iPhone camera images as OpenGL ES textures - iphone

Is it possible to use an image captured with the iPhone's camera as a texture that is then manipulated in OpenGL ES (flag wave effect, etc.)? The main problem being the size of the iPhone screen being 320x480 (no status bar) and thus the image won't have dimensions that are power-of-2. Is the main option copying it into a 512x512 texture and adjusting the vertices?

Yes, that's the way to do it.
Just use a larger texture. It's a waste of memory but unfortunately there is no way around this problem.

An alternative would be deviding the picture into squares with a length and height of 32 pixels (aka tiling), resulting into 15x8 tiles. Displaying it would however involve many texture switches while drawing which might become a bottleneck. On the other hand you would save a lot of memory using a tiled approach.


Pixel-perfect shader in Unity ShaderLab

In Unity, when writing shaders,
is it possible for the shader itself to "know" what the screen resolution is, and indeed for the shader to control single physical pixels?
I'm thinking only of the case of writing shaders for 2D objects (such as for UI use, or at any event with an ortho camera).
(Of course, normally to show a physical-pixel perfect PNG on screen, you merely have a say 400 pixel PNG, and you arrange scaling so that the shader, happens to be drawing to, precisely 400 physical pixels. What I'm wondering about is a shader that just draws, for example a physical-pixel perfect black line - it would have to "know" exactly where the physical-pixels are.)
There is a ShaderLab built-in value called _ScreenParams.
_ScreenParams.x is the screen width in pixels.
_ScreenParams.y is the screen height in pixels.
Here's the documentation page: http://docs.unity3d.com/462/Documentation/Manual/SL-BuiltinValues.html
I don't think this is going to happen. Your rendering is tied to current selected video mode and it doesn't even have to match your physical screen size (if that is what you mean by pixel-perfect).
The closest you are going to get with this is if you render at recommended resolution for your display device and use pixel shader to shade an entire screen. This way, one 'physical pixel' is going to be roughly equal to one actual rendered pixel. Other than that, it is impossible to associate physical (that is your display's) pixels to rendered ones.
This is unless, of course, I somehow misunderstood your intentions.
is it possible for the shader itself to "know" what the screen resolution is
I don't think so.
and indeed for the shader to control single physical pixels?
Yes. Pixel shaders know what pixel they are drawing and can also sample other pixels.
First of all, please define 'Pixel perfect' and 'Physical pixel'.
If by physical pixel you mean your display's pixel (monitor, laptop display, any other hardware you might use) then you are out of luck. Shaders don't operate on those, they operate on their own 'abstract pixels'.
You can think about it in this way:
Your graphics are rendered in a picture with some configurable resolution (say 800x600 pixels). You can still display this picture on a 1920x1080 display in full screen no problem, it would look crappy though. This is what's happening with actual display and video card rendering. What determines the actual amount of rendered pixels is your video mode (picture's resolution in the above example). And physical pixels are your display's pixels. When rendering you can only operate on the first kind.
This leads us to a conclusion that when you render the graphics at the exact same resolution as your display's native resolution, you can safely say that you endeed render it as 'Physical Pixels'.
In unity, you can pass the renderer some external data (this might include your current screen resolution (for example as a Vector2, see this).
However you most likely don't need any of this, since pixel shaders already operate on pixels (rendered pixels, determined by your current video mode). That means that if you use some resolution which is lesser than your native one, you most likely will not be able to render a single pixel.
Hope it helped.

iPhone image resource - 1024 maximum, 2048 pixels #2x?

The restriction of 1024x1024 as the largest image for an iPhone is a problem with iPhone 4. However if an #2x image is used with maximum dimensions of 2048x2048 everything looks equally good on the 4 as it does on a 3 - tried and tested in simulator and device. Question is, does the image dimension restriction relate to the UIImage or the resource that it contains? I can't imagine resources of more than 1024 pixels are discouraged with the 960 pixel height of the screen.
The right answer is really to use tiles so that things look even better, but the deadline for for this deliverable is too close - it's a future thing.
From UIImage class reference:
You should avoid creating UIImage
objects that are greater than 1024 x
1024 in size. Besides the large amount
of memory such an image would consume,
you may run into problems when using
the image as a texture in OpenGL ES or
when drawing the image to a view or
layer. This size restriction does not
apply if you are performing code-based
manipulations, such as resizing an
image larger than 1024 x 1024 pixels
by drawing it to a bitmap-backed
graphics context. In fact, you may
need to resize an image in this manner
(or break it into several smaller
images) in order to draw it to one of
your views.
That is, views are rendered and composited with the iPhone's GPU. If your view, for example, overrides drawRect and tries to render a very big UIImage you might run into problems. Newer generation iDevices, such as iPad and iPhone 4 support bigger textures than 1024x1024 (2048x2048 I think).
I didn't realise there was a restriction, I'm using an image 15198 × 252 as the scrolling landscape in Scramble... works really well, though I must say I did have reservations before I tried it out!

