Can I show the momentary payment confirmation with smart buttons? - paypal

Can I show the Momentary payment confirmation which described here after payment that has been done using the Smart Payment Buttons Integration?
I have enabled the auto-return option and also added the return URL to the sandbox app but it is still not working.

No, you can't. That page is describing the old behavior that only applies when you do a full page redirect away from your site to PayPal.
If you stay on your site and display the smart experience, you are expected to display your own confirmation once the successful capture triggers within your SPB javascript.


How to show subscription payments in PayPal confirmation page?

I am using a PayPal button that redirects to a checkout/payment confirmation page that has payment info, payment methods, etc.
However, it is not obvious if the payment is one time or recurring.
The user could click on the amount and see more details, but I was wondering if I could show the subscription info by default to avoid confusion.
The subscription info is also presented after the payment has been processed in the receipt which is informative, but not ideal.
Here is the amount:
here is the amount after click/expansion:
PayPal's checkout is designed to be equally usable from a mobile device or small/pop-up minibrowser, so the space on the right in your screenshot isn't available cross-platform.
The details of what is being paid for are meant to be shown by your own site before, on the page and in the receipt after, and are also available via the drop-down as shown in your screenshot.
You can't expand it by default.

Paypal payment page odd behavior

I have integrated Express Checkout with my application it works fine but sometimes paypal payment pages behaves very oddly. When user is directed to payment page, the page it shows is not same all the time. sometimes it shows saying "Login or Checkout as a Guest" and sometimes user see a page saying "Login as paypal or Create an account"
I have attached the image url Please see the following links.
First Layout
Second Layout
First layout makes sense. but second layout creating confusion when it says "create an account"? is that means creating paypal account or what? when i click on the option it simply shows me credit card details to enter. i dont know if that is related to the payment or asking to create new paypal account?
PayPal has been split testing the old EC pages with the new ones that you're seeing sometimes. In order to work with both sets of pages nicely, you'll need to make sure to add an additional parameter into your SetExpressCheckout request.
It looks like you're already using the following (and if you're not, you need to add them)
You need to also include the following to work well with the new pages.

Inconsistent checkout screens for Paypal express checkout

We're developing an application that uses Paypal Express Checkout, and we're finding that we get two different landing pages. We're actually finding a problem that seems superficially similar to Can you force PayPal Payments Standard API to show credit card fields first?, but with a few differences:
Everything is fine with the sandbox, and we get exactly the appearance (credit card first) we want.
On the live site, about 50% of the time we get exactly the appearance (credit card first) we want.
Sometimes, we get a more "mobile-like" landing page, with the credit card stuff totally hidden in a "Check out as a guest" button, as shown.
This feels like a failing A/B test to me. We're sending exactly the variables in the question linked above, and as I said, all works fine with the older landing pages. I know there are also cookie issues, but in this case, we're seeing it even when Paypal is not able to identify an account and when cookies are cleared.
Does anybody know if there is anything we can do to work around this?
I can add code if needed, but the problem appears to be more data than logic.
I had the same question after I started to see users coming in from the 'new style' page.
I found the answer here:
Paypal express "order summary" page
I added the "force_sa=true" parameter to my Paypal URL:…
The new page is definitely weighted to appear more often on mobile devices. Without the parameter I get the new style page on a iPad after about 5 refreshes, with the parameter I can refresh as much as I like and never see the new page.
Obviously, PayPal will roll out the new page to everyone in the end, but this technique allows us a stop gap while we get ready for it ;-)
The screen pictured is PayPal's new checkout. It is only partially deployed at this point, you can think of it as A/B testing.
Regarding whether the customer sees "credit cards first", this mostly depends on whether they have a PayPal email stored in their browser cookie. If they do, the top "Log in to PayPal" section will be expanded, the email filled out, and they just need to type in their password and do about 3 clicks to complete the checkout..
If they do not have a PayPal email stored in their cookies, the bottom Create an Account or Pay as Guest section will be expanded. (If you want guest checkout, pass SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole in your initial SetExpressCheckout request).
The customer can always switch between the two expanded sections, it's just a "smart default" of sorts.
Try doing all your "credit cards first" testing in an incognito / private browsing window.

PayPal won't automatically redirect to my site after payment complete

For some reason PayPal won't redirect to my site after a payment is confirmed.
I have set auto return and set a valid url.
I have set a hidden param of return to the same url.
It just shows me a payment complete page with a link back to my site (the same url as above). If i click this then it takes me back to my site - hence I know the url is valid.
I just want this to happen automatically, which is what is supposed to happen if I set these options is it not?
Why is paypal so cumbersome? Or am I missing the blindingly obvious?
I'm using paypal standard with a business account.
Go to profile website preference page and turn on the auto return option.
In addition to the answer posted above, to turn on the auto return option, follow the below links:
Click on Profile underneath the My Account Tab
Click on My Selling Tools on the left hand side
Select the update option next to
Website preferencesReturn customers to my website after they pay with PayPal.
Locate the option to turn on Auto Return and proceed accordingly.
N.B. Over the past weeks trying to implement PayPal, I have come to understand that Paypal have a very confusing website and documentation and very often you may find contradicting things. So please note that the set of links above may change at a moment's notice. - DottoreM
From #AlexSchimp's comment above:
If the user pays with a credit or debit card, and doesn't log into PayPal it won't work. It only works if the user logs into their PayPal account.
The "Website payment preference" auto return URL functionality will only work for the payments processed via "WPS (Website Payments Standard)" i,e PayPal HTML button integration payments.
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
Check this URL:
I hope it will work for you.
Poonam (

PayPal: Sandbox UI is different from "real" UI?

As I've been integrating with PayPal, I've noticed that their sandbox UI is very different from their real UI.
When I set my button to post to, I get something like this:
But when I post to from a browser that has never visited PayPal before, I get this:
Is there any way to setup the sandbox so its interface will be closer to the "real" PayPal's interface?
I've not seen it, but perhaps that's a New UI? The quote below is about all I've been able to find out about it though.
The Adaptive Payments consumer
experience will be upgraded to the new
PayPal payment flow design being
rolled out across all PayPal products.
The new UI will show the merchant's
business name instead of their email
address and will have a split slider
showing the payment breakdown on the
left and the login/approval on the
David seems to be right — they are rolling out a new UI on the real site, but I guess the sandbox hasn't gotten it yet.
Also, clearing all my * cookies gives me a "pay with credit card" screen instead of the "log into PayPal" screen.
There is problem with new paypal interface, also mentioned in developer community forum on their website. many of the users are having problem since 1 month, and paypal is still working on it to resolve the issue.
Mazhar Karimi