Visually customize autocomplete in Wicket - autocomplete

How can I visually customize autocomplete fields in Wicket (change colors, fonts, etc.)?

You can use CSS to modify the look of this component. For the Ajax auto-complete component in 1.3 the element you want to override is div.wicket-aa, so for example you might do:
div.wicket-aa {
border:1px solid #CCCCCC;
div.wicket-aa ul {
div.wicket-aa ul li.selected {

Perilandmishap has probably the most usefull answer for your needs. Personally, I always found the default Ajax auto complete control in Wicket to be woefully insufficient for my needs. If you really want a professional "feel" to your auto complete, roll your an using Wicket's Ajax libraries.


Hide sidebar on a page in Confluence 5.1

I'm using Confluence 5.1 and I'd like to hide the sidebar - but only on a few pages. I only found a JQuery based solution which does not seem to work right in all browsers. It seems to hide the sidebar completely regardless of the default settings.
I found a CSS based solution for this after searching around the web for a long time.
Basically, all you need to do is add a CSS macro to the page which shouldn't have a sidebar containing the code below.
CSS Stylesheet macro
#splitter-content {
width: 100% !important;
left: 0px !important;
visibility: hidden;
This CSS block spans the page content over the whole page width and removes the left margin normally reserved for the sidebar. It also hides the split bar which is normally used to change the sidebar size.
The nice thing is that you don't have to mess with cookies this way or make sure the sidebar is turned back on on the following pages.
There was a Confluence bug filed for this and it was rejected* due to a desire to have a more simplified configuration system. In that bug, a workaround is proposed.
Add this to a <script> stanza at the bottom of the <head> tag in your custom HTML:
if (AJS.$("div.ia-fixed-sidebar").width() > 55){
Since I don't have that level of control, I opted for a Greasemonkey script instead. This only affects me, but it does solve my problem (I just have to make sure I don't take too much advantage of the extra width this affords me). Here is a sample userscript for this, also posted to Github [install]
// ==UserScript==
// #name Confluence - Hide sidebar
// #namespace
// #description Collapse the sidebar upon page load
// #include https://confluence.*
// #include http://confluence.*
// #version 1
// #grant none
// #license GPL
// ==/UserScript==
// from
if (typeof AJS === 'function') {
if (AJS.$("div.ia-fixed-sidebar").width() > 55){
This is theme-specific. The above code assumes the default theme and is not guaranteed to work in later versions of Confluence. See the "workaround" link for the code needed for the documentation theme.
* There's also another bug related to a cookie that is supposed to preserve whether or not to show or hide the sidebar. Supposedly, the bug is fixed, but this directly contradicts the first bug linked in this answer, so I can't make sense of it.

Google chart API styling tooltips

Is there a way to style Tooltips in Google chart API? I've managed to only change the color of text using tooltip.textStyle. So is there any solution to change the white background to some other color (as shown on picture):
Test playground
I found a solution through serendipity:
path {
fill: yellow;
Anyway, I did not find any configuration option for background in the google charts API.
Enable the tooltip to be handled by the HTML by writing this code in your options of google charts
CODE: tooltip: { isHtml: true } (,) add a comma if needed. :)
Now you can style tooltip using HTML and css. :)
/CSS Styling/
To style the tooltip box : {}
To style the content like font size, color, etc > ul > li > span {}
Use !important whenever needed ;)
It's possible to completely replace the label with custom HTML. It's maybe a bit complicated, but gives you full control of the content and style. See
As the Google Chart Tools API implements its SVG charts via an iframe hosted on it's servers, as per the Same Origin Policy you may not access or modify the content of another domain, unless via server-side manipulation prior to sending the client a response.
Given that, I'm not sure how you managed to change the text colour - perhaps a browser bug?
Another option might be to override inline-style rules e.g. span[style] { font-weight: normal !important; }