antialiasing iPhone OpenGLES

I need in antialiasing in iPhone 3G (OpenGL ES1.1), NOT iPhone 3Gs with OpenGL ES.2.0.
I've draw 3d model and have next: pixels on the edges of the model look like teeth.
I've try set any filters for texture, but this filters making ONLY texture INSIDE look better.
How can i make good antialising ?
May be i should use any smooth for drawing triangles ? If yes, then how it possible in OpenGL ES1.1 ?
As of iOS 4.0, full-screen anti-aliasing is directly supported via an Apple extension to OpenGL. The basic concept is similar to epatel's suggestion: render the scene onto a larger framebuffer, then copy that down to a screen-sized framebuffer, then copy that buffer to the screen. The difference is, instead of creating a texture and rendering it onto a quad, the copy/sample operation is performed by a single function call (specifically, glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE()).
For details on how to set up the buffers and modify your drawing code, you can read a tutorial on the Gando Games blog which is written for OpenGL ES 1.1; there is also a note on Apple's Developer Forums explaining the same thing.
Thanks to Bersaelor for pointing this out in another SO question.
You can render into a larger FBO and then use that as a texture on a square.
Have a look at this article for an explanation.
Check out the EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS and EGL_SAMPLES parameters to eglChooseConfig(), as well as glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE).
EDIT: Hrm, apparently you're out of luck, at least as far as standardized approaches go. As mentioned in that thread you can render to a large off-screen texture and scale to a smaller on-screen quad or jitter the view matrix several times.
We found another way to achieve this. If you edit your textures and add for example a 2 pixel frame of transparent pixels, the colored pixels in the texture are blended with the transparent pixels when necessary giving a basic anti-aliasing effect. You can read the full article here in our blog.
The advantage of this approach is that you are not rendering a bigger image, or copying a buffer, or even worse, making a texture from a buffer, so there is no impact in performance.

iPhone OpenGL ES 2d background texture

i have a 1024 x 1024 image I use for a texture in my game for the background.
Im wondering if their is a proper way to handle drawing a large background texture.
How I am doing it currently:
texCoord { 0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1 }
vertice { 0,0,0,height,width,0,width,height }
bind the texture
enable client (texCoordArr, vertexCoordArr)
disable client (texCoordArr, vertexCoordArr)
That's fine...
I don't know if the GL|ES on the iPhone supports the glDrawTexOES extension, but if it does you may safe some lines of code. It won't make drawing any faster though.
Also some additional hints:
try to make the texture exactly as large as the screen. There is no need to store the image in 1024*1024 if the real resolution is more around 480*320. If you zoom or pan the image it's another thing of course.
You may save quite a bit of memory if you don't upload mipmaps for the backdrop.

Large scrolling background in OpenGL ES

I am working on a 2D scrolling game for iPhone. I have a large image background, say 480×6000 pixels, of only a part is visible (exactly one screen’s worth, 480×320 pixels). What is the best way to get such a background on the screen?
Currently I have the background split into several textures (to get around the maximum texture size limit) and draw the whole background in each frame as a textured triangle strip. The scrolling is done by translating the modelview matrix. The scissor box is set to the window size, 480×320 pixels. This is not meant to be fast, I just wanted a working code before I get to optimizing.
I thought that maybe the OpenGL implementation would be smart enough to discard the invisible portion of the background, but according to some measuring code I wrote it looks like background takes 7 ms to draw on average and 84 ms at maximum. (This is measured in the simulator.) This is about a half of the whole render loop, ie. quite slow for me.
Drawing the background should be as easy as copying some 480×320 pixels from one part of the VRAM to another, or, in other words, blazing fast. What is the best way to get closer to such performance?
That's the fast way of doing it. Things you can do to improve performance:
Try different texture-formats. Presumably the SDK docs have details on the preferred format, and presumably smaller is better.
Cull out entirely offscreen tiles yourself
Split the image into smaller textures
I'm assuming you're drawing at a 1:1 zoom-level; is that the case?
Edit: Oops. Having read your question more carefully, I have to offer another piece of advice: Timings made on the simulator are worthless.
The quick solution:
Create a geometry matrix of tiles (quads preferably) so that there is at least one row/column of off-screen tiles on all sides of the viewable area.
Map textures to all those tiles.
As soon as one tile is outside the viewable area you can release this texture and bind a new one.
Move the tiles using a modulo of the tile width and tile height as position (so that the tile will reposition itself at its starting pos when it have moved exactly one tile in length). Also remember to remap the textures during that operation. This allows you to have a very small grid/very little texture memory loaded at any given time. Which I guess is especially important in GL ES.
If you have memory to spare and are still plagued with slow load speed (although you shouldn't for that amount of textures). You could build a texture streaming engine that preloads textures into faster memory (whatever that may be on your target device) when you reach a new area. Mapping as textures will in that case go from that faster memory when needed. Just be sure that you are able to preload it without using up all memory and remember to release it dynamically when not needed.
Here is a link to a GL (not ES) tile engine. I haven't used it myself so I cannot vouch for its functionality but it might be able to help you: http://www.mesa3d.org/brianp/TR.html