Setup App.Config As Custom Action in Setup Project - deployment

I have a custom application with a simple app.config specifying SQL Server name and Database, I want to prompt the user on application install for application configuration items and then update the app.config file.
I admit I'm totally new to setup projects and am looking for some guidance.
Thank You
Mark Koops

I had problems with the code Gulzar linked to on a 64 bit machine. I found the link below to be a simple solution to getting values from the config ui into the app.config.

check this out - Installer with a custom action for changing settings

App.Config CAN be changed...however it exists in a location akin to HKEY___LOCAL_MACHINE i.e. the average user has read-only access.
So you will need to change it as an administrator - best time would be during installation, where you're (supposed to be) installing with enhanced permissions.
So create an Installer class, use a Custom Action in the setup project to pass in the user's choices (e.g. "/svr=[SERVER] /db=[DB] /uilevel=[UILEVEL]") and, in the AfterInstall event, change the App.Config file using something like:
Public Shared Property AppConfigSetting(ByVal SettingName As String) As Object
Return My.Settings.PropertyValues(SettingName)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
Dim AppConfigFilename As String = String.Concat(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location, ".config")
If (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(AppConfigFilename)) Then
Dim AppSettingXPath As String = String.Concat("/configuration/applicationSettings/", My.Application.Info.AssemblyName, ".My.MySettings/setting[#name='", SettingName, "']/value")
Dim AppConfigXML As New System.Xml.XmlDataDocument
With AppConfigXML
Dim DataNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = .SelectSingleNode(AppSettingXPath)
If (DataNode Is Nothing) Then
Throw New Xml.XmlException(String.Format("Application setting not found ({0})!", AppSettingXPath))
DataNode.InnerText = value.ToString
End If
End With
Throw New IO.FileNotFoundException("App.Config file not found!", AppConfigFilename)
End If
End Set
End Property

Create custom dialogs for use in your Visual Studio Setup projects:


Crystal reports - server and database

Im using visual studio 2010 + Sql Server 2008.
Im trying to show my reports using CR.. well when i try to use the system in my local machine, everything is ok.
I use store procedures to create reports.
The issue appears when i deploy the system in another PC.. A message appears asking for:
Server: // RETRIEVES ORIGINAL Server(Local)// Its not Correct i need to get Client Server
Database: // RETRIEVES ORIGINAL DB(Local)// Its not Correct i need to get Client DB
Username: I don't use any user , what user ?
Password: I don't use any password, what password?
i saw another solutions, but i can't find what's the data that i must use in Username or password. i use Windows autenthication to login to sql..
Edit.. that's my code.. i can't use parameters, i don't receive any error. but system dont recognize the parameter that i send...
Dim NuevoReporte As New CReportNotaPorUsuario
Dim contenido As String
Dim ReportPath As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\CReportNotaPorUsuario.rpt"
Dim ConexionCR As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo()
contenido = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.LeerArchivo(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\configuracion.txt")
ConexionCR.ServerName = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.TextoEntreMarcas(contenido, "<server>", "</server>")
ConexionCR.DatabaseName = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.TextoEntreMarcas(contenido, "<catalog>", "</catalog>")
ConexionCR.IntegratedSecurity = True
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportPath
'NuevoReporte.SetParameterValue("#cod_usuario", cbousuario.SelectedValue)
Dim field1 As ParameterField = Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo(0)
Dim val1 As New ParameterDiscreteValue()
val1.Value = cbousuario.SelectedValue
It appears that you have separate servers and databases between the development and production environment. You need to make sure when you deploy your VS solution that the production server and database get referenced, not the development server and database.
There are some tutorials out there that can help you find a way to achieve this. Check out:
Visual Studio 2010 Database Project Deploy to Different Environments
EDIT: This seems to have evolved into a different issue than originally stated in the question. To dynamically get the connection string for CR from the text file, you will have to read teh text file first and put server name and database name into variables. Reading a text file, you can use something like string text = File.ReadAllText(#"C:\Folder\File.txt"); but you will need to extract server name and database name into variables. Then in order to use the variables in your connection string you use ConnectionInfo.Servername = variable1; and ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = variable2.

Change name of generated Context file with EF PowerTools Reverse Engineer Code First

I have been attempting to figure out how to make the EF Power Tools - Reverse Engineer Code First use a different name for the generated Context-file, than what it uses now.
I have a database called My_Awesome_Dev_Database. When I run Reverse-engineer against that, the file that is generated will be called:
What it would like to do is specify what the file is to be called, for instance:
Attempts so far
I have tried looking through the EF.Utilities.CS.ttinclude file, to figure out how the filename is generated - but I have been unsuccessful so far.
Does anyone know ?
Thanks in advance!
Currently the generated context file naming convention is hard-coded and non configurable.
All the logic is inside the ReverseEngineerCodeFirstHandler class (the source is on CodePlex).
It sets the context file name and path with
var contextFilePath = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory,
modelGenerator.EntityContainer.Name + contextHost.FileExtension);
var contextItem = project.AddNewFile(contextFilePath, contextContents);
So the file name is coming from modelGenerator.EntityContainer.Name which gets created upper in the method with:
var contextName =
connection.Database.Replace(" ", string.Empty)
.Replace(".", string.Empty) + "Context";
var modelGenerator =
new EntityModelSchemaGenerator(storeGenerator.EntityContainer,
"DefaultNamespace", contextName);
So as you can see the tool just takes the db name removes the spaces and dots and use it as the context name which will end up as the generated file name.
You can open an issue or - because Entity Framework is open source - take the code, add this configuration option, and send back a pull request.