GWT - Styles not picked up from the css file correctly

I am facing this wierd situation with GWT where styles are not picked up from the CSS file correctly.
I am trying to style a text area. I know that it picks up default styles from either clean.css or standard.css.
But i have removed the inherit line from the application.gwt.xml file and copied all those styles into my own custom stylesheet file - application.css
And i am trying to add this style name ("close" see below) to my textarea like this
TextArea ta = new TextArea();
But it is not picking up the class name "close" at all. I have the default styles for text area copied into application.css from standard.css.
I checked the page using firebug and chrome's inspect element, i could see see the element as this -
<textarea class="gwt-TextArea close"></textarea>
I see styles only being picked up from class - gwt-TextArea.
could someone help me out here.
//// styles in application.css
.close {
.gwt-TextArea {
border: 1px solid #d9dbdb;
background: #ffffff;
color: #8e8e8e;
font: Arial, sans-serif;
overflow: auto;
What you are looking for is the setStyleName(), which will add a style name to the object.
After doing that you can use .close { } like you are using now.
What addStyleName does is it creates another style wich is dependent on the main style name in this case .gwt-TextArea close{ } (I'm not 100% sure of this, the documentation isn't very clear).
Anyways it's a good habit to use setStyleName() and setStylePrimaryName().
btw. if you like the answer please click on the button on the left side of the post so it's marked as answered :)
In GWT, styles are obfuscated by default, so you can reuse style names across your different widgets.
You have to use a special CSS class mapping to use styles programmatically : the CssResource.
interface MyCssResource extends CssResource {
String myCssClass();
class MyResources extends ClientBundle {
MyCssResource css();
ImageResource imageAccessor();
ImageResource repeatingImage();
You then use this clientbundle via GWT deferred binding.
See here for more information :
Thanks guys for helping out. But I figured out that my css file had a syntax error somewhere in the middle of the file and hence all the styles written below that error were not picked up.
That was a tough thing .. because i was all the time wondering if I was doing anything wrong in the way I am handling styling through GWT.

Change default font type/size in TinyMCE

How do you change the default font type and font size in TinyMCE?
I'm using the advanced skin and I've changed the body, td, pre style in default/content.css but it still doesn't change.
Well, there are several content.css and only one is used to style your editor depending on your configuration settings.
You should use the content_css configuration option and name an own css file where you can overwrite the editors defaults (the content.css you were recently looking for). In your init function use something like
content_css: "http://localhost/css/my_tiny_styles.css",
and in my_tiny_styles.css or whatever file you choose you use
font-family: myfont1, myfont2, sans-serif;
Here's another way to resolve this problem.
By adding your own custom styles into our CSS file by defining tinymce id.
#tinymce .mceContentBody p {
font-family: your_font_name !important;
If you want to change the default of the dropboxes rather than the display css only, with tinyMCE 4 it is now:
setup : function(ed) {
ed.on('init', function(ed) {"fontName", false, "Calibri");"fontSize", false, "11pt");
this is the setup option of the init function as explained here:
For people having troubles adding a stylesheet because of path troubles or whatever reason, this should do it pretty simple:
setup : function(ed) {
ed.on('init', function(){
Note I used jQuery, but can of course be done without it as well.
Here's how to do it without touching CSS or any other codes.
Use the plugin 'TinyMCE Advanced'
Activate it in settings.
More detailed instructions here.

Custom skin for facebook like button

Is there an (easy) way to customise the look of the facebook like button implemented via fbml?
I am pretty sure I saw this somewhere, but I cant remember where and I cant find any documentation on this.
You don't need to make these illegal hacking. Just use the "Open Graph": The downside is you need to create an app.
Are you guys lawyers or programmers? the question was HOW not ' do or not to do...'.
#pixelistik button can be inserted either via script tag or iframe and of course you can use css with iframe just via JS, easy peasy.
#skrat good point!
#Slavic what service exactly? I call it half-service because you can like only - no place for criticism so... your criticism is not proper. Like our posts! :P
generally: if you create custom button and you didn't sign to any t&c or something like that you can do whatever you want on YOUR webpage.
Although it may not even be legal to do so (check the terms and policies for yourself), you could do something like:
/* Like button main text color */ span.connect_widget_text {color:#fff;} div.connect_widget_confirmation {color:#fff;} span.connect_widget_text a {color:#ffc6ff;}
This link shows some mild styling options:
Easy peasy:
Simply set the opacity (filter for ie) to 0 and put the iframes over an image or div with a bg image. For bigger buttons simply load in multiple like buttons, don't load in too many this will make your page unbearable slow.
Hiya, you can do it with some smart CSS -
Although the legality of such edits is under question, I just wanted to share my findings on this subject.
I right clicked on a FB Like button in Firefox, and inspected the element with firebug. The readout of the class elements is:
.connect_widget_like_button .liketext {
background: url( -1px -33px no-repeat;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat-x: no-repeat;
background-repeat-y: no-repeat;
background-attachment: initial;
background-position-x: -1px;
background-position-y: -33px;
background-origin: initial;
background-clip: initial;
background-color: initial;
This exists on line 172 of like.php
One company I know of that does use a custom like graphic is Disqus, however their button is a multi-functional element that offers you a choice between facebook & twitter onClick, which may be how they were able to customize it to their needs.