the process high level looks like:
find content (starting with ////////// MAIN \\\\\\\\\\) until the end of the file in FileA and copy it to clipboard
find content (starting with ////////// MAIN \\\\\\\\\\) until the end of the file in FileB and replace it with the content from the clipboard
How do I do this?
I understand that it would look like this (found it online) but I'm missing the pattern and logic I can use for selecting the text until the end of the file:
# FileA
$inputFileA = "C:\fileA.txt"
# Text to be inserted
$inputFileB = "C:\fileB.txt"
# Output file
$outputFile = "C:\fileC.txt"
# Find where the last </location> tag is
if ((Select-String -Pattern "\</location\>" -Path $inputFileA |
select -last 1) -match ":(\d+):")
$insertPoint = $Matches[1]
# Build up the output from the various parts
Get-Content -Path $inputFileA | select -First $insertPoint | Out-File $outputFile
Get-Content -Path $inputFileB | Out-File $outputFile -Append
Get-Content -Path $inputFileA | select -Skip $insertPoint | Out-File $outputFile -Append
You could do that in two lines of code:
# first write the top part including the '////////// MAIN \\\\\\\\\\' from FileB to the new file
((Get-Content -Path "D:\Test\fileB.txt" -Raw) -split '(?<=/+ MAIN \\+\r?\n)', 2)[0] | Set-Content -Path "D:\Test\fileC.txt" -NoNewline
# then append the bottom part excluding the '////////// MAIN \\\\\\\\\\' from FileA to the new file
((Get-Content -Path "D:\Test\fileA.txt" -Raw) -split '/+ MAIN \\+\r?\n', 2)[-1] | Add-Content -Path "D:\Test\fileC.txt"
Regex details:
(?<= # Assert that the regex below can be matched, with the match ending at this position (positive lookbehind)
/ # Match the character “/” literally
+ # Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
\ MAIN\ # Match the characters “ MAIN ” literally
\\ # Match the character “\” literally
+ # Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
\r # Match a carriage return character
? # Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
\n # Match a line feed character
Or, if the files are quite large:
# first write the top part including the '////////// MAIN \\\\\\\\\\' from FileB to the new file
$copyThis = $true
$content = switch -Regex -File "D:\Test\fileB.txt" {
'/+ MAIN \\+' { $copyThis = $false; $_ ; break}
default { if ($copyThis) { $_ } }
$content | Set-Content -Path "D:\Test\fileC.txt"
# then append the bottom part excluding the '////////// MAIN \\\\\\\\\\' from FileA to the new file
$copyThis = $false
$content = switch -Regex -File "D:\Test\fileA.txt" {
'/+ MAIN \\+' { $copyThis = $true }
default { if ($copyThis) { $_ } }
$content | Add-Content -Path "D:\Test\fileC.txt"

Re-assembling split file names with Powershell

I'm having trouble re-assembling certain filenames (and discarding the rest) from a text file. The filenames are split up (usually on three lines) and there is always a blank line after each filename. I only want to keep filenames that begin with OPEN or FOUR. An example is:
The output I'd like would be:
Thanks for any suggestions!
The following worked for me, you can give it a try.
See for the Regex explanation.
$source = 'fullpath/to/inputfile.txt'
$destination = 'fullpath/to/resultfile.txt'
(Get-Content $source -Raw),
).Value.ForEach({ -join($_ -split '\r?\n').ForEach('Trim') }) |
Out-File $destination
For testing:
$txt = #'
).Value.ForEach({ -join($_ -split '\r?\n').ForEach('Trim') })
Read the file one line at a time and keep concatenating them until you encounter a blank line, at which point you output the concatenated string and repeat until you reach the end of the file:
# this variable will keep track of the partial file names
$fileName = ''
# use a switch to read the file and process each line
switch -Regex -File ('path\to\file.txt') {
# when we see a blank line...
'^\s*$' {
# ... we output it if it starts with the right word
if($s -cmatch '^(OPEN|FOUR)'){ $fileName }
# and then start over
$fileName = ''
default {
# must be a non-blank line, concatenate it to the previous ones
$s += $_
# remember to check and output the last one
if($s -cmatch '^(OPEN|FOUR)'){

