How can I solve error dlib on installing python library face_recegnize? - python-3.7

I want to install a python library called Face_recegnize .
But in the dlib part of the library a got an error ("legacy-install-failure") .
I installed dev c++ and cmake. But I cant solve this problem .
Thank you for your attention.


Broken Collaboratory and Failing Missing Package

I keep on getting error message modulenotfounderror, under 1.4 Define Midas Function. Seek anyone's advice and assistance.
Thank you
Importing a library that is not in Collaboratory, i did manually install as per !pip install or !apt-get install.

ViennaRNA package's Perl module is required

I am running a toolkit named RNA Framework that requires ViennaRNA to be installed.
I have installed the ViennaRNA 2.4.14 to run a function named rf-fold, However, I constantly receive this error:
[!] Error: ViennaRNA package's Perl module is required.
Please ensure that `ViennaRNA package v2.2.0` (or greater) is installed and try again
When I check the missing module, I can see it is in this path:
when I check which Perl I am using (type: which Perl) it gives me:
I tried different ways to install the ViennaRNA, including conda install -c bioconda viennarna, compile and make install from ViennaRNA-2.4.14.tar.gz file from the official website. But I cannot get over this error.
I saw a similar issue here and there is a solution (, but I don't fully understand the content. Thanks in advance for any help and sorry if it is a basic question!
I think the come with the package, when you download ViennaRNA-2.4.14.tar.gz and install following this link.
So I found my is in the directory:
And I modified the PERL5LIB environment variable by :
export PERL5LIB=/share/apps/ViennaRNA-2.1.7/compile-install/lib/
Problem solved!

Can not compile hello word program of Swift

I was going to use Swift/t and normally I started to with HELLO WORLD code from the gallery. Unfortunately, I encountered compiling error as follow:
zsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
May you please provide me some hints that may help me to resolve the issue.
This kind of errors (bash/zsh: error while loading shared libraries: ...) appear when you don't have a library installed on your system.
In your case, your missing library is libtinfo, on its version 5. You should be able to search and install it throught your system's package manager.
Just as an example, in Ubuntu you can install it by:
sudo apt install libtinfo5

How to include Scypi in buildroot?

I want to include Scipy package to my buildroot (2016.11.2) for a custom linux embedded board without pip.
I have tried scanpypi but it fails with "Error: Could not install package scipy" message.
I've also included line-profiler package without error.
Thanks for your help

Can Sinatra be used with IronRuby?

I'm trying to install the following ruby gem on my mac:
I get the following message:
michael-rosarios-macbook:bin michaelrosario1$ mono ir.exe igem sinatra
ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
Unknown command sinatra
michael-rosarios-macbook:bin michaelrosario1$
Can someone more familiar with Ruby/IronRuby help me out?
It appears that I had missed an argument installing sinatra:
michael-rosarios-macbook:bin michaelrosario1$ mono ir.exe igem install sinatra
Successfully installed rack-1.0.0
Successfully installed sinatra-0.9.4
2 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for rack-1.0.0...
Installing ri documentation for sinatra-0.9.4...
Installing RDoc documentation for rack-1.0.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for sinatra-0.9.4...
I'm now experiencing issues with writing a "hello world" example using Sinatra. This is probably related to Shay's comment. Any other thoughts!?
First thing - I'm not familiar with mono, but on Windows I would execute "igem sinatra" without ir before that. Maybe that's the problem?
Anyways, if you're having troubles installing the gem using igem, try MRI gem installer instead.
After that you'll be able to use it via IronRuby with a tiny tweak.
On your ruby file add the next line:
$LOAD_PATH << path_to_mri_gems_folder
where path_to_mri_gems_folder would be the full path to the MRI gems folder.
After this line require sinatra.
There is also a patch of the IronRuby team for Sinatra, I'm not sure if it's still needed: