What is the best option for running a Jabber/XMPP on Windows 2003? [closed] - xmpp

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking to run a Jabber server on a Windows 2003 server(web farm) and like some practical advice from anyone who has run a live environment with ~500 concurrent users.
Criteria for comment:
Capacity (ie ~number of concurrent users)

OpenFire is a good gpl java implementation of a jabber server.
It has plenty of option plugins you can use and it can intergrate quite well with Active Directory OpenFire

I think you're going to need to be a bit more explicit - you looking for server configurations, or software e.g. Jabber Server?
If you're thinking Jabber server, EJabberD is probably the most stable, flexible, capable of being clustered etc.
Really useful comparison of Open Source servers here...


ejabberd on localhost [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to install and run ejabberd on localhost (with localhost as domain) and connect to this from a client to experiment with client functionality?
The reason that I want to do this is to be able to play around with extensions that are not available on for example jabber.org.
It is indeed possible. If you use binary installer from ProcessOne, you are even asked by installer the domain name you wish to use.
sure its possible,and really easy too. You can use any xmpp server for that like openfire or ejabberd. And Thse servers have user friendly web interface for administration.

Does anyone really uses G-WAN web server? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Besides impressing benchmarks,
does anyone really uses G-WAN web server?
(except of cource gwan.ch and trustleap.com)
G-WAN is a freeware, that means that people are not under the obligation of paying a license to use it for commercial purposes.
Having participated to write some of their code, I am aware of Web sites using G-WAN for different applications platforms:
yellow pages
social network
geographic maps
multimedia streaming
But this is merely my personal experience. I must say that G-WAN has allowed me to do things that could not be done with other servers like:
using cheap virtual servers where I would have had to use dedicated servers
using the same Web server to create applications in different languages
creating applications which rely on different programming languages
test code modifications without having to redeploy packages or modify configurations
G-WAN, at least for me, has been a game-changer.
I do not understand the comment of "Virtualeyes" since my customers did not pay a dime to the G-WAN author. I just paid him 149 CHF, not because I was obliged to do it but rather because I wanted to thank him for the hard work.
By the way, that's Linus Torvalds, not "Linus Torvolds".


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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hey guys
Our application runs on Jboss/Apache Tomcat and the app is build on Java.
I was wondering if theres a free app out there that let us monitor our log files which are in text format whenever a Jboss exceptions shows up in the log???
At the moment we are using a tail (called BareTail) application that highlights the errors for us and someone has to keep an eye on it.
Any help appreciated thanks.
Since you're using JBoss you also want to take a look at monitoring with JBoss Operations Network (JON) or RHQ the community equivalent to JON.
Some other log monitoring tools/solutions are Chainsaw, Graylog2, Scribe, Lilith, Syslog-ng and Clarity.
Check this free opensource monitoring tool Hyperic.
Among many things it does, log monitoring is one thing.
You can install agents on the servers and configure them and this Log server will collect the information and the logs can be viewed using a webbrowser.
Other tools are Splunk, Tivoli Log Monitoring

Prefered OS for server - Windows 2008 x64 or Linux CentOs, Fedora, Ubuntu [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I want to know which want do you prefer for a Dedicated server... Yeah in 2 months I'll get a dedicated server but I don't know which OS to choose.
I use exec command from PHP to run .exe files... (like image converter, video converter) but I'm sure I can find that for Linux too... I don't know Linux very well, but I use Windows every day so maybe it will be easier for me?
Help me choose, please!
Either Linux or Windows is a good choice. Ultimately, though, the choice should come down to you or your sys admins ability to support your choice. The old adage about the TCO being in support is a fact.
Most of the time/cost is spent supporting the hardware/software and that should be the focal point of whatever decision you make. Both OSes are more than capable of running a dedicated server. Choosing an OS that you or your staff has no experience with is a good recipe for disaster and frustration, especially in the short term.

XMPP Jabber Hosting [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Looks like my shared hosting plan does not cover running a Jabber server. Does anyone know of any free or very cheap solutions for doing this?
Google Apps for Domains provides XMPP support.
Dreamhost will host a Jabber server for you on their cheap web hosting plans. Although I had a bit of a falling-out with Dreamhost over a policy of theirs that penalized me for registering a domain that I later wanted to transfer to a friend of mine who was also hosted on Dreamhost.