How do I configure Firebug to use Eclipse/Netbeans as editor - eclipse

I want to use a real IDE for editing javascript files in combination with Firebug. In the 'Add editor' dialog for Firebug I'm allowed to specify executable and arguments. So the question is really how do I open a file in Eclipse/Netbeans from the command line.
Extra points for allowing me to choose between opening a new Eclipse/netbeans instance and reusing an already running one.

Not an exact answer I'm afraid, but this information might help.
Eclipse Help - Running Eclipse
Fireclipse: Debug from FF straight into Eclipse

I havent tried this yet but looks interesting Javascript Debug Toolkit 2.0.0
Also I have heard that aptana is pretty good

Ever though about the other way round? That means to start eclipse, start there a debug session with Firebug included?
If that could be an answer, see the explanation under Installing the JavaScript degbugger for the Aptana Studio. There is an option to install Aptana inside eclipse instead of loading the whole thing.
Caveat: I have never tried that, but I use currently Aptana for programming Rails, perhaps I will use that in the near future.


Eclipse with old Sun USB Keyboard

I'm forced to work with Eclipse (3.6) now, and i would like to re-use my favorite Sun keyboard with the left function block for cut/copy/paste/undo/find/etc (can't code without it ..).
So far i got it working with about every IDE/Editor i used, but NOT with eclipse. The keybinding manager simply ignores these keys.
Any hints? Has anybody got it working? I thought it might be related to Java, but i have other Java tools that work (freemind, for example).
Ok, i found a workaround by installing "autokey" and defining some rules that send -C/V/X/Y/Z to the eclipse window.
But i'm still curious why Eclipse ignores these keycodes/keysyms, especially since autokey needs to be started now (and sometimes crashes).

Eclipse Helios x64 (Mac) - JSP editor hangs/freezes

I'm having issues with Eclipse Helios (3.6.2) x64 (32-bit, too) hanging/freezing frequently when I attempt to edit .jsp files using Eclipse's built-in editor (Web Tools, J2EE package). I've been doing editing with 3rd party apps, but I would really like to have proper JSP syntax highlighting and auto-completion. The same symptoms occur when I attempt to edit .html files in Eclipse, too (though it's not as much of an issue since little is lost using a 3rd party html editor).
They are just plain .jsp files... not part of a J2EE or Web Project. The issue seems to be whenever I attempt to add tags... but it doesn't seem to consistently cause the problem. It seems to be temperamental.
Think it's a reference issue of sorts? Auto-completion issue in Eclipse?
I saw that other people had issues with this, but I wasn't able to find a clear cut solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Old question that probably is resolved already. But in case anyone comes across this question in a search, it might be helpful to know that there is a bug reported about this
That usually happens as eclipse plug-ins are lazy loaded. JSP editor is loaded the first tim you attempt to load any JSP. It generally takes a while, ranging from few seconds to couple of minutes. Just wait for this duration the first time and the JSP editor would load very quickly until the next restart. My tip is to avoid closing/restarting eclipse altogether.
Also, to further speed up the load time, turn off any validators (such as JavaScript syntax validator) which you think you may never need.

