Document Generator for library iphone [closed] - iphone

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have created one library, and now I want to have its documentation, so Is there any document generator available? If yes, What I have to keep in mind while generating documents.
Doxygen is probably the most widely used option. Because it's not just for ObjC (doxygen supports many other languages), the development is lively and the community quite strong. HeaderDoc (now an open source project), by comparison appears to have largely stagnated. HeaderDoc only produces HTML output, while doxygen also produces PDF, LaTeX and many other output forms besides HTML. Even seems to recommend doxygen, with this guide to automatically producing documentation sets, compatible with 's help viewer, from within your build process.
It's worth noting that doxygen can read HeaderDoc-style comments, so you can write your documentation in HeaderDoc style and decide later whether to produce the final output using doxygen or HeaderDoc.


Simple Modelica Libraries [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am fairly new to modelica. I would like to know if there are any simple libraries that are easily understandable available for download? Libraries that have examples whose total equations do not go beyond 100 or so?
Take a look at the IntroductoryExamples library available with SystemModeler. It shows some of the important parts of building your own library. There's a guide that will guide you through the process called Getting Started.
You could try DrModelica in OpenModelica Notebook. It comes with OpenModelica and is sort of interactive Modelica tutorial. Just start OpenModelica Notebook.
My book, "Modelica by Example", is available for free online. In the second part, "Object-Oriented Modeling", you'll find a complete discussions of how to build connectors, components, packages, subsystems and architectures.

Documentation in md, pdf and html format [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on an opensource project on Github. I'd created some documents in Github's md format. However I want those documents available in three formats:
PDF: To be downloaded with project
HTML: To be hosted on my personal site.
Markdown (.md): For Github.
Obviously I'd not prefer to write them thrice. Is there any way I write it once anywhere (although MS Word preferred) and it could be converted to other two formats?
Consider Pandoc
I'd write in Markdown and convert to the others.
Another possibility is DITA. Its free reference implementation, the DITA Open Toolkit, lets you generate HTML and PDF out of the box, and can be customized to generate Markdown as well.
But, DITA might be a more sophisticated solution than you need, depending on your requirements for content reuse, the size of your docs, how frequently you update, whether you will be employing a technical writer to maintain and update your docs... It's a powerful solution better suited for a dedicated documentation effort than a one time ad-hoc situation.

Which is the recommended groovy plugin for Emacs? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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When looking for a simple groovy mode plugin for emacs to get indenting and some form of syntax highlighting, I found 3 version on the groovy website.
This page is excellent at giving the overview and some down in the weeds details, however is a bit skimpy on why to choose one over the other.
There is Jeremy Rayner's groovy-mode.el which isn't painful
There is Russel Winder's identically named groovy-mode.el which is based on cc-mode.
There Stuart Clayman inferioir groovy mode inf-groovy.el
Currently I am drawn toward Jeremy's plugin, but I feel that being not painful is a poor reason to choose one over the others.
I'd like to know which ones are recommended or which ones are to be avoided?
Things changed a bit since ataylor's answer: now (March 2017) the official Groovy website links to Emacs-Groovy-Mode which combines Russel Winder's and Stuart Clayman's work.
As we may expect, the repo is available on Github.
I use Jeremy Ranyer's groovy-mode.el for the sole reason that it worked better with my code then Russel Winder's version, at the time I tested them.
Here's a small modification I've added to Rayner's that fixes some problems (the elvis operator, if I recall correctly):
(defconst groovy-block-mid-re
"need something here or it blows up"

Where can I find some open source implementations of the Boids algorithm, for the iOs? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The question says it all: I'm looking for working, open source, implementations of algorithms (or derivatives there of) initially described in the Boids paper.
It looks like most of the code out there was written before "Open Source" really meant anything. I asked Mr Google:
Craig Reynolds's Boids page has a bunch of links for various languages and some mostly-original Lisp. Embedding a Lisp interpreter should not be that hard.
Christopher Kline, C++, Not-For-Profit. Licence terms for commercial apps negotiable with the author.
Tom Bak, Thong Chau, Visual C++/OpenGL/GLUT, no licence. You could try contacting them.
Robert Platt, VC++/D3D, no licence. You could try contacting him too.
You're unlikely to find anything specifically "for the iOS" (or even written in Objective-C), but C and C++ versions should be easy to port. .NET versions should be easy enough to run using MonoTouch.
This might help: Chapter from Killer game programming in Java about Flocking Boids

Open source examples of well written SCM web interface in Perl [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anyone point me to some good Open Source web interface for VCS (version control system) written in Perl?
Something well written, so I can examine the code and steal the best parts (or organization) for gitweb. Preferably something without tons of external dependences not available in (extended) Perl core.
I haven't looked at the source code of SVN::Web, so I can't tell you if it's well written, but I sure like to use it. Here is a list of the dependencies, and you can see it in action.
Have you has a look at CvsMonitor? Its a little old but its a perl web interface into CVS.