Concrete 5 summary detail page - content-management-system

The solution is probably not unique to Concrete5 CMS, but I need to build a page with a list of items. Each item would link to a detail page of that item showing a full text description.
Each item on the initial summary page would have the first few lines of the detail page description and a "more" link.
Does anyone know how I could go about doing this in C5?

This is a very common thing to do with Concrete5, and there is a built-in block to handle it -- it's called "Page List".
Note that out-of-the-box, this block doesn't show the first few lines of each page's content, but rather shows the "description" field as entered when creating the page (or editing the page's properties). But I have a free addon available in the marketplace called "Page List Teasers" -- -- which adds this functionality to the built-in Page List block.

You can also check out the blog views of the page list - they show how to display an area from another page with all the content blocks they contain, and how to display attributes. You could make a rich text attribute called description then display that as you loop through the list of pages.


Displaying the wiki content dynamically beside each image

I want to display images of 10 people on my dashboard, when i hover the image dynamically it needs to display a wiki page to the side of each image related to that person, how do i achieve this in tableau?
Here are the steps after you have a dashboard with your people on one of the charts. My example uses the pesticide list from the most recent #makeovermonday.
In your dashboard, drag the web page object in.
Click the option dropdown of that new object and click Add URL Action.
In the popup place the main portion of your wikipedia url in the box and select your people field which will become the dynamic portion of the URL. Mine is pesticides.
Change Run action on to Hover
Now when you hover on your main chart it will update the web page object with the person hovered on. I just hovered on Atrazine in this image
You will probably have to update your people names to make sure they match wikipedia's url.

How to add a search field on top of the master-detail(SplitContainer) without damage the navigation?

My requirement is as the title. Basically there are three parts: Search Page, Master Page and Detail Page.
I want to include all of these pages into one page and make them navigable. I considered Splitter layout but it could loose the navigation?
Any ideas??
Best regards,
I think this is a common requirement. I would suggest a full-screen layout, having a search bar and a result list on the landing/first page. From there, when a list item is clicked upon, you can navigate to the detail page.

sharepoint online, set edit item view as default instead new item view

I am working in a small SharePoint project to let school students pre-order the lunch online.
the main idea is the student can login to a school site, fill an order form.
I try use a list form to do it, just simply put a InfoPath form as web part on the home page.
When students open the site, he can fill the order form directly.
but the problem is the default view of this web part is always the new item form. so when a student already make the order, then login to site again,
how can I let him see his order and edit it instead a new order form.
another way may be use the form library, but i don't know how can i transfer the filed from the form to a list. because at last we still need a list instead a bunch of documents to get the summary of order.
Thank you for help.
Perhaps you can use a custom list and show that on the homepage?
A 'custom list' by default only has a title column but by adding more columns through the list settings you automatically add form fields on its new item form.
Since you are creating an order form you might want to hide the title column. Go to the settings of the list, then advanced settings, allow editing of content types. Then back in the list settings click the 'item' content type, then the title column then click the radio button for hidden.

Umbraco 7 lists

I am new to Umbraco, and am trying to get to grips with its concepts, in particular how to create lists. For example, you might want a news listing that appears on a page as a list of headlines with mouseover extra content, but you don't want to be able to click on an item and open a full page, it's just there as a list.
You could create a repeating grid of content on the page itself, but that could become unwieldy.
It looks like (correct me if I am wrong) the Umbraco way is to create a parent page, and each news item to be a child page, which can be edited individually, and use a partial view to list them on the required page.
Is this the recommended approach?
If so, two questions :
How do I exclude these news 'phantom' pages from the main navigation - I understand I could set a true/false property on the page with alias umbracoNaviHide and tick this (which excludes it from 'visible' in the queries)
If so, how do I prevent direct access to the news page by its url (the umbracoNaviHide does not prevent the page opening)
Presumably these news pages would show in the back end main view as they would be descendants of the home page?
Any advice welcome!
You can use a Content Repository to hold content objects that won't be pages in your application.
Use following steps:
Step 1: Create the root content repository document type
Go to your backend to the Settings section. Under Document Types create a new type and give it the name Content Elements. After creating this make sure to check the checkbox of Allow at root in order to add this element to your root in the Content section.
Step 2: Add your newly created document type to the root of the content
Go to the Content section and choose to add a new item directly under content ( select the three dots next to Content ).
Select your Content Elements item, give it a name and click save.
Step 3: Remove the checkbox allow at root
You only want to add one Content Reposity item to your root where you will place all items like news, jobs, locations,...
Go to the settings of the Content Elements document type and remove the checkbox of Allow at root.
Step 4: Create a child repository for each type
Using your example I will now create a News document type which will be a child item of the Content Elements repository.
Go to the Document Types under Setting in your backend and choose to add a new document type. Give it a name News and choose save.
In the settings of the Content Elements check the checkbox of the newly created News item to allow as a child.
Step 5: Add the news list in your content
In the content section choose to add a new item under the Content Elements using the three dots.
Select the News item, give it a name and choose save.
Step 6: Create a new document for the news item
One more item is a NewsItem which will hold the properties/information of the item.
Using the same steps of 4 you can easly add this. Be aware that now you have to go to the News item where you will add a check to the NewsItem checkbox to allow as a child.
Also now define some properties of the newsitem.
Step 7: Add newsitems in the content
Using the same steps from 5 you can now add items in the news list.
Step 8: How to place a content element on to your page
If you have created a page you can add a property with a ContentPicker datatype which can be used to select a item from the Content Elements repository. Or using partial views you can create a list from the News to get all items.
Hope this helps!

How do I create an "iframe popup" when I hover over an <a> tag?

Here is the scenario: a User will see a list of company names, each wrapped in an tag. He is able to see dynamic information and as he hover over each name and then make a request.
So Given a list of companies, each wrapped in an tag.
When the cursor hovers over an tag
Then a "pop-up" appears that contains an -based, dynamic content.
Given the pop-up
When the User clicks on the "submit" button in the pop-up
Then the form (based on the framework" is submitted and ajax displays "request succesful"
So, because I am using a php-framework, I'd like to use iframe to contain the form.
Some challenges:
When the cursor is no longer hovering over the tag, the hover disappears. How do I keep it operating?
How do I make it appear in an so I can have full form-submission and POST-ing dynamic values through the URL?
How do the "popup" disappear when the cursor is no longer on either the -tag or the pop-up itself?
Can I do it without loading a bunch of 's onto the page, because the list of companies could be long.
for an example: hover over one of the link.
jQuery with the clueTip plugin is something I have used for this in the past.