Reporting Services Deployment - deployment

I need to create a repeatable process for deploying SQL Server Reporting Services reports. I am not in favor of using Visual Studio and or Business Development Studio to do this. The rs.exe method of scripting deployments also seems rather clunky. Does anyone have a very elegant way that they have been able to deploy reports. The key here is that I want the process to be completely automated.

We use rs.exe, once we developed the script we have not needed to touch it anymore, it just works.
Here is the source (I slightly modified it by hand to remove sensitive data without a chance to test it, hope I did not brake anything), it deploys reports and associated images from subdirectories for various languages. Also datasource is created.
' File: PublishReports.rss
' Summary: Script that can be used with RS.exe to
' publish the reports.
' Rss file spans from beginnig of this comment to end of module
' (except of "End Module").
Dim langPaths As String() = {"en", "cs", "pl", "de"}
Dim filePath As String = Environment.CurrentDirectory
Public Sub Main()
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
'Create parent folder
rs.CreateFolder(parentFolder, "/", Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Parent folder created: {0}", parentFolder)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub PublishLanguagesFromFolder(ByVal folder As String)
Dim Lang As Integer
Dim langPath As String
For Lang = langPaths.GetLowerBound(0) To langPaths.GetUpperBound(0)
langPath = langPaths(Lang)
'Create the lang folder
rs.CreateFolder(langPath, "/" + parentFolder, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Parent lang folder created: {0}", parentFolder + "/" + langPath)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
'Create the shared data source
CreateDataSource("/" + parentFolder + "/" + langPath)
'Publish reports and images
PublishFolderContents(folder + "\" + langPath, "/" + parentFolder + "/" + langPath)
Next 'Lang
End Sub
Public Sub CreateDataSource(ByVal targetFolder As String)
Dim name As String = "data source"
'Data source definition.
Dim definition As New DataSourceDefinition
definition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Store
definition.ConnectString = "data source=" + dbServer + ";initial catalog=" + db
definition.Enabled = True
definition.EnabledSpecified = True
definition.Extension = "SQL"
definition.ImpersonateUser = False
definition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True
'Use the default prompt string.
definition.Prompt = Nothing
definition.WindowsCredentials = False
'Login information
definition.UserName = "user"
definition.Password = "password"
'name, folder, overwrite, definition, properties
rs.CreateDataSource(name, targetFolder, True, definition, Nothing)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub PublishFolderContents(ByVal sourceFolder As String, ByVal targetFolder As String)
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(sourceFolder)
Dim fis As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles()
Dim fi As FileInfo
Dim fileName As String
For Each fi In fis
fileName = fi.Name
Select Case fileName.Substring(fileName.Length - 4).ToUpper
Case ".RDL"
PublishReport(sourceFolder, fileName, targetFolder)
Case ".JPG", ".JPEG"
PublishResource(sourceFolder, fileName, "image/jpeg", targetFolder)
Case ".GIF", ".PNG", ".BMP"
PublishResource(sourceFolder, fileName, "image/" + fileName.Substring(fileName.Length - 3).ToLower, targetFolder)
End Select
Next fi
End Sub
Public Sub PublishReport(ByVal sourceFolder As String, ByVal reportName As String, ByVal targetFolder As String)
Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(sourceFolder + "\" + reportName)
definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}
stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))
Catch e As IOException
End Try
'name, folder, overwrite, definition, properties
warnings = rs.CreateReport(reportName.Substring(0, reportName.Length - 4), targetFolder, True, definition, Nothing)
If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then
Dim warning As Warning
For Each warning In warnings
Next warning
Console.WriteLine("Report: {0} published successfully with no warnings", targetFolder + "/" + reportName)
End If
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub PublishResource(ByVal sourceFolder As String, ByVal resourceName As String, ByVal resourceMIME As String, ByVal targetFolder As String)
Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(sourceFolder + "\" + resourceName)
definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}
stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))
Catch e As IOException
End Try
'name, folder, overwrite, definition, MIME, properties
rs.CreateResource(resourceName, targetFolder, True, definition, resourceMIME, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Resource: {0} with MIME {1} created successfully", targetFolder + "/" + resourceName, resourceMIME)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Here is the batch to call the rs.exe:
SET ReportServer=%1
SET DBServer=%2
SET DBName=%3
SET ReportFolder=%4
rs -i PublishReports.rss -s %ReportServer% -v dbServer="%DBServer%" -v db="%DBName%" -v parentFolder="%ReportFolder%" >PublishReports.log 2>&1

