What common backend can be accessed securely from an iPhone and Android application? - iphone

I'm thinking about creating an application for the iPhone and Android that will need to access a common backend to retrieve account information. Can both access a web service over https? What other way would allow me to have one interface to the backend that is accessible by both?

They both work over http and https which is a common enough protocol. I would suggest you go with a RESTful web service so you expose your service via URI's like http://www.myservice.com/weather/zip/98007 which would return an XML blob that can be parsed by the client.

if you are starting from nothing, i'd definitely go with RESTful service that returns/accepts JSON... there are plenty of libraries for both platforms that will accept JSON and turn it into arrays and dictionaries.

I'd recommend using a RESTful web service backend, which is all standard HTTP and/or HTTPS. If you can use Ruby on Rails, its default scaffolding will get you about 99% of the way there and for the iPhone there is an open source project called ObjectiveResource that will automate your communication with this Rails backend. I haven't investigated yet what options are available on Android but since it is all simple HTTP it should be straightforward. I am not the maintainer of ObjectiveResource but I have contributed some code. You can check it out here:

One good approach I have seen used with other services is to write the backend in such a way that it can feed data back in different types - for Android an XML response is best, but for the iPhone sending back plist data is preferred (though it can also work with XML if required). In both cases it's easier to simply POST updates back to the server than to wrap an update in XML.
Both platforms should be able to use whatever form of authentication you wish to use, the iPhone I know supports all methods of HTTP authentication.


Data Synchronization between mobile and webserver

How would you implement a data synchronization solution that ensures data on a mobile device and web server are in sync.
Take a look to this tutorial (part one and part two), basically what they do is add a timestamp attribute storing the last modifications. It is developed to synchronize with the parse.com backend service but it is extendable to any backend.
We use a Unix-Timestamp in our company for this. The Server is comunicating with us in json over tls and client is using AsyncSocket. For Web-Server (https) you can take for example a REST-service and ASIHTTP for client. But our solutions are used for client independent services, so if you have only access with IOS/OS X it's maybe easier to use other solutions for direct synchronization :)

Sending data to RESTful web services from iOS app

I am facing a challenge to upload & download data, to and from the server using RESTful web services.
Is it possible to use a RESTful service client, if possible any way to achieve that in an iOS app to send data to the service.
#Ajay: As Claus mentioned there are number of public frameworks/wrappers are there, you can use them for RESTful service interaction from your code. The one I frequently use is ASIHttpRequest, quite handy and easy to use. There are enough examples out there with ASIHttpRequestyou can use it as reference.
Let me know if that helps.
You question is not clear. Do you need to push data from the server to the iOS app using a REST service?
If so, REST does not provide an interface for push. (It only provides a client->server Create/Read/Update/Delete API).
Take a look at ASIHTTPRequest or use RestKit for some more advanced stuff!
RestKit works really nice!

Cross platform WCF service

I want to use a WCF service and consume it using all the mobile platforms iPhone, android, Blackbery, Nokia etc'
Whats my best strategy for using those clients with a WCF service. it will have to be secured of course.
I disagree with SOAP and JSON. Use RESTfull service with POX (plain old xml). It will be most probably supported by all platform. Mobile phones can have limited SOAP stack implementations and JSON is usually used with browsers. My friend has BlackBerry and he continuously complains about its support for JavaScript.
To secure your service use HTTPS.
Use a SOAP or JSON endpoint. Most platforms will have support for these (or it'll be easy to find libraries). JSON is more web oriented (Javascript) but will work in other situations as well.
Mono supports WCF so maybe their iPhone and Android will support it as well.
Totally agree with #Ladislav on not expecting clients to be able to consume SOAP. Seems like SOAP stacks are lacking unless your client is native .NET or Java. Your clients will thank you by allowing them to choose JSON (web clients) or XML (system integration). Secure via HTTPS and basic auth or an API key.
If you already have an existing infrastructure of WCF services that you want to aggregate, or adapt, for downlevel clients you could put that POX (or 'REST') service in front of them and let it handle mapping protocols and formats for you. e.g. HTTP/S to TCP/IP and XML or JSON to SOAP.
The upside is that you will make it easier for downlevel clients to consume your services. The downside is that you've added an extra layer, which will cause complexity. Some tools, like WCF Routing Service (free) or Apigee (commercial), coupled with a solid automated deployment proces can help mitigate this complexity.
To build a REST service that supports XML or JSON, create your service with this template, it's designed for .NET 4.0. From there you can configure endpoints that respond in XML or JSON and let your client tell the service what response type it wants.
EDIT You can also have the service respond in a default format to reduce every client having to specify what format.
<standardEndpoint name="" defaultOutgoingResponseFormat="Json"/>

iPhone app and server communication

We have a web-based BI reporting product. We have exposed certain webservices which mainly return html content and do authentication.
We are in a initial process of developing an iPhone App, which will interact with these services and get data on iPhone.
There are couple of things we need to make sure before we start with the actual development process...
1) Should we use SOAP or REST (Will have to write the server part in Java) for the communication between iPhone and our web-application?
2) If we use SOAP, Can you suggest something, which will effectively create web services stubs in Objective-C.
3) In either case (SOAP or REST), what security mechanism is suggested by Apple?
We want to know your thoughts on the best and effective way communication could be done between iPhone app and backend servers (mostly written in Java)
Thanks in advance.
If it is an option, I'd use REST
Never did it, but may this will help: http://abhicodehelp.blogspot.com/2010/12/handling-soap-with-iphone.html
I'd do any HTTP-Communication using ASIHttpRequest. It is SSL-capable
In my apps I use simple URL requests returning XML / Cocoa-touch plists over https. I guess that's called "REST" -- it's simple and quick to implement. There are long flame-fests over SOAP vs. REST -- I just use this technique and get my apps done :)

iPhone application talking to a web service, the basics

We have an iPhone application created by an external consultancy that we're planning to add card payment facilities to in a subsequent release.
We plan to host a service ourselves in order to process the payment stuff, with SSL encryption. We have in-house expertese for all of this apart from the (contracted out) iPhone bit.
Are there any specific gotchas that we should be aware of that concern designing web services for iPhones?
We'll be writing the web service in C# 3.5.
JSON data format is better to be converted into NSArray or NSDictionary objects. It's easier and faster to be parsed.
So, specifically for the iPhone, it's a lot better to consume JSON data. Unless if there's some technical complexity that JSON is unable to handle.
Check YAJL:
There are Objective-C wrapper/implementations by gabriel in github and by MGTwitterEngine.
TouchJSON is another code that's simpler than yajl. You can convert JSON string into NSDictionary or NSArray object in 2 lines of code. But, it maybe slower.
I'm not sure there are really any special considerations. The iPhone should be able to communicate with most types of webservice.
I worked on an iPhone app that communicated to a RESTful webservice written in Java.
I imagine it's pretty straightforward across the board - there are plenty of libraries for parsing/generating XML or JSON formatted messages, the iPhone can handle HTTP authentication, HTTPS, caching, etc.
It's just down to your iPhone developer to get it right :)
For SOAP based web services I strongly suggest that you try gSOAP. This library does not support Objective-C, however it supports C and C++ and is certainly the most complete open source project to access SOAP based web service; it also outperforms all of the other libraries.
For Objective-C you may want to try wsdl2objc, but I am not sure if it provides support for SSL/TLS (gSOAP does).
Finally, REST based web services are easily handled using ASIHTTPRequest.