PayPal won't automatically redirect to my site after payment complete - paypal

For some reason PayPal won't redirect to my site after a payment is confirmed.
I have set auto return and set a valid url.
I have set a hidden param of return to the same url.
It just shows me a payment complete page with a link back to my site (the same url as above). If i click this then it takes me back to my site - hence I know the url is valid.
I just want this to happen automatically, which is what is supposed to happen if I set these options is it not?
Why is paypal so cumbersome? Or am I missing the blindingly obvious?
I'm using paypal standard with a business account.

Go to profile website preference page and turn on the auto return option.
In addition to the answer posted above, to turn on the auto return option, follow the below links:
Click on Profile underneath the My Account Tab
Click on My Selling Tools on the left hand side
Select the update option next to
Website preferencesReturn customers to my website after they pay with PayPal.
Locate the option to turn on Auto Return and proceed accordingly.
N.B. Over the past weeks trying to implement PayPal, I have come to understand that Paypal have a very confusing website and documentation and very often you may find contradicting things. So please note that the set of links above may change at a moment's notice. - DottoreM

From #AlexSchimp's comment above:
If the user pays with a credit or debit card, and doesn't log into PayPal it won't work. It only works if the user logs into their PayPal account.

The "Website payment preference" auto return URL functionality will only work for the payments processed via "WPS (Website Payments Standard)" i,e PayPal HTML button integration payments.

<input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
Check this URL:
I hope it will work for you.
Poonam (


Cant find Paypal custom payment pages

I made a client site 'SSL' several weeks ago that used Paypal so was able to show a custom image on the paypal payment screen as it came from a secure source. However I just made another site SSL and intended to do the same and I simply cant find the 'custom payment pages' option in the paypal control panel where it was previously. Before it was along with 'My selling preferences' > 'Selling online' directly below 'Website preferences' but I've hunted high and low for the same option and cant find it. Looked on google with no luck so wondering if any paypal gurus out there would know where they have moved it to or a workaround to achieve same effect?
Login first to your PayPal account and then click/load this direct link to the custom pages:
First check that your SSL certificate has not expired.
Pass the image_url parameter to pass a custom logo or banner.
if calling PayPal with the GET method
from an anchor Buy this :
append &image_url=https://your-custom-banner.jpeg to the linked URL.
if calling PayPal from a form, with the POST method:
<input name="image_url" value="https://your-custom-banner.jpeg" />

Edit Paypal's Return to Merchant link

I'm using Woocommerce with PayPal Standard as my shopping cart on a WordPress site. When a user purchases through PayPal, there is a 'Return to Merchant' link that the user has to click in order to get back to my website. It currently has my PayPal email address as the link, which is very confusing, as a user wouldn't think to click "Return to [email address]" in order to get back to a website. How can I make that link text the 'name of my website' instead of my email address?
I have "Auto Return" turned on with a web page specified in my PayPal Website Payment Preferences. However, it doesn't seem to auto return, leaving me with this merchant return link that isn't intuitive to click. I'm using the Sandbox to test the payment process...don't know if that makes a difference to this problem.
I'm assuming that the settings to change this link text are in PayPal and not in WooCommerce (couldn't find anything at all like that in my WooCommerce settings). If it is a WooCommerce issue, I will post on the appropriate forum. Thought I'd try PayPal first. Thanks.
Unfortunately there is no setting to alter the return link on the hosted page.
One of the limitations of the auto return feature is that if both the "auto return" and "account optional" features are turned on, customers who don't log in to PayPal can choose to go back to your website after checkout (using the link), but aren’t returned automatically.
You can navigate to either of these features on the "Website Preferences" page and click "Learn More" to confirm this.
In sandbox mode it seams to display your email address. Turning off sandbox mode you should see your business name now.