Eclipse OSGI config: relative paths and/or #config.dir-like substitutions?

In my RCP app, I would like to point a property ( to a file, and would prefer using paths relative to my installation and config dir.
Is there a definitive spec on what kind of variables are supported in config.ini?
#config.dir seems to be supported, there are references in the builtin, and it's always mentioned as typical example (e.g this SO answer )
However, looking at docs like Eclipse help/Runtime Options, it mentions a few "symbolic locations" like #user.home; however that seems fairly limited and doesn't include #config.dir.
Have even dug into org.eclipse.osgi sources as well, and found no references to this (I did find LocationManager and its hard coded variable substitutions for #user.dir & co).
Can I refer to arbitrary system properties there in some way?
Is this #config.dir a special case, only handled by P2? UPDATE: this seems to be the case.. looking at Eclipse SDK, About .. Configuration dialog shows #config.dir unresolved, probably taken literally by the Equinox..
Thanks for any hints.
I'm late to the party, but hopefully this will help others in the future.
Starting with Eclipse 3.8/4.2 (June 2012), you can substitute Java properties and environment variables into your config.ini file (Eclipse Bug 241192). The Equinox launcher does not support substitution in the eclipse.ini launcher file. The syntax uses dollar signs ($VARIABLE$) to indicate variable substitution:
I imagine you could use something like this for your purposes:$osgi.install.area$/path/to/profile.txt
You can use a platform URL (Platform URI scheme) to achieve this, i.e. = platform:/config/java_profile.txt
in config.ini, would point to the file java_profile.txt in the current configuration directory.
You might also use existing system properties in config.ini: = ${osgi.configuration.area}/java_profile.txt
From org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.LocationManager, here are the special tokens:
// Data mode constants for user, configuration and data locations.
private static final String NONE = "#none"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NO_DEFAULT = "#noDefault"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String USER_HOME = "#user.home"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String USER_DIR = "#user.dir"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Why not use two system property variables?
One is named -Dmy.relativepath=filename, which is processed by your code of relative path of eclipse installation folder(workspace or anywhere), another is called -Dmy.path=absolutepath.
The system property is passed to the jvm, you need some tricky(translate the variable in runtime) in the native launcher(like eclipse.exe) if you wants to use variable in its value.
Look how is resolved in org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework:
// check for the java profile property for a url
String propJavaProfile = FrameworkProperties.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_JAVA_PROFILE);
if (propJavaProfile != null)
try {
// we assume a URL
url = new URL(propJavaProfile);
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
// try using a relative path in the system bundle
url = findInSystemBundle(propJavaProfile);
That means must point either to a fully qualified URL, or to a relative path in system bundle (org.eclipse.osgi). This makes impossible usage of installation directory relative path without patching Eclipse.

Different Connection Strings with Entity Framework based on Context

I have a web forms application that uses entity framework, the application is deployed on a development box, my local machine and a production box. Each of these have different connection strings.
What is the best way of handling this.
I use TFS Build Server to deploy to development and take the result of that build zip it and copy it to production manually.
I also use Web Deployment Projects if that helps
What I was doing before was when the ORM started it would choose a connection string based on the name of the root folder. With Entity Framework I don't know how to do this without having to set it on every page.
We have something vaguely similar, I created a class to wrap the EntityContext object, which sets the connection string appropriately - you'd need something similar, based on how you set your connection string:
Public Class MyEntityModel
Private _dataContext As Entities
Public Sub New()
Dim entityBuilder As New EntityConnectionStringBuilder()
entityBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = MyApplicationConnectionString
entityBuilder.Metadata = "res://*/"
entityBuilder.Provider = "System.Data.SqlClient"
_dataContext = New Entities(entityBuilder.ConnectionString)
End Sub
Public Function DataContext() As Entities
Return _dataContext
End Function
End Class
FYI You can use config transformations now in VS 2010:

Classic ASP: Server.CreateObject not supported

When I call Server.CreateObject(), from my Classic ASP page, I get
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method
I've tried the following (separately):
I know the ActiveX objects are installed because the following javascript calls work
var test = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var test = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
var test = new ActiveXObject("MSXML.DOMDocument");
I'm calling it from my localhost IIS server. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?
If you do the following:
Dim x: x = Server.CreateObject("My.ProgID.Here")
...VBScript creates the object and then attempts to access the default property for storing in 'x'. Since none of these objects have a default property defined (specifically an IDispatch-based property with [id(DISPID_VALUE)]), this fails with "Object doesn't support this property or method".
What you actually want is this:
Dim x: Set x = Server.CreateObject("My.ProgID.Here")
How about this one?
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
Or downloading this component and installing on your webserver?
Then restarting the server and trying again.
Calling them from the browser doesn't mean that they are installed in IIS.