I used the script #David supplied but I had to add some code (I'm typing this up as an answer, as this would be too long for a comment.
The problem is: if there is already a "shared datasource" attached to a report in the report definition, this is never the same datasource as the one that is created in the script.
This also becomes apparent from the warning emitted by the "CreateReport" method:
The data set '' refers to the shared data source '', which is not published on the report server.
So the data source has to be set explicitly afterwards. I've made the following code changes:
I added a global variable:
Dim dataSourceRefs(0) As DataSource
At the end of the CreateDataSource method, that variable gets filled:
Dim dsr As New DataSourceReference
dsr.Reference = "/" + parentFolder + "/" + db
Dim ds As New DataSource
ds.Item = CType(dsr, DataSourceDefinitionOrReference)
ds.Name = db
dataSourceRefs(0) = ds
And in the PublishReport method, that data source gets explicitly set (after CreateReport has been called):
rs.SetItemDataSources(targetFolder + "/" + reportName.Substring(0, reportName.Length - 4), dataSourceRefs)
Note that this last call is only RS 2005 or higher. If you want to load your reports onto a RS 2000 server, you have to use SetReportDataSources in stead:
rs.SetReportDataSources(targetFolder + "/" + reportName.Substring(0, reportName.Length - 4), dataSourceRefs)

Well not really elegant. We created our own tool that uses the reportingservices2005 web service. We found this to be the most reliable way of getting what we want.
It's not really that difficult and lets you expand it to do other things like creating data sources and folders as required.

I strongly recommend RSScripter. As noted in the overview:
Reporting Services Scripter is a .NET
Windows Forms application that enables
scripting and transfer of all
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting
Services catalog items to aid in
transferring them from one server to
another. It can also be used to easily
move items on mass from one Reporting
Services folder to another on the same
server. Depending on the scripting
options chosen, Reporting Services
Scripter can also transfer all catalog
item properties such as Descriptions,
History options, Execution options
(including report specific and shared
schedules), Subscriptions (normal and
data driven) and server side report

I know you say that you're not in favor of the Business Development Studio to do this, but I've found the built-in tools to be very reliable and easy to use.

Have you looked into any Continuous Integration solutions such as CruiseControl.NET? If you are able to deploy Reports using rs.exe then you can setup an automated process in CruiseControl to build and deploy your Reports on a timer or whenever a report is modified.

In our environment, we develop in VS with version control then deploy to DEV SSRS. Once the report is validated, we use ReportSync program to deploy reports from ReportServer DEV to ReportServer PROD. The RS.EXE scripts still have their place, but I have found ReportSync to be a much simpler and agile way to promote a report.
ReportSync is an open source program free to download and use. It works great for downloading reports in bulk, and it can even push a report from one server to another server.
How to get download the program?
Download the source code files from Github: Phires/ReportSynch, Run VS, Open the solution file (.SLN), compile the program, find the executable file (.EXE) from the C:\Temp\reportsync-master\bin\Release folder. Finally, saved the .EXE somewhere for you to use regularly
How do I copy SSRS reports to a new server if I am not the owner of the reports --> ReportSync answer by nunespascal
How to deploy a report?
Run the executable and the interface will launch.
Use the SOURCE and DESTINATION dialogues to choose a single report, multiple reports, or an entire folder of reports. You can any target folder you would like. (HINT: You can even target the same server if you are wanting to duplicate a report on the same server.)
After making your selections press the Sync button
Go to the target server, and validate the change took effect by reviewing the Changed By Date.
This tool has been very convenient, but I have noticed some quirks. For example when I want to update just one report that already exists in the destination, here is what I have to select-- [Source:Report> Target:Folder> Sync]. WARNING: You might think you would select the target server report to update it, but I have tried this and the report does not get updated.
What else can ReportSync do?
There is also an Export feature, which works marvelously for simply dumping all the RDL files to a folder for me to access. This is helpful in the event you need to migrate the server, add the files to to a VS Solution Project, or do anything else will all the files.
In my testing this program does not migrate other content-- subscriptions, shared data sources, shared data sets. It is just applicable to the report files.
I know this post is old, but I came across it when researching RS.EXE scripts, so I thought I would provide an answer this question.


