What's the best way to get Eclipse users to regularly update a plugin? - eclipse

I'm going to be distributing a plugin that will be routinely updated with features, bug fixes, and updates to downloadable corpuses.
The usual update site mechanism can do the update ok - when the user asks it to.
The problem is that (unlike MS Office), the automatic updater preference is off by default and I don't want to change that default for my users or count on them changing it.
Can I write something that occasionally checks for updates? Or prompt the user regularly? What's bad form and what's acceptable ?

Eclipse 3.4 check automatically for plugin updates by default.
You will see a popup window in the bottom right when an update is available.
To configure automatic updates, go to Window > Preferences > Install Updates > Automatic Updates

The absolute sure fire way is to make sure that your updates are compelling. The user will do the rest


Uber-api (UberEats) to update menu

I have developed a POS system and I would like to access the uber-api to update the uber online menu dynamically. Our clients make some changes to their menu daily (based on what's available and fresh locally, holiday specials, other specials...). Also sometime we run out of an item and need to update the menu for this.
Is there an uber-api to update the menu and have it take effect immediately? (or almost immediately).
I know this is old. But you can do it now - docs here
There is no UberEats publicly available API currently.

moodle: Automatic plugin updates for developing offline

I am developing a plugin for moodle. Every time want to review the results of the things I have changed in the code it is necessary to update all plugins. This means I have to open a notification page and click on update. I waste a lot time by doing this. Furthermore, it requires a internet connection to check for updates online.
Is there a way to update plugins that are under development automatically?
Especially changes to the AMD-Files do not become updated. The following steps I have tried:
First try:
change js-file inside AMD folder
[optional] delete minified version of the js-file
run grunt (uglify)
page reload in firefox or chrome
=> no changes visible after page reload in firefox
Second try:
change js-file inside AMD folder
run grunt (uglify)
change version number at version.php
updated plugin at moodle / administration / site administration / notifications
page reload in firefox or chrome
=> changes are visible
Cache was disabled in the browser and inside moodle
You shouldn't need to do any form of update if you have just made changes to your code - make the change, save it, refresh the page.
If you have changed any language strings or CSS or created any new autoloading classes, then Purge the site caches to see the new version.
If debugging is on, you shouldn't need to purge any caches for javascript changes (but you can also set $CFG->jsrev = -1; in config.php, as that sometimes helps).
The only times (during development) when you really need to bump the version number and then visit the notifications page (which doesn't require an internet connection) is if you are adding/removing a capability, changing the database tables in some way or making changes to one of the other files in the 'db/' subfolder (e.g. caches.php, messages.php).
I changed the config.php in the root folder of moodle and added the following lines:
$CFG->cachejs = false;
Finally, I saw all changes made to Javascript files stored in mod/my-plugin/amd/src directly on the page without running grunt.
It was not enough to set the debugging options under administration / site administration / development / debugging.

Is there auto-syncing in netbeans for external changes

I know netbeans syncs the original files once I save, but if there is a file changed externally is there a way for netbeans to recognize this and either tell me to re-sync it or automatically resync it with the new changes?
Here's what makes this behavior possible:
NetBeans 6.9 contains a feature that automatically looks for external changes to keep informations about files up-to-date. We have some reports that it can slow down NetBeans mainly, when an open project has many folders. When NetBeans find out that files were externally changed, it re-scans the files to keep data up-to-date that are used with features like code completion, navigation etc. Unfortunately the notification and following re-scanning can take some time and during this time many mentioned features are waiting for the finishing of scanning. There is option Enable auto-scanning of sources that can switch off this behavior. The option you can find it in Options dialog, Miscellaneous category and Files tab.
The default behavior is that NetBeans also looks for external changes when the main window gets focus. This is can be during developing a web application very often when user switches between browser and IDE. The mentioned option also switch this off.
When you switch off option Enable auto-scanning of sources you can still keep the information up-to-date, just invoke Scan for External Changes action from Sources menu manually.
(Here's the original article by Petr Pisl)
I find it counterproductive to leave this setting on, as sometimes auto-loading external changes to a file opened in the UI without asking for permission first can ruin your day when you're forced to make small local changes that you don't want replicated in your repository. I'm sure other people can think of more reasons to advocate for "warn before loading external changes" behavior to be implemented in NB. That is one of the reasons why I like Eclipse better sometimes.

Subclipse Lock Automatically

I'm currently using subclipse with eclipse to connect my project to SVN. Due to management decisions we must use the lock-modify-unlock model instead of the standard SVN model. We are accomplishing this by adding the auto prop need-lock. Subclipse recognizes this and asks us to lock whenever we edit a file, which works but it rather annoying. Is there any configuration settings we can use to make it automatically take the lock for the file as long as it is not already locked (at that point it can pop up and bother us)?
No, there is no setting to bypass the dialog.

Does install4j provide a *Completely* unattended auto update?

We are currently evaluating install4j and things are going pretty well, however I have a question about auto-update.
Currently I see options and documentation around 3 options for auto-update and the third one (no version check) seems
to be the closest to what we need. However it sounds as though it still prompts the user to actually start the download/install. Is there
any way to get around this? We are targeting our software as a service on many windows boxes in a server room, so there isn't a user
to click continue for that last step. I believe we can roll our own service to monitor for upgrades that will do a command line
install with an answers file to prevent prompting, but I'd love to know if I missed something that would allow me to utilize
install4j's auto-update.
When you go to Installer->Screens & Actions, click on the "Add" button and choose "Add application", you can choose from a number of pre-defined templates. However, they are just templates and after adding them you can change them completely.
If the updater should be automatic but still show a progress dialog, you can just set the "Default execution mode" property of the updater application to "Unattended mode with progress dialog". In that case, no screens will be shown at all.