How to create dropdown component with search box in ionic framework with react typescript? - ionic-framework

Is there any way to customize IonSelect component, or to create some custom component which contains search box inside (on top of) it?
There is one ionic component IonSelectable for angular and this is exactly what I need in react typescript as well.
Here is link to installation and example: for this component. Here is also a link to github repo:
Here is the picture how it looks like, and it is pretty amazing:
Does anyone know if something same/similar already exist for react typescript? Or, is there any one to create/solve this?


Which is the better way to white-label a flutter app

I have one project that I have to sell to another clients, so I wanna found a way to unify the code to, when I release some updates, I have to manipulate only one code (and, of course, keeping the specificities from each one)
I found an article HERE which the guy creates a new folder named 'config' and set some variables there to be used in the parent project. I tried this but find out that would be very tough to do because the first app was developed specifically by one client, and with it I would need so much time to make all the aspects dynamic... Another problem is firebase, in first app I used firebase but in the second i won't. How to make it possible?
And in this article they say about 'flavours' that can be used to do something similar.
Someone knows about this approaches or there is another to reach my goal? With flavours I will have less re-factor than with config?
I appreciate any help
A third way to do this with no client specific app configuration is to make an api call to get back your client specific theme, and then set the flutter theme based on this.
If you need web support see below:
First update your assets in index.html that aren't white labeled, leaving stubs in their place that we'll fill in later. i.e.
Next show a nice loading indicator while flutter loads. To do this, just put the html for it in the body element of the index.html file.
Finally update the webpage title and favicon using javascript inside Flutter. I used package
universal_html: 2.0.8
then you can update the favicon
import 'package:universal_html/html.dart';
var favicon = document.getElementById('favicon');
Updating the title can be accomplished in various normal ways like just setting the title attribute of a MaterialApp widget.

Should I use a common prefix for my custom widget in flutter?

I am new to flutter and I had a quick look at the style guide but I didn't find anything about a 'common prefix' for a custom widget.
I come from angular where all the components of a package have a common prefix, so it's easier to choose between a library component and the personalized version (e.g. 'dx-button' and 'app-dx-button' where 'app' is my common prefix). This is because Angular uses a prefix that is defined in the file config of the app and is automatically added to the creation of the new component.
Is there something similar for Flutter?
Should I follow this 'prefix' patter?
I don't think there is something similar in Flutter. My custom widgets are manually tagged like this: PROJECTINITIALS_NAMEOFTHECOMPONENT.
For example, my ExtendedFab is called QFExtendedFab and has all the kinds of features that I reuse throughout the app.

How to implement typeahead using ionic without bootstrap

I'm new to Ionic and would like to implement a typeahead for displaying the users list without using Bootstrap and would love if provided with an example .
I was looking for something similar for an ionic app I was building. I can provide a few links that you can look at and choose the most appropriate for your case.
The last link is written is great tutorial written in pure angular. The first two links are projects you need to include in your app and then use them as directives to achieve your goal. Cheers!

TYPO3: Custom options for "insert plugin" in backend

I am learning TYPO3 and extensions, for now, I've created a test extension about image uploading, handling and showing.
I have done the Backend for upload a new image, show a list, and edit image properties (once selected). This part is already implemented and working.
Now I am missing the "include" part, I mean, to insert an image in page via Insert Plugin on BackEnd.
My problem: When I select insert plugin, and I manually select my registered plugin, I want to render there a fluid template with options, image list, and so.
These options are for the user to select an image, a size, and so, for it to be shown in selected page.
I don't know which method have typo3 for showing templates in that part, so I am requesting a hint from where to config a template to be used there by TYPO3.
Note: This is not about asking implementations, just a hint to start and implement it myself.
You should not code that on your own.
I guess you are looking for TCA. In special for your Plugin you are looking for "flexforms". I guess this wiki page can help you get started with some examples.

Wicket DropDown (<select>) like form component that can show images

I'm looking for drop down component that can show images and will hopefully work on most browsers.
There are several extension libraries for wicket, such as wicketstuff-dojo and wiquery. Do any of these have such a component and how well does it integrate into wicket?
As far as I know, there is no ready-to-use wicket extension that does exactly what you want.
I'd recommend using wiquery and writing a custom plugin based on something like Image Dropdown.