iPhone image resource - 1024 maximum, 2048 pixels #2x? - iphone

The restriction of 1024x1024 as the largest image for an iPhone is a problem with iPhone 4. However if an #2x image is used with maximum dimensions of 2048x2048 everything looks equally good on the 4 as it does on a 3 - tried and tested in simulator and device. Question is, does the image dimension restriction relate to the UIImage or the resource that it contains? I can't imagine resources of more than 1024 pixels are discouraged with the 960 pixel height of the screen.
The right answer is really to use tiles so that things look even better, but the deadline for for this deliverable is too close - it's a future thing.

From UIImage class reference:
You should avoid creating UIImage
objects that are greater than 1024 x
1024 in size. Besides the large amount
of memory such an image would consume,
you may run into problems when using
the image as a texture in OpenGL ES or
when drawing the image to a view or
layer. This size restriction does not
apply if you are performing code-based
manipulations, such as resizing an
image larger than 1024 x 1024 pixels
by drawing it to a bitmap-backed
graphics context. In fact, you may
need to resize an image in this manner
(or break it into several smaller
images) in order to draw it to one of
your views.
That is, views are rendered and composited with the iPhone's GPU. If your view, for example, overrides drawRect and tries to render a very big UIImage you might run into problems. Newer generation iDevices, such as iPad and iPhone 4 support bigger textures than 1024x1024 (2048x2048 I think).

I didn't realise there was a restriction, I'm using an image 15198 × 252 as the scrolling landscape in Scramble... works really well, though I must say I did have reservations before I tried it out!


cocos2d zooming sprite without distortion?

I want to implement zooming of sprites with a pinch gesture in Cocos2d.
How do I achieve it without the image getting pixelated?
I tried with vectors but with no success, I'm doomed using raster bitmap images.
Do I need the largest possible image with the highest resolution to make it look
What is the size limit for pngs in cocos2d?
What other pitfalls do I need to consider?
Yes. For example if the sprite should cover an area of 1024x1024 pixels when zoomed in to maximum, you need to create the image as 1024x1024 and set the scale property to below 1 in order to create a smaller version. If you use scale greater than 1.0 the image will always lose detail and become ever more blurred as scale increases.
There is no size limit in cocos2d, it's the devices that impose the limit. Most devices can handle 2048x2048 except 1st and 2nd generation which support only 1024x1024. You wouldn't normally support these older devices though, so 2048x2048 should be the default. Several newer devices (iPad 2+, iPhone 4S+) can use up to 4096x4096 textures.
Memory consumption. Not sure what you're trying to do, but often developers have little understanding about how much memory textures consume and what amount of memory is available. For instance, 2048x2048 as PNG with 32-Bit color consumes 16 MB of memory. Don't plan on using more than 4-5 of these, unless you're able to reduce color bit depth and use TexturePacker to be able to use the compressed .pvr.ccz format. Read my article about optimizing memory usage for more info.

Preloading a large image

I have an image with the dimensions of 5534 × 3803, and size of 2.4mb. The UIView references notes that:
"In iOS 3.0 and later, views are no longer restricted to this maximum
size but are still limited by the amount of memory they consume."
When the image loads, it lags for half a second, then slides in. The image sits in the UIImageView at 1024x704, but can be scaled up to 4x that size for the purpose of my app.
Are you able to preload the image in the AppDelegate? Or is there another way of working around having such a large image?
EDIT: The scaling is done via UIPinchGestureRecognizer, and scales up and done (scale x4 - x1) based on the image's center point. There is no panning of the image when zoomed in.
Personally, I would try to write a tile-based system (think Google Maps) that slices your big image into a grid of small images to avoid loading in that gigantic image all at once into RAM. I don't really know what your user interactions are for this image, or whether the images are changing or baked into your project, but I'd assume you can let users scroll around since that image is bigger than any iOS screen. With a tile-based system, you only load the images that are on-screen. CATiledLayer is an Apple class for doing just such a thing. That's probably what you want to look into.
See this StackOverflow question for some different approaches. The accepted answer uses code from Apple's sample PhotoScroller project, which may work for your needs and uses CATiledLayer.
This ScrollViewSuite Apple code might also get on your way (check out the Tiling code).

Maximum zoom for UIImageView

I'm trying to come up with some kind of standard to determine a maximum zoom setting for a given imageview (using a UIScrollView). In the apple docs it says that you should not initialize a uiimage object that is anymore than 1024 x 1024 into memory. Does it make sense to also apply this rule to a zoomed image, like for instance would it be best for me to make sure that the longest side of my image isn't zoomed any larger than x1024? Does anyone have any insight on this, I don't know too much about the memory requirements of ios and haven't been able to find anything from Apple (aside from the uimage requirements I stated).
You are really talking about two different things. Loading an image into memory takes up memory space so a picture that is 1024 x 1024 when loaded will always occupy that space in memory.
Zoom is something totally different. When you zoom, you arent adding any extra data to the image, you are simply taking the loaded image (lets say 1024 x 1024) and 'stretching' the bits across the screen.
The amount of data being stored doesnt change, the renderer just does different things with it i.e strectching out the pixels. With this being the case, I can only assume that you can set the max zoom to anything you want, but obviously the more you zoom in the worse the image will look.

Image strategy in iPhone app

I'm writing a card game for the iPhone, and I'm not sure about the best strategy for displaying the cards. I have a basic prototype that creates a UIImageView that can be dragged for each card with a dummy image. I wanted to use one large UIImage that contains the faces of all of the cards, and then have each draggable UIImageView display a part of that image. I must be misunderstanding what setBounds is for - I thought that controlled which part of the underlying image is displayed. So, two questions:
Is this the right approach?
How do I display just a part of the image?
Depending on your resolution, this might not be the best approach.
From Apple:
You should avoid creating UIImage
objects that are greater than 1024 x
1024 in size. Besides the large amount
of memory such an image would consume,
you may run into problems when using
the image as a texture in OpenGL ES or
when drawing the image to a view or
layer. This size restriction does not
apply if you are performing code-based
manipulations, such as resizing an
image larger than 1024 x 1024 pixels
by drawing it to a bitmap-backed
graphics context. In fact, you may
need to resize an image in this manner
(or break it into several smaller
images) in order to draw it to one of
your views.
Now, you are talking about breaking it up into several smaller pieces, but given UIIMage's caching, I am not sure what happens to memory every time you access the image and copy a sub-rect out of it. I think the approach I would take is to have an array of images, instead of one big one.

iPhone camera images as OpenGL ES textures

Is it possible to use an image captured with the iPhone's camera as a texture that is then manipulated in OpenGL ES (flag wave effect, etc.)? The main problem being the size of the iPhone screen being 320x480 (no status bar) and thus the image won't have dimensions that are power-of-2. Is the main option copying it into a 512x512 texture and adjusting the vertices?
Yes, that's the way to do it.
Just use a larger texture. It's a waste of memory but unfortunately there is no way around this problem.
An alternative would be deviding the picture into squares with a length and height of 32 pixels (aka tiling), resulting into 15x8 tiles. Displaying it would however involve many texture switches while drawing which might become a bottleneck. On the other hand you would save a lot of memory using a tiled approach.