FSTrigger triggers incorrectly in jenkins

I have set a rule in the outlook that
apply this rule after arrives with
in the subject and move it to the
folder "buildme" was created as a data file at
In Jenkin under the project, I created build trigger as below:
[FSTrigger] - Monitor files File Path:
Schedule: 55 * * * 1-5
I sent an email with "xyz" in the subject line.
the email then was moved to the "buildme" folder, thus the file C:\Users\myid\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\builme.pst gets update at, say at "3/24/2016 11:24 AM".
At 11:55 AM, the build was correctly triggered.
However, at 12:55 PM, another build was triggered again, unexpectedly, although there was no new email sent. this goes on for every hour.
What I did wrong?
Outlook probably touched the file in some way, modifying some timestamp which leads FSTrigger to start the build.
For the sake of robustness i suggest to not rely on monitoring the outlook folder file for changes, as it might change unexpectedly. Instead modify your rules to directly trigger the build job on the jenkins server.
I.e. pseudocodeish: IF subject CONTAINS keyword ACCESS jenkinsurl_that_starts_build
How to run a script based on outlook rules seems to be layed out here and
information on how to trigger a build via http request on a jenkins url is explained here
You could even extend it in the future to pass parameters from your email to your build, as these can be set via url access too. More info on this here, section Launching a build with parameters
I changed the rule to:
apply this rule after arrives
with "xyz" in the subject
run projetcs.ThisOutlookSession.WriteStringToFile
and the VBA script:
Sub WriteStringToFile1(MyMail As MailItem)
Const FILEPATH = "c:\buildtrigger\testtest.txt"
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strSender As String
Dim strText As String
Dim strID As String
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
strID = MyMail.EntryID
Set objMail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID)
strSubject = objMail.Subject
strSender = objMail.SenderName
Open FILEPATH For Output As 1
Print #1, "SET XYZ = " & strSubject & ";" & strSender & "--" & Now
Close #1
End Sub
this VBA script will write one line to testtest.txt.
In Jenkins, create a build trigger:
[FSTrigger] - Monitor folder
Path = c:\buildtrigger
Includes = testtest.txt
Exclude check lastModification date = true
Exclude check content = false
Exclude check fewer or more files = true
schedule: * * * * 1-5
Send email with xyz in the subject, a build will be successfully triggered, and no build triggered when no email was received.
As a side note, it looks like the timestamp of the file is modified by FSTrigger, not by Outlook or Windows.

Add-CMDeploymentType warning

Im using poweshell to automate creating applications in SCCM 2012, distributing content and deploying them once created.
I have the following code:
New-CMApplication -name $appname -Manufacturer $manu -SoftwareVersion $ver
Which works fine.
Add-CMDeploymentType -MsiInstaller -applicationName $appname -AutoIdentifyFromIntallationFile -InstallationFileLocation $content -ForceForUnknownPublisher $true
Gives me a warning " Failed to get install type's technology and it won't create the deployment type.
As far as I can tell from other sites, I shouldn't need to specifiy and more than that. I've experimented with adding more options on the end but none seem to make a difference.
There isnt very much out there about this error - has anyone got past it before?
I doubt that you'll get Add-CMDeploymentType to do much useful -- at least not in its current form. I once tried and gave up when I noticed that it is missing basic, essential parameters. The documentation does not even mention, for example, detection of any sort. There's not much point in using ConfigMgr Applications without detection, and there's not much point in scripting the creation of DeploymentTypes if you still have to define the detection criteria via the UI.
You might get the odd msi file configured using the Add-CMDeploymentType's AddDeploymentTypeByMsiInstallerX parameter set. In that case you'd be relying on ConfigMgr to work out the detection logic automagically. That may work, but I have had significant issues with the MSI Deployment. I'd avoid that if possible.
I'm not hopeful that the Add-CMDeploymentType will ever become usable. The object tree that underlies Applications is necessarily complex and really doesn't lend itself to interaction using simple PowerShell cmdlets. To completely configure an Application there are hundreds of properties on dozens of objects that you need to access. Many of those objects are contained in dictionary- and array-like collections that have their own special semantics for accessing them. You just can't simplify that into a handful of PowerShell cmdlets.
I'm using the types in the following .dlls to interface with ConfigMgr:
As far as I can tell, that is the same API the admin console uses, so you can expect full functionality. You cannot make the same claims about the PowerShell cmdlets. So far I have found a way to access everything I've tried through that API using PowerShell. The basics of accessing that API is documented in the ConfigMgr SDK. It's fairly straightforward to figure out how those objects work using reflection and some experimentation.
When you retrieve an Application using Get-CMApplication you actually get the full object tree with it. The SDMPackageXML object contains a serialized copy of the Application, DeploymentTypes, detection, installers, etc. [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.Serialization.SccmSerializer]::DeserializeFromString() works to deserialize that object so you can inspect it for yourself.
I actually gave up on this - As you say - Add-CMDeployment type is completely useless. There was nothing online anywhere that described this error, or how to use it properly - an Application with no detection is pointless and adding it manually later defeats the point in trying to automate it.
PowerShell centre had some examples of how it could be used but neither of these worked...
This link was pretty useful and has everything I needed to create an application without powershell.
a bit long but the code was...
Public Sub create_SCCM_application(appname As String, version As String, content_location As String, filename As String, manu As String)
Dim appID As ObjectId = New ObjectId("ScopeId_devscope", "Application_" & Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
Dim app As New Application(appID)
app.Title = appname
app.Version = "1.0"
app.Publisher = manu
app.SoftwareVersion = version
app.AutoInstall = True
Dim dinfo As New AppDisplayInfo
dinfo.Title = appname
dinfo.Version = version
dinfo.Language = Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name
Dim dtID As ObjectId = New ObjectId("ScopeId_devscope", "DeploymentType_" & Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
Dim dt As New DeploymentType(dtID, MsiInstallerTechnology.TechnologyId)
dt.Title = appname & " Deployment type"
dt.Version = "1.0"
Dim installer As MsiInstaller = dt.Installer
Dim fakecode As Guid = Guid.NewGuid
installer.ProductCode = "{" & fakecode.ToString & "}"
installer.InstallCommandLine = "msiexec /i " & filename
installer.UninstallCommandLine = "msiexec /x " & filename
installer.AllowUninstall = True
installer.ExecuteTime = 30
installer.MaxExecuteTime = 30
installer.ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.System
installer.UserInteractionMode = UserInteractionMode.Hidden
installer.DetectionMethod = DetectionMethod.ProductCode
installer.ProductVersion = version
Dim appcont As Content = New Content
appcont.Location = content_location
Dim msifile As New ContentFile
msifile.Name = "_temp.msi"
Dim appxml As XDocument = SccmSerializer.Serialize(app, True)
Dim appinstance As ManagementObject = Nothing
Dim path As ManagementPath = New ManagementPath("SMS_Application")
Dim options As New ObjectGetOptions
Dim appClass As ManagementClass = Nothing
Dim scope As ManagementScope = New ManagementScope("\\devserver\root\Sms\Site_devsitecode")
appClass = New ManagementClass(scope, path, options)
appinstance = appClass.CreateInstance()
appinstance.Properties("SDMPackageXML").Value = appxml
Catch x As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
Your question regarding the deployment type behaviour is also wierd - We have that same product and it works from an MSI deployment type.

