Google chart API styling tooltips - charts

Is there a way to style Tooltips in Google chart API? I've managed to only change the color of text using tooltip.textStyle. So is there any solution to change the white background to some other color (as shown on picture):
Test playground

I found a solution through serendipity:
path {
fill: yellow;
Anyway, I did not find any configuration option for background in the google charts API.

Enable the tooltip to be handled by the HTML by writing this code in your options of google charts
CODE: tooltip: { isHtml: true } (,) add a comma if needed. :)
Now you can style tooltip using HTML and css. :)
/CSS Styling/
To style the tooltip box : {}
To style the content like font size, color, etc > ul > li > span {}
Use !important whenever needed ;)

It's possible to completely replace the label with custom HTML. It's maybe a bit complicated, but gives you full control of the content and style. See

As the Google Chart Tools API implements its SVG charts via an iframe hosted on it's servers, as per the Same Origin Policy you may not access or modify the content of another domain, unless via server-side manipulation prior to sending the client a response.
Given that, I'm not sure how you managed to change the text colour - perhaps a browser bug?

Another option might be to override inline-style rules e.g. span[style] { font-weight: normal !important; }


Hide sidebar on a page in Confluence 5.1

I'm using Confluence 5.1 and I'd like to hide the sidebar - but only on a few pages. I only found a JQuery based solution which does not seem to work right in all browsers. It seems to hide the sidebar completely regardless of the default settings.
I found a CSS based solution for this after searching around the web for a long time.
Basically, all you need to do is add a CSS macro to the page which shouldn't have a sidebar containing the code below.
CSS Stylesheet macro
#splitter-content {
width: 100% !important;
left: 0px !important;
visibility: hidden;
This CSS block spans the page content over the whole page width and removes the left margin normally reserved for the sidebar. It also hides the split bar which is normally used to change the sidebar size.
The nice thing is that you don't have to mess with cookies this way or make sure the sidebar is turned back on on the following pages.
There was a Confluence bug filed for this and it was rejected* due to a desire to have a more simplified configuration system. In that bug, a workaround is proposed.
Add this to a <script> stanza at the bottom of the <head> tag in your custom HTML:
if (AJS.$("div.ia-fixed-sidebar").width() > 55){
Since I don't have that level of control, I opted for a Greasemonkey script instead. This only affects me, but it does solve my problem (I just have to make sure I don't take too much advantage of the extra width this affords me). Here is a sample userscript for this, also posted to Github [install]
// ==UserScript==
// #name Confluence - Hide sidebar
// #namespace
// #description Collapse the sidebar upon page load
// #include https://confluence.*
// #include http://confluence.*
// #version 1
// #grant none
// #license GPL
// ==/UserScript==
// from
if (typeof AJS === 'function') {
if (AJS.$("div.ia-fixed-sidebar").width() > 55){
This is theme-specific. The above code assumes the default theme and is not guaranteed to work in later versions of Confluence. See the "workaround" link for the code needed for the documentation theme.
* There's also another bug related to a cookie that is supposed to preserve whether or not to show or hide the sidebar. Supposedly, the bug is fixed, but this directly contradicts the first bug linked in this answer, so I can't make sense of it.

TinyMCE 4: How to disable/hide tooltip?

I've just upgraded my TinyMCE to version 4, which seems to have a tooltip by default.
How can I disable/hide the tooltip that appears on mouse-over on any tool-bar item?
I've been searching for any possible solution, but so far, I have found nothing in the official documentation. What I found in the development tinymce.js file (uncompressed version) is that tooltip is hardcoded and set to be included every time.
I tried different things to disable the tooltip, by so far, the easiest and safest way I came up with is by using CSS, include this bit of code in the main css file to hide the tooltip forever:
.mce-widget.mce-tooltip {
display: none !important;
This solution avoids using Javascript/jQuery, and also avoids modifying the source file tinymce.js.
I fiddled around and found a dynamic solution using JQuery and tinyMCE 4.x. This solution allows you to enable/disable tooltips inside tinyMCE:
init_instance_callback : function() {
$("head").append("<style> .mce-tooltip{ display: none; } </style>");
It does change the class mce-tooltip after tinyMCE is initialised (init_instance_callback). Set 'display: block;' if you want to display the tooltips again. Its not the nicest solution, I know, but it works.
You can access the button instance and set its rendered state to false:
var controlIds = editor.theme.panel.rootControl.controlIdLookup;
for (let i in controlIds) {
if (controlIds[i].tooltip) {
controlIds[i].tooltip().state.set('rendered', false);

Change default font type/size in TinyMCE

How do you change the default font type and font size in TinyMCE?
I'm using the advanced skin and I've changed the body, td, pre style in default/content.css but it still doesn't change.
Well, there are several content.css and only one is used to style your editor depending on your configuration settings.
You should use the content_css configuration option and name an own css file where you can overwrite the editors defaults (the content.css you were recently looking for). In your init function use something like
content_css: "http://localhost/css/my_tiny_styles.css",
and in my_tiny_styles.css or whatever file you choose you use
font-family: myfont1, myfont2, sans-serif;
Here's another way to resolve this problem.
By adding your own custom styles into our CSS file by defining tinymce id.
#tinymce .mceContentBody p {
font-family: your_font_name !important;
If you want to change the default of the dropboxes rather than the display css only, with tinyMCE 4 it is now:
setup : function(ed) {
ed.on('init', function(ed) {"fontName", false, "Calibri");"fontSize", false, "11pt");
this is the setup option of the init function as explained here:
For people having troubles adding a stylesheet because of path troubles or whatever reason, this should do it pretty simple:
setup : function(ed) {
ed.on('init', function(){
Note I used jQuery, but can of course be done without it as well.
Here's how to do it without touching CSS or any other codes.
Use the plugin 'TinyMCE Advanced'
Activate it in settings.
More detailed instructions here.

TinyMCE Stylesheets in a layout

I am using the fullpage plugin:
I am trying to create a way for my users to select multiple layouts(I have about 6 layouts), in the layouts I have different
CSS rules that I would like to for example the background color
so in my layout (and this is just an example for brevity) I have
and then my layout.....
and then my layout.....
You get the idea ;), (I would like to use stylesheets but this did not seem to work either).
If I go into the editor and select the layout it looks great, until I hit save.
It is removed from the editors returned value (I am saving to a DB).
I have tried multiple things:
If in the layout I do this:
<style><!--Start Style-->
<!--End Style--></style>
and then my layout.....
when the user selects the layout the background color is not displayed but this is:
body{background-color:red} body{background-color:red}
but when I save it saves correctly???.
I have this as my setup
valid_elements : "*[*]",
extended_valid_elements: "style[type]",
I have tried multiple ways, looking for quite a while through tinyMCE's documentation and Googling and no luck.
Can anyone solve or suggest a better approach(The idea is to only have them select one layout which will do everything background color and layout)?
Thanks in Advance!
You should create your own css file for your content (configuration seting content_css) and add the desired class(es) to the formats configuration parameter. If you use the style plugin users are able to select the class from the style-drop-down and everything should be fine.

Intercept click over label widgets

tyrpx is a GWT / Google App Engine app that allows players to do typing races. I am trying to prevent people from selecting text to type (it's a quote). The quote is made of GWT labels. Is there a way to prevent people to select text? of to intercept a click over a panel or label?
See it here then click on 'compete in a race'.
You can make text unselectable via CSS using either/both of these:
user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
I've had the same issue and added a solution to the library. It handles all the browser specific implementations. You can add the library to your project or see how it's implemented and copy it to your own code. The method to use is:
CSS.setSelectable(getElement(), false);