Uber-api (UberEats) to update menu - uber-api

I have developed a POS system and I would like to access the uber-api to update the uber online menu dynamically. Our clients make some changes to their menu daily (based on what's available and fresh locally, holiday specials, other specials...). Also sometime we run out of an item and need to update the menu for this.
Is there an uber-api to update the menu and have it take effect immediately? (or almost immediately).

I know this is old. But you can do it now - docs here

There is no UberEats publicly available API currently.


Google Assistant Hello World Draft Project not updating

Very new to Google Actions. Testing out tutorial stuff.
I have tried this in a couple of test projects just to double check. After initial run of any project I do not get any updates on draft projects. No changes show up in draft projects for me for both simulator and real device.
Started new project
Even blank project has basic conversation telling you where to add things next.
Change text.
Notice prompt does not change in testing environment.
In below pictures I have changed the words "hello world" with "Hey Dude" for both fulfillment and console output. I would expect Testing Prompt to respond with "Hey Dude from fulfillment and Hey Dude from the console!" But it does not. Instead it does not reflect any recent changes.
I think there may be two slightly different (but sometimes related) issues going on here.
The first is that there are known problems with the simulator being slow to pick up on updates, or them not seeming to show up. The second has to do with making sure you're deploying changes from the build-in code editor.
I don't have a clear answer to the first problem, although I know they're looking into it. I find that I can make some changes and they may not be noticed, but I know they have been picked up if I see the "Your preview is being updated..." spinner appear. There are other spinners that sometimes appear, but unless it explicitly says that it is being updated - the updates aren't always picked up. (Sometimes they are, however.)
Usually, if I don't see this, I'll go back and force an apparent change (delete a character from a webhook handler name, then add it back) and go back to the simulator. In general, this time it will say it is updating.
If you're using the Cloud Functions editor, you need to do three things:
Save the changes. You'll do this by clicking the "Save Fulfillment" button, but this only saves it so you can leave the editor. It doesn't mean that the simulator has access to it yet.
Deploy the changes. This deploys your code to Cloud Functions so they can be run. Note in the illustration that it says the code is saved, but not yet deployed.
Wait till the changes are fully deployed. Deploying takes time, and until it is completed, it won't be available in the simulator. While deploying, it lets you know.
Once it has deployed, however, the message changes, and you the impacts should be available through the simulator (although you may still need to see the "being updated" message to be sure).
Remember, however, that you don't need to use the "Cloud Functions editor" in order to deploy a webhook. You can deploy a webhook on any web server where
The host is public (so has a public IP address that Google can reach)
It can handle HTTPS with a non-self-signed certificate
You can even deploy yourself to Cloud Functions for Firebase, which is the same service that the Actions Builder uses. This way you have the URL set once in the Actions Builder and, once it is set, you won't need to change it.
But you'll still be able to change your code by managing your own deployment separate from Actions Builder.

restore published agent version back to dialogflow

My production agent/action version differs from my draft version in dialogflow. I want to restore my published production version back to dialogflow - I didn't export the zip at the time. Is there a way to get the production version back to current version in dialogflow?
Not sure if you have tackled this but you can probably try this (i haven't personally tried it myself). Go to the gear icon in dialogflow. Under general, turn on enable beta features and api. You will now see an environment tab on top. Click that and there is a link to view all versions. Then for the production version, there is 3 vertical dots link beside it.. click it and select Load to draft.
Hope that helps!

Creating a Box web app integration / callback that works only on folders?

I'm trying to create a web app integration for Box.com that is available from folders, like the "Send with Gmail" or "Send to Chatter" actions. It seems that integrations that we create from http://developers.box.com only work from files, and not from folders.
I did something similar to that in the past and I vaguely remember that the Box.com support team had to modify by action from their back-end to enable it; I compared integrations in my previous app with the new one I created and I see no visible difference in the configuration.
Has anyone done something similar recently and know the current procedure? I also tried opening a support case from their website and it hasn't been answered either.
The Box support team got back to me on this one and changed the configuration of my web app integration. It's now working the way I expect. They confirmed that they're the only one capables of doing this configuration change - it's not possible to do it from developers.box.com. If anyone needs that - just open a support case on community.box.com and they'll do it for you.

Does install4j provide a *Completely* unattended auto update?

We are currently evaluating install4j and things are going pretty well, however I have a question about auto-update.
Currently I see options and documentation around 3 options for auto-update and the third one (no version check) seems
to be the closest to what we need. However it sounds as though it still prompts the user to actually start the download/install. Is there
any way to get around this? We are targeting our software as a service on many windows boxes in a server room, so there isn't a user
to click continue for that last step. I believe we can roll our own service to monitor for upgrades that will do a command line
install with an answers file to prevent prompting, but I'd love to know if I missed something that would allow me to utilize
install4j's auto-update.
When you go to Installer->Screens & Actions, click on the "Add" button and choose "Add application", you can choose from a number of pre-defined templates. However, they are just templates and after adding them you can change them completely.
If the updater should be automatic but still show a progress dialog, you can just set the "Default execution mode" property of the updater application to "Unattended mode with progress dialog". In that case, no screens will be shown at all.

What's the best way to get Eclipse users to regularly update a plugin?

I'm going to be distributing a plugin that will be routinely updated with features, bug fixes, and updates to downloadable corpuses.
The usual update site mechanism can do the update ok - when the user asks it to.
The problem is that (unlike MS Office), the automatic updater preference is off by default and I don't want to change that default for my users or count on them changing it.
Can I write something that occasionally checks for updates? Or prompt the user regularly? What's bad form and what's acceptable ?
Eclipse 3.4 check automatically for plugin updates by default.
You will see a popup window in the bottom right when an update is available.
To configure automatic updates, go to Window > Preferences > Install Updates > Automatic Updates
The absolute sure fire way is to make sure that your updates are compelling. The user will do the rest