Unable to save file in VS code - visual-studio-code

I have Docker env setup and I have just installed some new files related to playwright testing and there is tests folder and other configurations files when I save I got following error in vs code:
And below is directory and I have another tests folder under frontend like: /tests/frontend/tests
How I can save these folder and files?


Error: Importing variables from t3's .env file

I am trying to run Calc.com app. so I installed pgsql and then cloned calc.com And I run like this
yarn workspace #calcom/prisma db-deploy
than I got error
t first, I didn't have the .env file in any of my project folders, then I added it with the link to the database url, still not working.

Copy issues using vscode

I downloaded a document “initializr”. I created a directory Git-Class on Desktop. I get into Git-Class and I’m trying to copy initializr from the Download directory to past it where I am in Git-Class using vscode on my Mac by running “ cp -r initializr /users/administrator/Downloads .” I keep getting the “No such file or directory and on the directory’s name and on the path’s name. However when I run the “ls” command in Git-Class it will show nothing and when I run the copy command again “ls” will show the “Downloads directory” instead of just “initializr” that I’m looking for and that’s in “Downloads”

Failed to load asset at "assets/dotenv.develop" in flutter web

I am using .env file in flutter web.
Everything is OK when I run my project, locally on chrome and build apk.
But when I run my project in azure pipeline to deploy my flutter web, I get these errors:
GET https://***.net/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf 404 (Not Found)
GET https://***.net/assets/.env.develop 404 (Not Found)
I tried running my project without .env file and everything was OK.
Also, I removed dot from the start of file name, from ".env" to "dotenv".
I added the file into the assets directory and include the file in the pubspec.yaml.
But didn't solve my issue.
Don't use .env as name for config file, use a name without "." Eg: dotenv
Here is the issue https://github.com/java-james/flutter_dotenv/issues/28

VS Code don't load the user-data

My problem is that the portable version of visual studio code don't load my settings I had copied from the folder %APPDATA%/code/user.
I loaded the .zip data and extracted the folder. I added a data folder into the extracted folder of VS Code. It's in Visual Studio Code\data. In there i copied the folder "user" from %APPDATA%/code/ and renamed the user folder into "user-data". Then I started code and the usersettings are not loaded.
The command .\code.exe --user-directory .\data\user-data won't work.
Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
In portable mode, the --user-directory command linte option is ignored.
From the documentation:
--user-data-dir <dir>
Specifies the directory that user data is kept in, useful when running as root. Has no effect in Portable Mode.
Instead, use the default location of user data for a portable install and copy your user data to that directory (from a previous comment it seems like you've already done so successfuly).
For anyone wishing to use a different user data directory when in portable mode, symlink-ing the user data folder should be a viable option if on a linux-like platform.
(Trivia: this was at first reported as bug, after which the documentation was updated, rather making it a feature.)
You can simply create a folder called data in the root folder with
VS Code.
After the startup, the files with standard settings will be
created in the data folder.
Then you can just copy the settings from the folder %AppData%\Code\User to the folder data\user-data\User.
To migrate already installed extensions, copy the contents of the %HomePath%\.vscode\extensions folder to the data\extensions folder.

Pack a Zend Framework app and deploy it on Zend Server

I created a small Zend Framework application from command prompt using Zend_Tool.
I deployed it in apache server htdocs folder and it is running fine.
Now I need to deploy it to Zend Server. For that i used a command zdpack pack appname.
While trying that i am getting lot of errors like
deployment.xml is missing
I created it in the app root folder.
Then i got
appnaama/data folder is missing error
I created a data folder.
zend-scripts missing
Please help me in deploying an applicaiton created from zf create project projname in Zend server and run it in the browser.
You need to come out of the directory when calling zdpack pack command. If you pack the file inside the project directory you get the "deployment.xml is missing" error.
Pass the following commands at the location where you are creating the
zpk file. For illustration, I will be doing it in the myapp folder of my desktop.
C:\Users\lura\Desktop\myapp> zdpack.exe create demoapp
Move into the directory using cd demoapp and list the directory. Copy your php codes into the data folder. The scripts folder and deployment.xml file can be left as it is. Next run the validate command when inside the directory.
C:\Users\lura\Desktop\myapp\demoapp> zdpack.exe validate --schema="C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\ZendServer\share\deployment.xsd" deployment.xml
now you can move a folder back with the command cd .. and execute the following.
C:\Users\lura\Desktop\myapp>zdpack pack demoapp
That's it! The zpk file is created! A screenshot of my cmd.
This YouTube tutorial will help, if your still confused. To execute on Linux and for more info read this documentation from zend.
You are using zdpack command wrong!
Step 1: Open shell and ls or cd into the zend workspace.
Step 2: use "zdpack create <ProjectName>" command. It will create deployment.xml, data and script directories. Refresh project explorer you will see changes.
Step 3: Configure deployment.xml if needed.
Step 4: Use "zdpack pack <ProjectName>" command to create zpk file.
That's all.
I think you just pass incorrect path to the app.
Try following this scheme:
zdpack pack <path>/ProjectName
to generate required files.
Step 1: Create skeleton from the zend server zdpack command
#/usr/local/zend/bin/zdpack create <project-name>
It will create project skeleton.
Step 2: Configure deployment.xml if needed.After that check your Deployment.xml is valid.
# /usr/local/zend/bin/zdpack validate --schema="/usr/local/zend/share/deployment.xsd" deployment.xml
Step 3: Now create the zpk file for the aplication
# /usr/local/zend/bin/zdpack pack <project-name>