What is the best operating system for a server? [closed] - operating-system

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Closed 10 years ago.
What would you suggest would be the best operating system for a web server?
If possible, please enumerate the advantages and disadvantages if there are any...

Use an operating system you have an administrator account for.
A mainstream flavour of Linux is a great choice for stability, but if no one knows how to look after it it's a bad idea. The same goes for any other platform you can name.

If the language is PHP, then go with a Linux system. Windows also supports it, but it seems to me that Linux is what most people use for PHP, and therefore there is more documentation to set up a decent Linux server with PHP.
I have no idea what distribution of Linux to use though, but I'm sure someone does :)

Personally, I prefer Solaris or a BSD for stability. However, both Linux and Windows are easier to operate and offer many more standard features with only slightly less reliability.
Go with what you know best and you'll get the best results.

I would say CentOS - famous for its stability. I used to work as an administrator for a hosting provider - we used it and never had problems with it.

It really depends on the function of the webserver. What services should it provide? Should there be a homepage, and what language should that be in, etc.

Either Linux or Windows will do the job fine. If you're doing this for yourself then Linux is an easier route because there are many free options.
If you're asking on behalf of a company who doesn't mind paying for things then it really depends on what the employees have experience in.


how to read linux kernel, any good tools to read kernel? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
linux kernel is really worth to spend a lot of time of read, but it is so large, and you don't know how to trace where you should start to read, and what you have read before?
usuallly people try to read linux kernel would make some comments when reading code, anybody agree? so git maybe nice when read linux kernl, but maybe sometimes you would like to read code on web tools such as lxr, but what make you disppointed is that you cannot make comments on lxr.
google code support comment, but you cannot export such comment:(
so what tool you would like to choose if you want to read source code of linux kernel?
You cannot understand the whole kernel at once, not even with a magic tool. There are too many facets and each has many aspects and quite a few nuances.
I suggest starting with a particular area of interest and focus primarily on it. If you have never looked at an OS before, the innermost areas are:
memory management
process management
thread scheduling
file system
As far as tools, any good cross referencing website is fine. LXR is good, but it takes awhile to get familiar with it.
Before starting with code , some theory knowledge is important.
Professional linux kernel architecture book will be of great help.
Lxr is good for browsing code online
VI editor with ctags and Taglist plugin is optimal for browsing kernel source code offline.

How to get started writing SIP / VoIP based software [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I need to add some SIP based functionality to my company's Windows based software, allowing the user to call extensions and receive calls from extensions registered with a SIP server. Essentially I'll be creating a simple soft-phone. The software might be running on separate networks, so NAT, firewalls and STUN servers are considerations.
I'm wondering if others have done this sort of thing and if so do you have any recommendations on how to get started.
Should I write my own SIP stack from scratch?
Should I consider using OPAL? It looks ideal, but they only list a single company that they know of using their library, which concerns me.
Should I consider other 3rd party libraries?
You should avoid to write your own implementation because this voip is a huge and complex topic. I would also not recommend OPAL (that is already outdated).
Just search for "SIP SDK" and you will see a lot of ready to use working solutions then just choose whichever seems better for your needs.
Opal has been around for years - and the code has been provided to various commercial users.
The code has been tested in many harsh environments.
Good software is like wine - it matures with age. Opal has matured well.
The library is extreme C++ - I hope you know C++ well.
Use Opal - cause when they ask for h.323, it will be easy.
The code has been tested on many compilers - (win, gcc, mac) and each compiler can be regarded
as a new pair of eyes, or another CPP quality check system.
http://www.opensips.org/ is a good choice in working for a server side implementation.
If you are to make a SIP client, try searching for webphones.Things with javascripts are cool.
here is a list:

Alfresco or Liferay, which is better for WCM? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am exploring CMS tools Alfresco and Liferay, but cant decide which is better for Web Content Management.
Please help me decide which tool to use for web. Opinions and suggestions are welcome.
Just use your favourite search machine and voila I've got topics covering this question:
e.g. here
If you can't decide, go for the pragmatic solution and just pick one.
You'll have to decide if you rather like the Content- or the Portal-centric approach - e.g. what else other than CMS do you expect from the solution you choose. As you ask for opinions: I'm tending to prefer a portal (but then, I'll have to disclaim that I work for Liferay) because it can integrate quite a lot more functionality - and extension is done through a well known standard interface (portlets). And I'm typically seeing requirements that ask for more than just content management.
Integration of both products is possible, but it's an additional effort that needs to be done - and you'll have to understand both. There are many people doing that, but if one solution goes 95% of what you need, you could save yourself the integration work.
But if you really want some useful answers here you might want to give more information about what you actually want to use them for, because personal opinions and suggestions might not help you with your personal requirements if you leave them unknown.
This blog post should be helpful enough as to WCM in Liferay. Talking about WCM (not Document/Enterprise content management) I would go with Liferay, because it is really easy and quite powerful, especially recently after a few new features were introduced (very cool web content staging and versioning). Alfresco is good for enterprise content management, but I wouldn't choose it for WCM, the Spring Surf and Spring Web Scripts it is using was quite hard to get used to.

Which is the best OS for web application development? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Which is the best Operation System suited for web application development in various platforms like JAVAEE, PHP, Ruby-On-Rails, Perl, Python, if I have missed out anything then that too etc. including testing front end and business logics, version control system like svn/git etc, planning, reporting, life cycle management etc etc? In short, need to cover all aspects for web application engineering.
I have used both Windows and Linux and have felt Linux is better for its great command line capability. I have no idea about development in Mac. My experience in web application development is limited to 3 years and I just need expert opinion.
Linux is great option because of the following:
Software/Tools availability
Relatively easy troubleshooting
Easy to find answers on any question/error code you get
Great package management (Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives)
Friendly community
and many more
About the machine configuration more RAM, more HDD space, better CPU, ... :). In the company I work, every in-house developed piece of software is developed and hosted on Linux. I really can not remember of any issues we've had, except minor hardware related ones.
Linux is always a best bet on development, but of course you'll want available testing platforms with Windows and Macintosh, as well as other Unix bases for testing to make sure that your product functions appropriately under all configurations.

Is there any cushycms alternative? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I need a free very simple CMS which i can host on my own server just like Cushy CMS www.cushycms.com. is there any ?
I recently wrote an alternative to CushyCMS because I wanted the open source community to have a free alternative.
Mechedit is an open source CushyCMS like applciation. Runs on PHP5 only though.
Orbis CMS is another open source alternative to CushyCMS. It's built on the same pricinples (simplicity, ease-of-use) and features a stylish interface, but is self-hosted and free.
SnappySnippets is a free and simple alternative; it is highly customizable and has a desktop interface that your clients will find easy to use. It is hosted so that you don't have to install anything
There are many questions like this on Stackover flow
for example:
link text
Just search for CMS
Good question which I was asking myself recently. This is a neglected corner of the CMS landscape. However, I did find:
this rather detailed and intelligent summary list:
a briefer but recently updated list of 40 lightweight CMSs http://www.abcphp.com/out/top-40-free-simple-lightweight-cms-|-vivalogo-resources/
Two other lists, both from 2012 and neither suggesting much examination of the products:
In case you're wondering, the project I was looking at using one of these for got a little more complicated and I ended up going to a more heavyweight system, with a simplified interface on top of it.
There's a lesson there. Many systems that will cope with complex needs (Drupal, MODX etc) can still be installed pretty quickly, and your users' needs are only going to grow more complex over time.
That said, I'd still like to think lightweight systems have their place. Let us know what you chose.