PayPal payments: Default to 'Pay with Credit Card' instead of loggin in with a PayPal Account

I have seen this done before so I know it's possible - when you redirect to a PayPal checkout from your site, paypal presents you with 2 options to make a payment. One is "Login with PayPal Account" and the other one is something like "Don't have a PayPal account? Pay with Credit/Debit Card". By default the second option is collapsed, but I've seen sites where it's uncollapsed by default. How can I achieve this effect?
NB - previous posts suggested that it's done by cookies, and if PayPal detects that you have a PayPal account it will display the first option (login with PayPal). However I've seen other sites that display the 'Credit/Debit' card option uncollapsed even if you've got a paypal account. Do they clear the cookies somehow before redirecting you to PayPal?
just add :)
<input type="hidden" name="landing_page" value="billing">
You are redirected to billing page...
You can not set the credit card option to show by default if you are using Website Payments Standard. This is set by cookies. However, if you are using Express Checkout you can set the credit card section to show by default. This is most likely what you have seen on other sites. If you are using Express Checkout, and want to set this all you need to do is passing over the following 2 variables and values in your SetExpressCheckout API call.
You also need to make sure you have PayPal account optional turned on in your PayPal account. This is section is found in your profile.
A little bit late with this one but i recently had the same issue using Express Checkout JS
Managed to resolve this by adding the following to the js object
experience: {
flow_config: {
landing_page_type: "billing",
I came across from various sites regarding the same ask while I have workaround to achieve this for the time being. :) But your finding resolved my issue, that's cookies cause after I have my workaround applied.
The workaround to default the Paypal payment to Credit/Debit card option is to add the variables on your button such as country=COUNTRY_VALUE or any other variables you would think customer is fine to have it defaulted. Variables page
Hope it helps you. :)

Choosing which PayPal checkout form to use

We send people to PayPal to either donate or subscribe to our site.
We have guest access enabled, when you start a fresh session and navigate to our donate page and click the button, you get a nice 'guest' checkout page.
But, if you log in to PayPal and then logout again, you don't get this form on your next donate, you get the 'login' form.
I'd like to be able to force all users to the Guest form if possible. I know that there are a bunch of features not available to us lowly 'donate button' users (as opposed to Express Checkout and the like) but surely I could pass a param that forced the Guest form?
Answering my own question here.
Can you force PayPal Payments Standard API to show credit card fields first?
Is it possible to have PayPal standard expand the 'Guest Payments' tab by default?
Its all based on the PayPal cookie and there's nothing that allows you to override that.
EDIT This has been confirmed by PayPal support.
If there is a cookie, or if you provide an email like WooCommerce does by default PayPal will assume you have an account. See my answer in Paypal Payment Standard default enter card details

PayPal checkout - credit card tab by default

Is there anyway to make that the part where you enter your credit card information is open by default, instead of the part where you enter your paypal information?
I really need this, but wasn`t able to find anywhere!
The only way to do that is with Express Checkout. In your SetExpressCheckout request you set SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.
This will force the full credit card form to be displayed so people can enter a credit card without creating a PayPal account...
This can't be done with Payments Standard, unfortunately. "Guest Checkout" is available with Payments Standard, but it's all cookie based, so if any person on the computer being used has ever signed in to a PayPal account it will assume that's what they'll be doing in the future and it won't present the credit card option.
This question came up again and I had more information to provide. Check it out.
for people reaching here from google and still cant manage to solve it , there are several key factors to this :
PayPal parameters: if you look at PayPal's API there are 3 relevant fields: LANDINGPAGE, USERSELECTEDFUNDINGSOURCE, SOLUTIONTYPE .
Not sending email parameter. change email parameter to '' (blank) . if you do send email parameter it will always open the login tab.
Cookies. no matter what you do , if the user have a PayPal cookie on his browser , the login tab will open by default (and the above parameters will be ignored) there is no solution for that (as far as I know) so make sure you check if it works with a cookie virgin browser.
For those of you working on the latest implementation of Express Checkouts, all you need to do to have the credit card tab open by default is add an extra &SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=US(or any country code for the matter as default) to the nvpstring before doing a SetExpressCheckout and it will begin working like a wonder.
Cheers :)