Get the nodes/pods information using cluster name or context name when we have multiple configs - kubernetes

I'm trying to fetch nodes list via ansible playbook using a context name. but its not working
my playbook:
- name: "get nodes"
hosts: kubernetes
- name: "nodes"
command: "kubectl get nodes --context='contextname'"
I do have multiple clusters in config file. I need to either specify cluster name or context name and get the nodes list or to perform any activity on a particular cluster

As far as I understand you when you run the command kubectl get nodes --context='contextname' directly on your master node, everything works fine, right ? And it fails only when you run it as a part of your ansible playbook against the master node ? What errors do you get ?
Yes that's correct. i'm able to execute from command line
"The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you
specify the right host or port?"
Are you sure it is available on the same host as you run your ansible playbook ? I mean your Kubernetes master node, on which you have kubectl binary installed ? My guess is that it is not and even if it is on the same host you'll not be able to connect to it using localhost:8080.
Look. You're not using here any particular Ansible module specific to manage Kubernetes cluster like this one, which you run directly against the API server and you need to provide its valid URL. Instead here you are just using simple command module which doesn't care what command you want to run as long as you provide a valid hostname with ssh access and Python installed.
In this case your Ansible simply tries to ssh to your Kubernetes master node and execute the shell command you passed to it:
kubectl get nodes --context='contextname'
I really doubt that your ssh server listens on port 8080.
If you run your ansible playbook on same host you can run your kubectl commands there are much easier solutions in Ansible for such cases like:
local_action or delegate_to: localhost statements in your task or more globally connection: local
More details on usage of all above mentioned statements in your Ansible plays you can find in Ansible docs and in this article.
I hope it will help you.


How to use proxy with Kubernetes

I'm new with Kubernetes and I'm just starting out. My Kubernetes server is running at: and I want it to run at I tried to use
kube proxy --bind-address""
but I'm getting a
kube: command not found
I've also tried to use
kubectl proxy --address=""
although it says:
Starting to serve on [::]:8001
but I'm unable to write any commands after that. Is there any way that enables me to use "" as my IP address and I'm also able to write commands after binding it to the said IP address? Can i change something in my yaml file or kubeconfig file or add a new file for this purpose that enables me to do so?
Use --port argument to change the port
kubectl proxy --address= --port=8001
Starting to serve on [::]:8001
Open another terminal to run commands against ip:8001
Another mistake would be to issue "kube" Command, as you maybe wanted to use "kubectl".
As #confused genius said above, you have to use.
kubectl proxy --address= --port=3000
Starting to serve on [::]:3000

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port. not able to figure out issue

In CKAD exam I have been asked to SSH to other node in cluster to do some kubectl operations like kubectl get all, though with that getting below:
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
Tried doing sudo, but did not work and did check kubectl config view (can see empty file in client node)
How to do this?
You need to list the available nodes in the cluster, but first, make sure you're using the correct context:
k get nodes
You will get the available noted like:
node-0 node-1 (to see which one is the worker node, or if you were asked to ssh to a specific node then copy-paste it) should be:
ssh node-0
This is to create some files/directory (ex: to persist data) once you finish return to the master to complete your task.

Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Am working on Azure Kubernates where we can store Docker Images in Azure. Here am trying to check my kubectl version, then am getting
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connectex: No
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused
For this I followed MSDN:uilding Microservices with AKS and VSTS – Part 2 and MSDOCS:Kubernetes on windows
So, can you please suggest me “How to resolve for this issue?”
I am on windows 10, and for me I did not enable kubernetes on Docker Desktop.
As you can see here, there are no contexts available.
So go to settings of docker desktop and enable it as follows.
Now run a command as follows.
kubectl config get-contexts
Ensure you see something like this.
Also you can also try listing the nodes as follows.
kubectl get nodes
I think you might missed out to configure the cluster, for that you need to run the below command in your command prompt.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster
The above CLI command creates .config file with complete cluster and nodes details in your local machine.
After that you run kubectl get nodes command in your command prompt, then you can get the list of nodes inside the cluster like in the below image.
For reference follow this Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.
If you can see that your config file is correctly configured by going to $HOME/.kube/config - Linux or %UserProfile%/.kube/config - Windows but you are still receiving the error message - try running command line as an administrator.
More information on the config file can be found here:
In my case, I was shuffling between az aks k8s cluster and local docker-desktop.
So every time I change the cluster context I need to restart the docker, else I get the same described error.
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
PS: make sure your cluster is started as shown in this picture showing (Stop local cluster)
For me it appeared to be due to Windows not having a HOME environment variable set. According to the docs kubectl will use the config file $(HOME)/.kube/config. But since this variable isn't set on Window it can't locate the file.
I created a HOME variable with the same value as USERPROFILE and it started working.
I'm using Hyper-V on Local Windows and I met this error because I didn't configure minikube.
(I know the question is about Azure, not minikube. But this article is on the top for the error message. So, I've put the solution here.)
1. enable Hyper-V.
Type in systeminfo on your Terminal. If you can find the line below,
Hyper-V Requirements: A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed.
Hyper-V works correctly.
If you can't, enable it from settings.
2. Create Hyper-V Network Switch
Open Hyper-V manager. (Searching it is the fastest way.)
Next, click your PC name on the left.
Then, you can find Virtual Switch Manager menu on the right.
Click it and choose External Virtual Switch with name: "Minikube Switch"
Click apply to create it.
3. start minikube
Go back to terminal and type in:
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Minikube Switch"
For more information, check the steps in this article.
Check docker is running and you started minikube or whichever cloud kube you using.
my issue resolved after running "minikube start --driver=docker"
Essentially this problem occurs if your minikube or kind isn't configured. Just try to restart your minikube or kind. If that doesn't solve your problem then try to restart your hypervisor which minikube uses.
minikube start
This command solved my issue.
I was facing the same error while firing the command "kubectl get pods"
The issue has been resolved by having following steps below:
a) First find out current-context
kubectl config get-contexts
b) if no context is set then set it manually by using
kubectl config set-context <Your context>
Hope this will help you.
If you're facing this error on windows, its possible that your docker instance is not running.
These are the steps I followed to replicate the above error;
Stopped docker and then tried to start-up an nginx-deployment. Doing this caused the mentioned error above to happen.
How did I solve it?
Check if minikube is running in my case this was not running
Start minikube
Retry applying your configuration above. In my case see the screenshot below
When you see that your deployment has been created, then all should be fine.
I had exactly the same problem even after having correct config (by running an azure cli command).
It seems that kubectl expects HOME env.variable set but it did not exist for me. There is however a solution:
If you add a KUBECONFIG environmental variable that will point to config it will start working.
setx KUBECONFIG %UserProfile%\.kube\config
When the variable is present kubectl has no troubles reading from file.
P.S. It is an alternative to setting a HOME variable as suggested in another answer.
Azure self-hosted agent doesn't have the permission to access Kubernates cluster:
Remove Azure self-hosted agent - .\config.cmd Remove
configure again ( .\config.cmd) with a user have permission to access Kubernates cluster
I encountered similar problem:
> kubectl cluster-info
"To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp xxx.x.x.x:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."
> kubectl cluster-info dump
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp xxx.0.0.x:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
This setup was working fine until Docker for Desktop bought it's own copy of kubectl. There are 2 ways to overcome this situation:
1 - Quit / Stop Docker for Desktop while using the cluster
2 - Set KUBECONFIG file path
I tried both the options and they worked.
Found a good source for .kube/config, sending it over here for quick reference:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority: fake-ca-file
name: development
- cluster:
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
name: scratch
- context:
cluster: development
namespace: frontend
user: developer
name: dev-frontend
- context:
cluster: development
namespace: storage
user: developer
name: dev-storage
- context:
cluster: scratch
namespace: default
user: experimenter
name: exp-scratch
current-context: ""
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: developer
client-certificate: fake-cert-file
client-key: fake-key-file
- name: experimenter
password: some-password
username: exp
Following #ilya-chernomordik,
I've added my config path to the System Variable by doing
setx KUBECONFIG "D:\Minikube\Minikube.minikube\config"
I have changed the default Location from C: Drive to D: Drive as i have less space in C.
Now the problem is fixed.
edit: after 5 mins, the api server again stopped. It's been more than 5-6 hours i'm trying to solve this issue. I'm not sure why this problem is happening, even after adding the coreect path.
On Rancher Desktop, make sure context is correctly choosen
In my situation, I'm in windows with docker desktop in a simple scenario just for studies, but the case is:
In the docker version in 20.10 or above, it come with kubernetes installed. Then it doesn't necessary installed a cluster adm like minikube. Then, when it just need to enable kubernetes in Docker Desktop configuration. Like:
Go to Docker Desktop: settings > kubernetes > check the box inside section Enable kubernetes and then click in Restart Kubernetes Cluster
When we do this, the docker provide all needed to works Kubernetes properly.
Referenced by: Blog

Access to Mongodb in Kubernetes

I created a Mongodb service according to the Kubernetes tutorial.
Now my question is how do I gain access to the database itself, with a client like Robomongo or similar clients? Just for making backups or exploring what data have been entered.
The mongo-pod and service only have an internal endpoint, and a single mount.
Is there any way to safely access this instance with no public endpoint?
Internally URI is mongo:27***
You can use kubectl port-forward mypod 27017:27017 and then just connect your mongodb client to localhost:27017.
If you want to stop, just hit Ctrl+C on the same cmd window to stop the process.
The kubernetes cmd-line tool provides this functionality as #ainlolcat stated
kubectl get pods
Retrieves the pod names currently running and with:
kubectl exec -i mongo-controller-* bash
you get a basic bash, which lets you execute
to get into the database to create dumps, and so on. The bash is very basic and has no features like completion and so on. I have not found a solution for better shell but it does the job
when you create a service in kubernetes you give it a name, say for example "mymongo". After the service is created then
The DNS service of kubernetes (by default is on) will ensure that any pod can discover this servixe simply by its name. so you can set your uri like
uri: mongodb://**mymongo**:27017/mong
In addition the service IP and port will be set as environment variables at the running pod.
I have in fact wrote a blog that show a step by step example of an app with nodejs web server and mongo that can explain further
feedback welcome!
Answer from #grchallenge is correct but it is deprecated as of in 2021
All new comers please use
kubectl exec mongo-pod-name -i -- bash

How does Kubectl connect to the master

I've installed Kubernetes via Vagrant on OS X and everything seems to be working fine, but I'm unsure how kubectl is able to communicate with the master node despite being local to the workstation filesystem.
How is this implemented?
kubectl has a configuration file that specifies the location of the Kubernetes apiserver and the client credentials to authenticate to the master. All of the commands issued by kubectl are over the HTTPS connection to the apiserver.
When you run the scripts to bring up a cluster, they typically generate this local configuration file with the parameters necessary to access the cluster you just created. By default, the file is located at ~/.kube/config.
In addition to what Robert said: the connection between your local CLI and the cluster is controlled through kubectl config set, see the docs.
The Getting started with Vagrant section of the docs should contain everything you need.