Add missing comma to a CSV with Powershell

I have a CSV which I process using powershell where occasionally one or more of the rows will be missing one of the comma delimiters. It will always have 3 columns and the 2nd column is optional.
In the above example I need to add another comma to Row #2
I've been able to determine which row needs to be updated and how change the value, but I'm not sure how overwrite that specific row in the file.
$csvFile = Get-Content "C:\MyFile.csv"
foreach($row in $csvFile) {
$cnt = ($row.ToCharArray() -eq ',').count
if ($cnt -eq 1) {
$row = $row -replace ",",",,"
As Doug Maurer points out, all that is missing from your code is to write the updated $row values back to your input file, using the Set-Content cmdlet.
However, I suggest a different, faster approach, using a switch statement with the -File option and a single -replace operation based on a regex.
$csvFile = 'C:\MyFile.csv'
$newContent =
switch -File $csvFile {
default { $_ -replace '^([^,]+),([^,]+)$', '$1,,$2' }
Set-Content $csvFile -Value $newContent -WhatIf
Note: The -WhatIf common parameter in the command above previews the operation. Remove -WhatIf once you're sure the operation will do what you want.
Note that you may have to use the -Encoding parameter to specify the desired character encoding, which in Windows PowerShell is the active ANSI code page and in PowerShell [Core] v6+ BOM-less UTF-8.
If you wanted to stick with your original approach:
$csvFile = 'C:\MyFile.csv'
$newContent =
foreach ($row in Get-Content $csvFile) {
if (($row.ToCharArray() -eq ',').Count -eq 1) {
$row -replace ',', ',,'
} else {
Set-Content $csvFile -Value $newContent -WhatIf
Note that both approaches collect all (modified) lines in memory as a whole, so as to speed up the operation and also to allow writing back to the input file.
However, it is possible to stream the output, to a different file - i.e. to write the output file line by line - by enclosing the switch statement in & { ... } and piping that to Set-Content. With your Get-Content approach you'd have to use
Get-Content ... | ForEach-Object { ... } | Set-Content instead.

Splitting in Powershell

I want to be able to split some text out of a txtfile:
For example:
Brackets#Release 1.11.6#Path-to-Brackets
I just want to have the "Release 1.11.6" part. I am doing a where-object starts with Brackets but I don't know the full syntax. Here is my code:
"Get-Content -Path thisfile.txt | Where-Object{$_ < IM STUCK HERE > !
You could do this:
((Get-Content thisfile.txt | Where-Object { $_ -match '^Brackets' }) -Split '#')[1]
This uses the -match operator to filter out any lines that don't start with Brackets (the ^ special regex character indicates that what follows must be at the beginning of the line). Then it uses the -Split operator to split those lines on # and then it uses the array index [1] to get the second element of the split (arrays start at 0).
Note that this will throw an error if the split on # doesn't return at least two elements and it assumes that the text you want is always the second of those elements.
$bracketsRelease = Get-Content -path thisfile.txt | foreach-object {
if ( $_ -match 'Brackets#(Release [^#]+)#' )
(select-string -Path file.txt -Pattern 'Brackets#(Release [^#]+)#').Matches[0].Groups[1].value

Find and Replace character only in certain column positions in each line

I'm trying to write a script to find all the periods in the first 11 characters or last 147 characters of each line (lines are fixed width of 193, so I'm attempting to ignore characters 12 through 45).
First I want a script that will just find all the periods from the first or last part of each line, but then if I find them I would like to replace all periods with 0's, but ignore periods on the 12th through 45th line and leaving those in place. It would scan all the *.dat files in the directory and create period free copies in a subfolder. So far I have:
$data = get-content "*.dat"
foreach($line in $data)
Then I run this with > Output.txt then do a select-string Output.txt -pattern ".". As you can see I'm a long ways from my goal as presently my program is mashing all the files together, and I haven't figured out how to do any replacement yet.
Get-Item *.dat |
ForEach-Object {
$file = $_
$_ |
Get-Content |
ForEach-Object {
$beginning = $_.Substring(0,12) -replace '\.','0'
$middle = $_.Substring(12,44)
$end = $_.Substring(45,147) -replace '\.','0'
'{0}{1}{2}' -f $beginning,$middle,$end
} |
Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $OutputDir $file.Name)
You can use the powershell -replace operator to replace the "." with "0". Then use substring as you do to build up the three portions of the string you're interested in to get the updated string. This will output an updated line for each line of your input.
$data = get-content "*.dat"
foreach($line in $data)
($line.SubString(0,12) -replace "\.","0") + $line.SubString(13,34) + ($line.substring(46,147) -replace "\.","0")
Note that the -replace operator performs a regular expression match and the "." is a special regular expression character so you need to escape it with a "\".