Crystal reports - server and database

Im using visual studio 2010 + Sql Server 2008.
Im trying to show my reports using CR.. well when i try to use the system in my local machine, everything is ok.
I use store procedures to create reports.
The issue appears when i deploy the system in another PC.. A message appears asking for:
Server: // RETRIEVES ORIGINAL Server(Local)// Its not Correct i need to get Client Server
Database: // RETRIEVES ORIGINAL DB(Local)// Its not Correct i need to get Client DB
Username: I don't use any user , what user ?
Password: I don't use any password, what password?
i saw another solutions, but i can't find what's the data that i must use in Username or password. i use Windows autenthication to login to sql..
Edit.. that's my code.. i can't use parameters, i don't receive any error. but system dont recognize the parameter that i send...
Dim NuevoReporte As New CReportNotaPorUsuario
Dim contenido As String
Dim ReportPath As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\CReportNotaPorUsuario.rpt"
Dim ConexionCR As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo()
contenido = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.LeerArchivo(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\configuracion.txt")
ConexionCR.ServerName = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.TextoEntreMarcas(contenido, "<server>", "</server>")
ConexionCR.DatabaseName = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.TextoEntreMarcas(contenido, "<catalog>", "</catalog>")
ConexionCR.IntegratedSecurity = True
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportPath
'NuevoReporte.SetParameterValue("#cod_usuario", cbousuario.SelectedValue)
Dim field1 As ParameterField = Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo(0)
Dim val1 As New ParameterDiscreteValue()
val1.Value = cbousuario.SelectedValue
It appears that you have separate servers and databases between the development and production environment. You need to make sure when you deploy your VS solution that the production server and database get referenced, not the development server and database.
There are some tutorials out there that can help you find a way to achieve this. Check out:
Visual Studio 2010 Database Project Deploy to Different Environments
EDIT: This seems to have evolved into a different issue than originally stated in the question. To dynamically get the connection string for CR from the text file, you will have to read teh text file first and put server name and database name into variables. Reading a text file, you can use something like string text = File.ReadAllText(#"C:\Folder\File.txt"); but you will need to extract server name and database name into variables. Then in order to use the variables in your connection string you use ConnectionInfo.Servername = variable1; and ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = variable2.

