When I'm looking at my board, I don't see items in the New column :
It's only when I click the Show more Items link :
— I get to see the items :
Why is it happening and how can I see the items on the page load without clicking the link?
We've created a new work item type called "Improvement", but found that it does not show in any board or backlog - only search. After some digging in settings, I found this:
Can you really not add new work item types and get them into your workflow along side the default types?
In this page, hover with the mouse on the work item level you want to include your custom item and click "Edit":
In the screen that opens you can add the custom work item.
In Jira you can simply copy the URL of a work item to link to it, send it to someone on slack or whatever. Super handy.
In VSTS it doesn't look like that's possible, the URL doesn't change based on the work item selected.
The best I could do was copy the little link on the top left which goes to the work items edit screen but what I'd really like is a link which goes to the work item popup with the sprint wall in the background
You can copy the link to the work item by right-clicking, copy link location from just about any work item grid and board.
You can copy the work item link from the Edit view by right-clicking the WORK ITEM TYPE #123 and selecting "copy link address"
There is no link which will directly open the backlog view or board view with the work item in edit mode.
I would like to set up links though my site to make it easier to type long urls to external sites, How would I set up CMS Made Simple to link from one internal URL to a exteral one IE mydomain.com/fb to facebook.com/mycompany/ ?
In your (V1.x) admin area, try:
Content > Pages > Add new content
Content type: Redirecting link
Options tab:
Page alias: "fb"
If you don't want it to show in menu untick "Show in menu"
Main tab:
Fill in title and menu
In URL: "facebook.com/mycompany/"
That should do it.
To redirect to an external URL (or even content within your domain that is not managed by CMSMS), you can use the Content Type "Redirecting Link".
Since maidbloke already covered CMSMS 1.x, I'll cover CMSMS 2.x.
Creating the Redirecting Link
Start at the CMSMS admin area's "Home" page (the default page loaded in the admin area).
Under the "Content" item, click the "Content Manager" subitem. You could also, instead, open the "Content" menu on the left by clicking "Content" in the left hand menu, and then click the "Content Manager" subitem.
Click "Add New Content" in the upper left of the Content Manager area.
In the "Main" tab, change the Content Type to "Redirecting Link".
Fill in the "Title" field.
Fill in the "URL" field (something like "https://www.facebook.com/mycompany" without quotes).
Click on the "Navigation" tab.
Fill in the "Menu Text" field.
If you don't want the link to show in your menus, uncheck the "Show in Menu" option.
If you set the "Title" to something other than "fb"...
Click on the "Options" tab.
Fill in the "Alias" field with "fb".
At the top of this page, click the "Submit" button to save your new content.
Now the redirecting link is set up! Next, we'll cover how to use it.
Using the Redirecting Link
There are a few ways you can use it.
Without MicroTiny
If you're not using MicroTiny or some other WYSIWYG editor:
A. You can use raw HTML:
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
B. You can use the cms_selflink tag:
{cms_selflink page="fb" text="Our Facebook Page"}
You can still use this method from within MicroTiny as well.
With MicroTiny
If you're using MicroTiny:
C. You can insert a CMSMS page link:
Click the "Insert" menu.
Click "Link to CMSMS Page".
Fill out the "Enter Page title" field with the value you used when you created the Redirecting Link (Creating the Redirecting Link, Step 5).
Fill out the "Text to display" field.
Click the "Ok" button.
There is also a button in MicroTiny toolbar that can be used to replace steps 1 and 2.
D. You can insert a regular link:
Click the "Insert" menu.
Click "Insert/edit link".
Fill in the "Url" field, probably with one of the URLs shown in option A.
Fill in the "Text to display" field.
Fill in the "Title" field.
Click the "Ok" button.
There is also a button in MicroTiny toolbar that can be used to replace steps 1 and 2. You could also press the Control and K keys together to insert a regular link.
I have to select leads while scheduling a meeting in the "related to" field. A popup is generated when I click the "arrow mark" icon. The results fetched after clicking on submit button are not matching the filters used.
When I navigate to second page, I have seen that checkbox queries are getting applied, for instance, checkbox1=0&checkbox2=0&checkbox3=0 is getting appended to the url.
I would like to remove this extra checkbox related query from the url so that my search works properly. Please provide guidance.
Thanks in advance!
The solution is probably not unique to Concrete5 CMS, but I need to build a page with a list of items. Each item would link to a detail page of that item showing a full text description.
Each item on the initial summary page would have the first few lines of the detail page description and a "more" link.
Does anyone know how I could go about doing this in C5?
This is a very common thing to do with Concrete5, and there is a built-in block to handle it -- it's called "Page List".
Note that out-of-the-box, this block doesn't show the first few lines of each page's content, but rather shows the "description" field as entered when creating the page (or editing the page's properties). But I have a free addon available in the marketplace called "Page List Teasers" -- http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/page-list-teasers -- which adds this functionality to the built-in Page List block.
You can also check out the blog views of the page list - they show how to display an area from another page with all the content blocks they contain, and how to display attributes. You could make a rich text attribute called description then display that as you loop through the list of pages.