VSCode extension add a input in activityBar - visual-studio-code

I want to add a custom form (text input, submit button) to the activityBar
just like the search
how is this possible with vscode extension api


How to add background text with a VsCode extension like GitLens?

I'm trying to add background text like how GitLens does for an extension I'm creating. Is there an API, or function I can use to push text onto the editor?

VSCode Extension button over editor

I want to create a button that is placed over my text editor like the "Add configuration..." button. I could not find any documentation in the oficial docs.
This is what I want to accomplish but with custom text when my extension is actived. Or at least create a new bar over the panel so I can place my button there.

VSCode extension development: how to insert component into TextEditor

Is there an API for VSCode that will allow me to insert a component into TextEditor?
For example, the built-in minimap in the figure below.
Suppose I've developd a custom minimap (in the form of an HTML fragment, or whatever), how do I insert it into the existing TextEditor instead of developing a CustomEditor?

How to add custom icons in editor action toolbar

I want to add a custom icon on the editor action toolbar in vs code, which would be a link to a command. The icon should be visible alongside the file when any file is open on vscode. How to add the custom icon? Any leads would be helpful
Add your custom command inside package.json under "editor/title" and "command". For more details check the following links:
Editor Action
Contribution point

Custom vscode extension - how to react on text changes in editor (not file - before save)

I am developing my custom vscode extension and for now I have several commands triggered by right click context menu.
Now I would like to add possibility for user, who doesn't like clicks just to write code and display context menu during writing.
Or just react base on typed text (like snippets, but instead of autocomplete, just run my custom command)
So flow is following:
User starts to type 'fooC'
option a) Some listener subscribe and run command FooCommand.
option b) List of available commands is displayed (like context menu during writing)
Is it possible with vscode API ? Do you have any ideas or workarounds ?