Eclipse Helios x64 (Mac) - JSP editor hangs/freezes - eclipse

I'm having issues with Eclipse Helios (3.6.2) x64 (32-bit, too) hanging/freezing frequently when I attempt to edit .jsp files using Eclipse's built-in editor (Web Tools, J2EE package). I've been doing editing with 3rd party apps, but I would really like to have proper JSP syntax highlighting and auto-completion. The same symptoms occur when I attempt to edit .html files in Eclipse, too (though it's not as much of an issue since little is lost using a 3rd party html editor).
They are just plain .jsp files... not part of a J2EE or Web Project. The issue seems to be whenever I attempt to add tags... but it doesn't seem to consistently cause the problem. It seems to be temperamental.
Think it's a reference issue of sorts? Auto-completion issue in Eclipse?
I saw that other people had issues with this, but I wasn't able to find a clear cut solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Old question that probably is resolved already. But in case anyone comes across this question in a search, it might be helpful to know that there is a bug reported about this

That usually happens as eclipse plug-ins are lazy loaded. JSP editor is loaded the first tim you attempt to load any JSP. It generally takes a while, ranging from few seconds to couple of minutes. Just wait for this duration the first time and the JSP editor would load very quickly until the next restart. My tip is to avoid closing/restarting eclipse altogether.
Also, to further speed up the load time, turn off any validators (such as JavaScript syntax validator) which you think you may never need.


Stop Eclipse from autocompleting variable names on declaration

Edit: I am a dumbass who repeatedly went into CA for JavaScript instead of Java. This is what happens when you blindly use the search box, folks.
I know this question has been asked and answered here before, but there's a problem. The solution just isn't there anymore.
I have the exact same problem as this good fella. I saw the answers, they say it's been patched in the 2018-12 release, which I assume is about 18 months old (I've only recently started using eclipse). I'm on the 2020-03 release and, as I said, the Disable insertion triggers except 'Enter' just isn't there anymore. See below:
Eclipse Preferences->Editor->Content Assist Window in 2020-03 release:
I tried looking for it elsewhere in Preferences but I can't find it. When I try to google it all that comes is this same solution, and nothing useful comes up if I filter the searches for time. Does someone know where this option went or if there is another way I can fix this? It's driving me nuts.
Your screenshot shows the JavaScript, not the Java content assist preference page where this setting has never existed:
Window (macOS: Eclipse) > Prefences: JavaScript > Editor > Content Assist
The Java content assist setting described in the mentioned answer can still be found at the same place:
Window (macOS: Eclipse) > Prefences: Java > Editor > Content Assist

Eclipse with old Sun USB Keyboard

I'm forced to work with Eclipse (3.6) now, and i would like to re-use my favorite Sun keyboard with the left function block for cut/copy/paste/undo/find/etc (can't code without it ..).
So far i got it working with about every IDE/Editor i used, but NOT with eclipse. The keybinding manager simply ignores these keys.
Any hints? Has anybody got it working? I thought it might be related to Java, but i have other Java tools that work (freemind, for example).
Ok, i found a workaround by installing "autokey" and defining some rules that send -C/V/X/Y/Z to the eclipse window.
But i'm still curious why Eclipse ignores these keycodes/keysyms, especially since autokey needs to be started now (and sometimes crashes).

Strange eclipse display issues

I use Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers for most of my coding, html, css, php etc etc. Recently however I have noticed an issue where after doing a combination of "something" the display of my files completely screws up and does all sorts of weird things.
For example if I try and add a on starting to do it the characters just start going all over the place and giving me display issues like that shown in the attached screenshot.
It's a little tricky to explain exactly what's happening but eclipse basically becomes unusable as each keypress seems to do something random and mess up the page even more.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? I'm using a mac on Snow Leopard with Eclipse Indigo.
Just to update this. To resolve this issue I ended up downloading the latest version of eclipse and overwriting the eclipse directing with this. I tried just doing an update but this did not work so I'm guessing I had some corrupt files or something.
The good thing about eclipse is that you have a workspace folder that is essentially separate, so if you replace eclipse you can just re-import your old workspace.
ALl seems to be working as normal so far!

Eclipse's WTP translation output

How can I view the intermediate translation done to JSP and JSPX pages by WTP? I'm getting weird syntax errors in my Problems tab of Eclipse in a project that has plenty of .jspx pages. They don't affect anything in the running application (Tomcat 6.0) and they appeared only over the last 2 weeks, after an update.
The reason why I'd like to view the output is that I'm using the Stripes framework at and the errors disappear for a particular .jspx file after I remove the <stripes:errors /> line of that file. At the same time, the syntax errors only appeared after I did recent fresh install of Eclipse at work, but then an update of Eclipse at home shortly therafter. I'd like to see the output to determine whose problem this should be (WTP, Stripes, or maybe just me :).
Remember that this issue is somewhat cosmetic, as it doesn't affect anything functionally. It simply spams my Problems tab in Eclipse and shows the little red X icons in the project explorer.
Right now you'd have to add the separate automated tests download to do this, and only in the 3.1 branch, but it enables a "Show Translation" command through Ctrl+Shift+9. Beware that the translation generated isn't 100% the same as the server would create at runtime--it's not intended to be executed. Also, the most recent 3.0.3 builds contain fixes to the translator that should clear up these kinds of problems (NESTED variables + self-closing tags). 3.0.3 is due in November and should update cleanly into Ganymede SR1.
I've seen the eclipse JSP editor get really confused over almost nothing. You said the problem goes away if you remove the tag. Does it come back if you put the tag back? I know that Eclipse 3.3 sometimes had some issues with JSP files where opening them, and forcing a save would clear the file of error messages (I haven't tried 3.4 yet). Maybe that's what's happening to you. Other than that, do you have all the proper includes / xml namespaces defined in the files?
I'm having exactly same problem with JSP and <stripes:errors/> tag in Ganymede. With Europa, there were no errors. Now it displays a couple of weird syntax errors on the problems pane. But as Silvaran stated it's just cosmetic, since the project builds correctly and works. It's still annoying though.

How do I configure Firebug to use Eclipse/Netbeans as editor

I want to use a real IDE for editing javascript files in combination with Firebug. In the 'Add editor' dialog for Firebug I'm allowed to specify executable and arguments. So the question is really how do I open a file in Eclipse/Netbeans from the command line.
Extra points for allowing me to choose between opening a new Eclipse/netbeans instance and reusing an already running one.
Not an exact answer I'm afraid, but this information might help.
Eclipse Help - Running Eclipse
Fireclipse: Debug from FF straight into Eclipse
I havent tried this yet but looks interesting Javascript Debug Toolkit 2.0.0
Also I have heard that aptana is pretty good
Ever though about the other way round? That means to start eclipse, start there a debug session with Firebug included?
If that could be an answer, see the explanation under Installing the JavaScript degbugger for the Aptana Studio. There is an option to install Aptana inside eclipse instead of loading the whole thing.
Caveat: I have never tried that, but I use currently Aptana for programming Rails, perhaps I will use that in the near future.