How to add background text with a VsCode extension like GitLens? - visual-studio-code

I'm trying to add background text like how GitLens does for an extension I'm creating. Is there an API, or function I can use to push text onto the editor?


VSCode Extension button over editor

I want to create a button that is placed over my text editor like the "Add configuration..." button. I could not find any documentation in the oficial docs.
This is what I want to accomplish but with custom text when my extension is actived. Or at least create a new bar over the panel so I can place my button there.

How to add custom icons in editor action toolbar

I want to add a custom icon on the editor action toolbar in vs code, which would be a link to a command. The icon should be visible alongside the file when any file is open on vscode. How to add the custom icon? Any leads would be helpful
Add your custom command inside package.json under "editor/title" and "command". For more details check the following links:
Editor Action
Contribution point

Displaying same document in editor twice with different text decorations

I'm currently developing a vscode extension that highlights snippets of text in specific colors. In order to do that I am creating a TextEditorDecorationType with the color and use setDecoration (TextEditor) on the active text editor.
Now I would like to compare two different colors on the same snippet with each other. Therefore I want to have the editor split in half showing the text document twice, on the left side with the old decoration and on the right side with the new decoration, similar to the git source control:
I figured if it is possible in the source control it should be possible anywhere.
Currently I open a second text editor with the same TextDocument and add the new TextEditorDecorationType to it, yet instead I would like to do it as shown above.
I cannot figure out how to split the editor like that displaying the same content twice.

How to replace VSCode terminal icon with custom icon?

as I stated in the title. I want to add custom icon to icon in terminal in VSCode.
I want to upload my own icons where I show in the picture below. Also I want it to stay the same every time I open it. How can I do it?
I also wanted it. Unfortunately VSCode doesn't have this feature. You should open a new issue on and ask this new feature.

VSCode extension add a input in activityBar

I want to add a custom form (text input, submit button) to the activityBar
just like the search
how is this possible with vscode extension api