Angular 15.1: Selfclosing tags - how to define? - angular15

I have created a component in Angular and I want to use the new feature of selfclosing tags. But when I want use the feature I get
Any ideas how to specify the the component to have the new feature enabled?


How to create dropdown component with search box in ionic framework with react typescript?

Is there any way to customize IonSelect component, or to create some custom component which contains search box inside (on top of) it?
There is one ionic component IonSelectable for angular and this is exactly what I need in react typescript as well.
Here is link to installation and example: for this component. Here is also a link to github repo:
Here is the picture how it looks like, and it is pretty amazing:
Does anyone know if something same/similar already exist for react typescript? Or, is there any one to create/solve this?

How to use the reference component in AEM Template

am having a requirement to use a common content in all the pages. So I decided to use the reference component in AEM. I have created a new page and authored the content. How can this content can be used in the templates, so that it will appear in all pages without re-authoring.
As you are using AEM 6 version, you can utilize the concept of design dialogs in components in static templates. You create a component, add design dialog and choose the fields in the design dialog, which once is authored will reflect in all pages created with that template.
The only activity you have to do while authoring is, you need to add and author the component in a page created with specific template.
If you are using the AEM 6.3 or more, Experience Fragments can be used, you can configure the experience fragment in the template and can be seen across all the pages.
You can use the experience fragment in individual pages as well.

How to implement this multiselect autocomplete react component in Angular?

enter image description hereNeed to implement this multi input textbox as the suggestions will come from the database and the entries need to reflect both from back end to front end as its get entered and from front end to backend.
At the front-end part you can use PrimeNG AutoComplete component. It is input component that provides real-time suggestions when being typed. To enable multiple selection you need to add [multiple]="true", it would look like:
<p-autoComplete [(ngModel)]="texts" [suggestions]="results" [multiple]="true"></p-autoComplete>
To enable two-way binding in angular you need to use [(ngModel)] construction.
Also, you can find some samples using this component at Github

AEM 6.2 How to change template of a page

I have created live copy of a page branch from sample website, inside my website. I was just trying to update the template so that I can create a local copy of the template used with original page and then change the UI. I can see the property with the cq:template and sling:resourceType as component name in development environment(CRXDE Lite). Can anyone suggest if we can update the property to change the template and component or if there any other way to change the template.
You can update cq:template and sling:resourceType on page/jcr:content node with corresponding new values and it would effectively change the template of page.
you might run into errors if code on new page component is expecting a different content than what is currently under your jcr:content.
ps- I dont know what your use case is but this would be very crude approach and should be avoided.

Modify programmatically plugin parameters joomla

I would like to make a plugin that lets you use the google fonts. But I want the user to be able to choose from all fonts available. To do this I cannot use a static xml manifest for the menu but I need to create a updated list of the fonts in real time.
So how can I modify the plugin parameters programmatically? Is it also possible to use javascript to add some behavior to the menus for some ajax work?
You need to create a custom element and add it to the plugin's xml file.
The following doc will let you know how to add custom element to a form.
You just need to change it according to your needs.
This doc is just for example, you should be able to use this exact code, for example, you need not worry about saving the params. Joomla automatically saves the params of any plugin.