Setting breakpoint w/Eclipse PDT

I am SOOOOO discouraged. This seems so simple, but being a complete novice in Drupal and Eclipse PDT I have absolutely no idea where to look. My DAYS of searching seems to indicate that I am the only person on the planet with this problem.
Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers (
WampServer Version 2.0
Apache 2.2.11
PHP 5.2.9-2
MySQL 5.1.33
Drupal 6.15
xDebug php_xdebug-2.0.5-5.2.dll
I setup my project in Eclipse to point to my Drupal directory (C:\wamp\www\drupal-6.15). I start the debugger (xdebug) and I stop at the first line of code. I can step through the code line by line -- so I think I am in the debugger, and when I terminate the app, I see the xdebug termination message in the tab heading.
But I cannot set a breakpoint in any of the PHP code files -- specifically a new .module file.
When I right click in the breakpoint column on the left in index.php (main) I see "toggle breakpoint" and the little blue circle next to the line of I think I know how to set a breakpoint. But when I try to set a breakpoint in my .module, I see a menu that asks me to "add a bookmark" and no option to set a breakpoint.
Why can I not set a breakpoint in this file? Is my project path not set up correctly? Do I need to amend my include path? I can't get Eclipse to recognize even core modules not just site/all modules. I've seen posts about "importing" files into the project, and making sure the correct php.ini file is used for configuring xdebug. I'm lost.
There are so many posts about using Eclipst PDT and xDebug and they all end with "have fun debugging" or "just set some breakpoints and off you go" -- but what if you CAN'T set a breakpoint? Any ideas about where Eclipse is lost? Where in Eclipse can you get a list of files it has included in its build?
I think I just need to know understand why Eclipse cannot find these modules within the project (i.e. drupal application) path to allow me to set breakpoints. Then I think I can carry on. So discouraging...
Thanks to anyone listening.
Thanks for the tip. I think I had seen your similar response in another post somewhere.
Actually, the solution for me was to make sure to include all of the standard Drupal file extensions in the Eclipse file associations preferences: Preferences->General->Content Types->Text->PHP Content Type. The defaults are various *.php, *.phpX, *.phtml extensions, but not the extensions used in Drupal modules -- *.info, *.inc, *.module, *.install, etc.
Simple and obvious once you figure it out. I'm surprised with all the Eclipse-xDebug-Drupal setup instructions out there that this had not shown up. Lots of details about matching project paths with server paths, but nothing about this.
I hope my struggle helps someone. I did learn a lot about Eclipse PDT along the way :-). Good luck.
Breakpoints are tricky in PDT projects:
for php files, you need to be careful
One thing that gets me a lot is that there a lot of "invalid" places where you set breakpoints. You can put the dot there in the IDE, but the debugger won't stop at it:
blank/non-code lines
on switch statements
in some types of callbacks (for example, preg_replace)
But for breakpoints in .module files, this should be related to a setup issue.
I made the following changes to my setup:
Upgraded from php 5.2.1 to php 5.2.3
Installed the Zend debugger client in Eclipse/PDT (theoretically not necessary from what I understand, but I decided to give it a try)
Made sure that the Drupal files were fully imported into my project, not just referenced as include libraries.
I did that last step after I created a tiny test case and discovered that I could get the debugger to stop on a breakpoint in an externally included file only if that file was imported into the project, not if it was referenced as part of an include library directory.
To my mind this seems like a bug - the debugger could certainly see that the files in the include library directories were source files and it let me set breakpoints in them, so it seems that it should stop on them.
(For comparison from a separate (java) IDE, IntelliJ will let you define breakpoints in jar files as long as you tell it where the source is. Once you've defined it, it will stop on it.)
I think it was principally that last step that did the trick, so I'd suggest that anyone else with a similar problem make sure that isn't an issue in their setup first, and then try the other steps.
check whether you opened your java file in java editor mode.
ie ctrl+shift+R, in this popup check the button beside OPEN option and select java editor.
The problem of not being able to set a breakpoint can occur if you have recently created a file. You must close and re-open the file for it to be recognised as a source file that can be debugged, and to enable the code highlighting.

Painless integration of Eclipse with Vim?