Accessing File-Stream Data Methods (T-SQL and Managed API)

I have "File-Stream" enabled database. I have created table with column that has the "file-stream" attribute and manage to record successfully row in the table. So, what I have got is image stored in my "File-Stream" as BLOB.
What is my problem?
I have to get this image and show it in the web browser using classic asp (I am total newbie in this server-language and I am not allowed to use the I have searched and read a lot (there are many information about doing that with and almost nothing showing how to do this with classic asp) and found a article ( that shows to ways to read the data:
"Accessing FILESTREAM Data using TSQL" and "Accessing FILESTREAM data with Managed API"
The first one I have been able to understand and use. The second one (there is a example with code) I haven't been able.
This is the code:
‘Create a connection to the database
Dim ConStr As String
ConStr = "Data Source=JACOBXPS\katmaifs;Initial Catalog=NorthPole" & _
";Integrated Security=True"
Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConStr)
'Retrieve the FilePath() of the image file
Dim sqlCommand As New SqlCommand()
sqlCommand.Connection = con
sqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ItemImage.PathName() AS PathName " + _
"FROM items WHERE ItemNumber = 'MS1001'"
Dim filePath As String = sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
'Obtain a Transaction Context
Dim transaction As SqlTransaction = con.BeginTransaction("ItemTran")
sqlCommand.Transaction = transaction
Dim txContext As Byte() = sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
' Open and read file using SqlFileStream Class
Dim sqlFileStream As New SqlFileStream(filePath, txContext, FileAccess.Read)
Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(sqlFileStream.Length) {}
sqlFileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
'Bind the image data to an image control
Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(buffer)
Dim bmp As Bitmap = New Bitmap(ms)
ItemImage.Image = bmp
I was not able to transform this in classic asp but in the same article I have read something more frustrating:
When accessing FILESTREAM data using TSQL, SQL Server reads the content of the >FILESTREAM data file and serves it to the client. SQL Server memory is used for reading >the content of the data file. Accessing FILESTREAM data using Win32 Streaming does not >use SQL Server memory. In addition it allows the application to take advantage of the >Streaming capabilities of the NT File System.
So what is my real problem?
Can be the code transform and used in a classic asp?And if it can, does that mean that when I am using the "file-stream" enable futures and want to display data in the web it will be more slow then using desktop application?
I am pretty confused and will appreciate any answer or link with article to read.
A little confused on the question but if all you're trying to do is display some BLOB data from the database as an Image on the webpage then you should have an "image.asp" page that looks something like this ...
SQL = "SELECT FILE_NAME,IMAGE_FILE FROM tblImages WHERE ID = " & request("id")
Set rs =db.Execute( SQL )
if not(rs.eof) then
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" & rs("FILE_NAME")
Response.BinaryWrite rs("IMAGE_FILE")
response.Write("No such record found in the database at row " & request("id"))
end if

Setup App.Config As Custom Action in Setup Project

I have a custom application with a simple app.config specifying SQL Server name and Database, I want to prompt the user on application install for application configuration items and then update the app.config file.
I admit I'm totally new to setup projects and am looking for some guidance.
Thank You
Mark Koops
I had problems with the code Gulzar linked to on a 64 bit machine. I found the link below to be a simple solution to getting values from the config ui into the app.config.
check this out - Installer with a custom action for changing settings
App.Config CAN be changed...however it exists in a location akin to HKEY___LOCAL_MACHINE i.e. the average user has read-only access.
So you will need to change it as an administrator - best time would be during installation, where you're (supposed to be) installing with enhanced permissions.
So create an Installer class, use a Custom Action in the setup project to pass in the user's choices (e.g. "/svr=[SERVER] /db=[DB] /uilevel=[UILEVEL]") and, in the AfterInstall event, change the App.Config file using something like:
Public Shared Property AppConfigSetting(ByVal SettingName As String) As Object
Return My.Settings.PropertyValues(SettingName)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
Dim AppConfigFilename As String = String.Concat(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location, ".config")
If (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(AppConfigFilename)) Then
Dim AppSettingXPath As String = String.Concat("/configuration/applicationSettings/", My.Application.Info.AssemblyName, ".My.MySettings/setting[#name='", SettingName, "']/value")
Dim AppConfigXML As New System.Xml.XmlDataDocument
With AppConfigXML
Dim DataNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = .SelectSingleNode(AppSettingXPath)
If (DataNode Is Nothing) Then
Throw New Xml.XmlException(String.Format("Application setting not found ({0})!", AppSettingXPath))
DataNode.InnerText = value.ToString
End If
End With
Throw New IO.FileNotFoundException("App.Config file not found!", AppConfigFilename)
End If
End Set
End Property
Create custom dialogs for use in your Visual Studio Setup projects: