Looking for a hex editor with highlighting/annotation tools to make reverse engineering easier to document [closed] - annotations

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Closed 3 days ago.
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I just want to highlight Hex code for documentation purposes. I mostly use WinHex for binary analysis, but pasting hex into word and reformatting before I can annotate code is a pain.
VS code has several highlighting extensions, but they don't work in tandem with hex editor plugins.
Has anyone found a good hex viewer with highlighting functionality? I don't need any additional edit/decoding functionality as WinHex serves all of my other needs nicely.
I'm looking for programs on any OS.
Ideally the UI shows memory address, hex code, and ASCII decoding.
Any Suggestions?


Any links on creating presentation in windbg [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The one and only Sasha's tweet below shows that presentations can be created using windbg.
Anyone knows how to do that?
PS: I know Sasha is on stackoverflow, so may be he can answer this question :)
"Presentation" is somewhat of an exaggeration. What you meant to ask is "how to format output in WinDbg?"
To this the answer is "using DML".
Whether you use .printf or send output to the debugger using OutputDebugString, you can use Debugger Markup Language (DML) to output use colors, links etc.
The tag reference is located in the page Customizing Debugger Output Using DML.
"Drawing" using monospace text is your business, however. WinDbg has no facilities to help you with that as far as I know.

Unicode sample text file for testing for Unicode related problems? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking for a sample text unicode file (UTF-8) that can be used for testing different problems related with text encoding and decoding including:
low ascii character usage, like first 32 codes
characters outside BMP
NFC related issues
XML encoding/decoding issues
Mainly I want to copy the text into clipboard, paste it in an HTML text-area of the application, and be able to retrieve it from a page after.
This would enable to identify different Unicode related problems that could occur at decoding, encoding or even database level.
This page has been used to test web browsers, with texts in several scripts: https://www.kermitproject.org/utf8.html
The Gothic entry for "I can eat glass" in particular is outside of BMP: 𐌼𐌰𐌲 πŒ²πŒ»πŒ΄πƒ πŒΉΜˆπ„πŒ°πŒ½, 𐌽𐌹 πŒΌπŒΉπƒ π…πŒΏ 𐌽𐌳𐌰𐌽 πŒ±π‚πŒΉπŒ²πŒ²πŒΉπŒΈ.
Normalization forms and XML processing are usually not problematic when moving data around, so there are no common samples that test those two in particular.

Books about charset and encoding? [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I want to learn complete and authoritative knowledge about charset and encoding.
That's better that it can provide:
the orgin,
the history,
the standards of charset/encoding,
and also include some specific application/support fields,
such as
languages(java, c/c++, javascript, flash..),
web(html, http..),
database(db encoding, collation, IBM codepage...),
Who can give a book list about that.
so long to find this book.
The best one which I found on the subject is- The Unicode Standard : Worldwide Character Encoding. By, Unicode foundation itself, currently in its version 5 is an exhaustive research on subject.
Link: http://www.amazon.com/Unicode-Standard-Worldwide-Character-Encoding/dp/0201567881
Though, you may want to check other previous versions as well.
Other books on Unicode:
Unicode Demystified -by Richard Gillam
Unicode Explained -by Jukka Korpeta
Fonts and Encoding
CJKV Information Processing.
Most of them can be found HERE.

Document Generator for library iphone [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have created one library, and now I want to have its documentation, so Is there any document generator available? If yes, What I have to keep in mind while generating documents.
Doxygen is probably the most widely used option. Because it's not just for ObjC (doxygen supports many other languages), the development is lively and the community quite strong. HeaderDoc (now an open source project), by comparison appears to have largely stagnated. HeaderDoc only produces HTML output, while doxygen also produces PDF, LaTeX and many other output forms besides HTML. Even seems to recommend doxygen, with this guide to automatically producing documentation sets, compatible with 's help viewer, from within your build process.
It's worth noting that doxygen can read HeaderDoc-style comments, so you can write your documentation in HeaderDoc style and decide later whether to produce the final output using doxygen or HeaderDoc.

EBNF presentation examples? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Anyone know of good examples for the presentation of Extended Backus-Naur Form for electronic media (i.e. HTML)?
I am looking for suggestions about form, not content -- I'm looking to make it as readable as possible, so that rules, terminals, and EBNF symbols are easily distinguished from each other.
Not sure if this is what you mean (or whether it's way too late), but I've been playing with this visualisation tool:
At the moment it appears to only support png output, and it's not that pretty. Otherwise I have had recommended to me (untried, YMMV) Graphviz.