My project works on local , but i try to deploy to vercel, i got this error Module not found: Can't resolve '../artifacts/contracts/Cartoonz.json' in '/vercel/path0/utils';
Here is my utils/interact.js
my path already exist on const contract, right ?
You have to run vercel from a directory that contains the assets folder, because the parent directories won't be uploaded to vercel.
Can you please post a screenshot of your folder structure, and tell us where you run the vercel command?
I am trying to run app. so I installed pgsql and then cloned And I run like this
yarn workspace #calcom/prisma db-deploy
than I got error
t first, I didn't have the .env file in any of my project folders, then I added it with the link to the database url, still not working.
I have update my already deployed flutter project and deployed it again in firebase . It shows the deployment is complete ,but my hosted url leads me to a firebase documentation page like below :
I intially typed:
firebase init
firebase deploy
The url was working fine when I deployed it for the first time . I
made some updation on my project and tried to deployed it again .What can I do now ?
this is my firebase.json:
I have solved the issue , I shouldn't have overwrite the index.html .Overwriting index.html will produce a default index.html which is created by firebase .So when they ask File build/web/index.html already exists. Overwrite? No should be given .
As I see your in image,it shows your build/web folder contains only 2 files in the folder. This is mostly happens if the deployment path incorrect.
Follow the steps to sovle the issue
Enter firebase init. After running this command it will show the parent folder path of your project as in the below image.
After that select Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting and (optionally) set up GitHub Action deploys this future to host.
And then hit enter button
This will show you the public directory of your project as below
After that enter your public directory as build/web.
If you do all the above steps correctly while deploying the code, your build/web will contains around more than 70 files as the below image
I hope this will solve your issue
I am using .env file in flutter web.
Everything is OK when I run my project, locally on chrome and build apk.
But when I run my project in azure pipeline to deploy my flutter web, I get these errors:
GET https://***.net/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf 404 (Not Found)
GET https://***.net/assets/.env.develop 404 (Not Found)
I tried running my project without .env file and everything was OK.
Also, I removed dot from the start of file name, from ".env" to "dotenv".
I added the file into the assets directory and include the file in the pubspec.yaml.
But didn't solve my issue.
Don't use .env as name for config file, use a name without "." Eg: dotenv
Here is the issue
On trying to run the server with 'parcel index.js':
Server running at http://localhost:1234 🚨 No entries found.
at Bundler.bundle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/parcel-bundler/src/Bundler.js:275:17)
Server is showing a 404 error. I'm having the same problem with all my projects, so I feel like this is a global issue. Everything was working fine on all projects and suddenly this is occurring.
already tried:
uninstalling parcel-bundler and reinstalling (globally + locally)
Simple mistake, was using "parcel index.js" when I should have been using "parcel index.html"
As above check the directory from which you are working i was inside src and running src/parcel index.html it should be parcel index.html
Mine was typing parcel /src/index.html instead of parcel src/index.html. Spent 20 minutes on this.......
Maybe you are running parcel in a subfile of a project, so you need to add the path relative to the root directory,my path is parcel Navigation-webpage/index.html
My mistake on windows was that I used parcel src/index.html instead of parcel src\index.html
npm i #parcel/transformer-sass
And update parcel bundler .
npm i parcel
Make sure you've got all your filenames in the explorer view spelled correctly. That was my solution to this problem.
I meet the same error.
And please check json file:
"source" : "src/index.html"
It's source instead of main.
I fixed this error by discovering my mistake at first
when I created the project main folder and then created the /src folder by mistake I created the index.html in the main folder, not inside the /src folder
and when I do npm run dev I get this error
Build failed.unknown: Entry Error
So to fix that I moved the files [index.html - main.scss - widget.js] to the src folder, So now it looks like this
enter image description here
And it works
Important hint here because it happened to me too: after you move the
files and try again with "npm run dev" you will get an error and the
reason why is that you need first to change all the directories of the
imported files in the [index.html], like main.css app.js and the
images too before running parcel again.
Everytime I upload a package on my QA server via Package Manager, it keeps loading it for a long time and then throws an error saying "package file parameter missing"
The error logs show absolutely no activity regarding the package.
This happens for both code packages (/apps/...) and content packages (/content/...)
Make sure your server has a tmp (linux) or temp (windows) folder accessible to the AEM process with full permission. This error occurs when the aem process cannot find the temp folder which it uses to temporarily store packages when they are being uploaded.