Error: Importing variables from t3's .env file - prisma

I am trying to run app. so I installed pgsql and then cloned And I run like this
yarn workspace #calcom/prisma db-deploy
than I got error
t first, I didn't have the .env file in any of my project folders, then I added it with the link to the database url, still not working.


Unable to save file in VS code

I have Docker env setup and I have just installed some new files related to playwright testing and there is tests folder and other configurations files when I save I got following error in vs code:
And below is directory and I have another tests folder under frontend like: /tests/frontend/tests
How I can save these folder and files?

Copy issues using vscode

I downloaded a document “initializr”. I created a directory Git-Class on Desktop. I get into Git-Class and I’m trying to copy initializr from the Download directory to past it where I am in Git-Class using vscode on my Mac by running “ cp -r initializr /users/administrator/Downloads .” I keep getting the “No such file or directory and on the directory’s name and on the path’s name. However when I run the “ls” command in Git-Class it will show nothing and when I run the copy command again “ls” will show the “Downloads directory” instead of just “initializr” that I’m looking for and that’s in “Downloads”

how can i fix vercel path error when deploying

My project works on local , but i try to deploy to vercel, i got this error Module not found: Can't resolve '../artifacts/contracts/Cartoonz.json' in '/vercel/path0/utils';
Here is my utils/interact.js
my path already exist on const contract, right ?
You have to run vercel from a directory that contains the assets folder, because the parent directories won't be uploaded to vercel.
Can you please post a screenshot of your folder structure, and tell us where you run the vercel command?

Failed to load asset at "assets/dotenv.develop" in flutter web

I am using .env file in flutter web.
Everything is OK when I run my project, locally on chrome and build apk.
But when I run my project in azure pipeline to deploy my flutter web, I get these errors:
GET https://***.net/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf 404 (Not Found)
GET https://***.net/assets/.env.develop 404 (Not Found)
I tried running my project without .env file and everything was OK.
Also, I removed dot from the start of file name, from ".env" to "dotenv".
I added the file into the assets directory and include the file in the pubspec.yaml.
But didn't solve my issue.
Don't use .env as name for config file, use a name without "." Eg: dotenv
Here is the issue

PyCharm Docker Deployment "[Errno 2] No such file or directory"

I've set up the Docker Deployment plugin on PyCharm, however, on hitting play, the Deploy log shows a failure with:
Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'environments/dev/requirements.txt'
I assume that this has something to do with the docker build context that is part of the Docker Deployment plugin. I've confirmed that there is in fact a requirements.txt file in the environments/dev/ directory inside the root of my PyCharm project. Does anyone know how to specify the docker build context/path in PyCharm or the Docker Deployment plugin?
By adding RUN ls -l to the Dockerfile, I was able to deduce that the plugin is running from the same directory as the Dockerfile. Still looking for a way to specify the build path if it's at all possible.
My current solution to this problem is to move the Dockerfile to the root directory of my PyCharm project so that when ADD . /var/app is run, it copies over the correct files. As I mentioned in the "UPDATE", the PyCharm plugin uses the directory the Dockerfile is run from as the build context/path.
Would still like to be able to specify the build path, but this may be the best solution given the limitations of the plugin.