Has anyone managed to get Vim integrated into Eclipse painlessly? I just want to use Vim for the editor while retaining the general Eclipse interface. I have tried using Eclim plugin but the editor seemed to crash more often than work (the site said that the editor replacement functionality is still beta).
On the flip side, is there any IDE which matches Eclipse's functionality—mainly the integration with SVN, ant, etc.—and is also able to use Vim?
I mostly use eclipse for SAS SCL, Java and Javascript programming and find the eclipse editor too "mouse-y".
I'd also like, in a perfect world, to use vimdiff as a diff viewer for SVN (we use TortoiseSVN) while checking for diffs or conflicts during merge etc. I admit I havent spent a lot of time trying to get these things to work. I feel guilty about spending too much time on potential wild-goose-chases while my other team members are working away at their code, perfectly content with all that Eclipse has to offer.
Edit: Just found this while desperately browsing around: Vim plugin. Any experience using this? From the claims on the site, it sounds perfect.
I've been using Vrapper for about 2 months and it works great. It is simple to install, and makes life much easier.
It doesn't integrate Vim with Eclipse, it just emulates Vim's behaviour so you don't need to have Vim installed.
I have been experiencing errors while refactoring methods in Eclipse (only when Vrapper was installed) so I stopped using it.
Now I'm using ViPlugin (very similar to vrapper). It works great (especially since version 2.0) and I recommend it, but it is not free (but cheap and has a trial version)
As the new post mentioned, if we always use the rename dialog to rename, it can be a work around for Varpper.
Preferences > Java > and uncheck "Rename in editor without dialog"
The consensus seems summarized in that Wanted: VIM in Eclipse article.
No decent Vi plugin exists for eclipse, except viplugin which does not offer macro mechanisms.
Whereas on the NetBeans side... jvi does a killing job ;)
WOW, this is the one!
It just came out a few months ago, and seems much better than the other alternatives...and it is open source.
I use Viable, which is a new plugin for Eclipse providing Vi emulation. It is very similar to vrapper, but it doesn't have the same problem as vrapper with refactoring (as cysiek10 described.)
It's got some pretty cool features which none of the other Vim emulators in Eclipse seem to have (though jvi for NetBeans has a few of these) such as:
Visual block mode
External filters and commands
Command history
Window splits (love having this one!)
It is pay; however, you can try the full version for free just like viPlugin.
I never had much luck with vim integration into any IDE, be it Eclipse, Visual Studio, NetBeans, or sth else. Instead when stuck using an IDE, I just make the IDE launch a custom program: which passes the file onto vim using the client/server feature.
I.e. vim --servername SomeName --remote-{choice of how to open it: splits or tabs} {extra args like filename and +line#}
I just tried Eclim and found it really good. I can still edit inside Vim, and enjoy most of the benefits of the eclipse IDE inside Vim (such as better omni completions).
The best thing about Eclim is we are still using the original Vim, so I can enjoy all the existing benefits (my own functions, macros, etc.) while having the extra convenience provided by an IDE., which I found over the weekend was the closest I could come to a nice integration. Unfortunately when I opened more than 2 files in my IDE, it made my entire workstation unresponsive. And I didn't even use the "new process" option for the editor.
So bottom line it does seem that there is no decent integration available yet. Although with some it's close. I'm rooting for vimplugin to stabilize and I'll also some time (when I'm not eating up my employer's time like now) play some more with hte plugin to see if I can make it usable.
I tried Eclim and didn't like it at all. I ended using this plugin called "viPlugin," which actually works well enough to warrant using it every day. Here is the site for viPlugin:
The big downside of this plugin is that it's not free. I paid for it, and I think it's worth it. there any IDE which matches Eclipse's functionality -- mainly the integration with SVN, ant, etc. -- and is also able to use Vim?
IntelliJ IDEA has a very good VI plugin, but I didn't like it, although the plugin did it's work.
My problem was I have formed habits to use IDEA and those were harder and my experiment didn't it through. So I uninstall the plugin, and learned idea shortcuts instead.
But, is not free :(
Vrapper does the trick.
After installing Vrapper you need to remove CTRL+W key binding in Eclipse settings. Or else it keeps closing the editor when you actually meant Backspace.
It also comes with "surround" and split window plugins. Be sure to install those.
This is not 100% Vim, though. And nothing is 100% Vim except for Vim (doh!). You will find some commands missing (or you may not, depending on how "vimy" you are). But vrapper has :vim command, which opens up Vim editor with the current file in the buffer and places your cursor in the exact location in the file. This way you can continue editing from where you left off. When you're done in Vim just close the editor, and you return to your eclipse editor.
I hope this was helpful.

vim commands in Eclipse

I have been doing some java development lately and have started using Eclipse. For the most part, I think it is great, but being a C/C++ guy used to doing all of his editing in vim, I find myself needlessly hitting the Esc key over and over.
It would be really nice if I got all the nice features of Eclipse, but still could do basic editing the same way I can in vim. Anyone know of any Eclipse pluggins that would help with this?
an Eclipse plugin which acts as a wrapper for Eclipse text editors to provide a Vim-like input scheme for moving around and editing text.
Unlike other plugins which embed Vim in Eclipse, Vrapper imitates the behaviour of Vim while still using whatever editor you have opened in the workbench. The goal is to have the comfort and ease which comes with the different modes, complex commands and count/operator/motion combinations which are the key features behind editing with Vim, while preserving the powerful features of the different Eclipse text editors, like code generation and refactoring...
There is this plugin that costs $20+
I use it and it works great, you've got basic vi movement commands and a set of others.
Here is an open source, free plugin but i've never been able to get it working (i'm on a mac).
You can also go the other way and get eclipse code completion inside vim.
You basically run an instance of Eclipse and you will be working inside vim. They just released a version compatible with Eclipse 3.4.
New plugin I've started using
Viable has pretty much what you are looking for along with some extra features which none of the other plugins for eclipse seem to have, like some support for visual block mode, command line history, window splitting, and piping external commands.
It is pay ($15.00 CAD) but free to tree with all the features. I personally like it better than the other solutions.