Ajax Modal Popup Display Issue - modalpopupextender

On the web page, there is gridview control contains product ID's. bind to a link button.
On ItemCommand event of gridview, I fetch the product information and display in the ajax modal popup extender control. The popup is programatically show on ItemCommand of gridview and also hide programatically.
Now the problem is that, when i close popup after showing first product details and try to see next 1 by clicking on other product ID.., sometimes details are displaye dand sometimes not.
The data comes from database is fetched as well for each product.
Plz help.

I do the same but i have no such problem. So i am pasting code here that may b help full to u.
protected void GVallusers_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
GridViewRow gvRow = ((GridView)sender).Rows[e.NewEditIndex];
catch (Exception exc)
lblinfo.Text = exc.Message;
public void populatepanel(GridViewRow gvrow)
string userid = gvrow.Cells[0].Text;
lblemail.Text = gvrow.Cells[3].Text;


How can i handle popups in playwright-java?

How can i handle alerts and popups in playwright-java?
there are different methods in API like page.onDialog(), page.onPopup(), what is the difference between them and how can i generate a handle?
//code to launch my browser and url
Playwright playwright = Playwright.create();
Browser browser = playwright.chromium().launch(new LaunchOptions().withHeadless(false).withSlowMo(50));
BrowserContext context = browser.newContext();
Page page = context.newPage();
//had to switch to iframe to click on upload button
Frame mypage = page.frameByName("uploadScreenPage");
//below line is triggering the alert
//using this code to handle alert, which is not working
page.onDialog(dialog -> {dialog.accept();});
unable to accept alert using the above code. also alert has occurred after clicking an element that is inside an iframe. how can i handle such alerts?
Dialogs are messages like an alert or a confirm, whereas popups are new pages, like the one you would get by calling window.open.
This is how you can use it :
page.onDialog(dialog -> {
assertEquals("alert", dialog.type());
assertEquals("", dialog.defaultValue());
assertEquals("yo", dialog.message());
I am happy to answer this question. I encountered the same situation and find the solution. Please see below:
//Handling Pop-up or new page
Page pgdriver1 = pagedriver.waitForPopup(new Runnable()
public void run() {
pgdriver1.click("//button[normalize-space(#aria-label)=\"Close dialog\"]/nx-icon");
I hope this answer your question.
//listening to the alert
page.onDialog(dialog -> {dialog.accept();});
//next line will be action that triggers your alert

How to close Dialog that uses AbstractDialogAction

I am working on Netbeans building a JavaFX application.
I started using ControlsFX (http://fxexperience.com/controlsfx/)
I have implemented a simple Dialog that uses custom AbstractDialogAction s as I want specific number of buttons to appear.
I do this like this:
Action a = new AbstractDialogAction(" button a ", Dialog.ActionTrait.CLOSING) {
public void execute(ActionEvent ae) {
ArrayList<Action> actions = new ArrayList<>();
actions.add(b); // other button
actions.add(c); // another button
Action response = dialog.showConfirm();
Dialog is shown correctly with the given buttons.
My question is how to force the Dialog to close when a button is pressed ?
I thought setting a Dialog.ActionTrait.CLOSING would do the trick, but the Dialog stays open.
From eugener in ControlsFX mailing list
public void execute(ActionEvent ae) {
if (ae.getSource() instanceof Dialog ) {
((Dialog) ae.getSource()).setResult(this);
The above sets the result of the Dialog to be the current Action and closes the Dialog
But maybe that is a little redundant as I can simply call:
((Dialog) ae.getSource()).hide();
.hide() hides the Dialog and also sets the current action as the result.
I can't suggest which is a better solution (hide() was suggested by jewelsea)
In addition I would suggest to always override the toString() method of class AbstractDialogAction, in order to get readable result from:
Action response = dialog.showConfirm();
System.out.println("RESPONSE = "+ response.toString());
Hide the dialog to close it => dialog.hide()

TabControl avoid changing to another tab

I have a tab control with 2 tabs.. When the user clicks on the second tab, it does some validation and then if that validation returns false, the user gets a message indicating to go back. Now, here's my problem, it changes tabs anyways with the code below:
Although the user doesn't see the tab 2, it is showing as changed.
private void tabprincipal_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!saved_plan)
MessageBox.Show("You need to save a plan first.");
How can I avoid this behavior? I want to display the message and the user to remain in the first tab
I think I'm looking for an event prior to the selectedindexchanged to detect that the user clicked tab2 and then don't let him move..
I actually found a way using the Deselecting method of the TabControl
private void tabprincipal_Deselecting(object sender, TabControlCancelEventArgs e)
if (!saved_plan)
MessageBox.Show("You need to save a plan first");
e.Cancel = true;

gwt menu implementation

I want to implement menu in GWT as shown on this website:
I have created the menu system and I am able to display alerts from menu using following code:
Command cmd = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Window.alert("Menu item have been selected");
I want to get rid of window.alert() and display my application pages from menu.
Create and load the appropriate page. For example if you use UiBinder then:
MyPage selectedPage = new MyPage(); // creating of your panel
RootPanel.get().clear(); // cleaning of rhe RootPanel
RootPanel.get().add(selectedPage); // adding the panel to the RootPanel
First create an array list of views
public List<UIObject> viewsList = new ArrayList<UIObject>();
Add a view to that list
Send the view you want to select to the helper method
public void changeView(UIObject selectedView) {
for(UIObject view : viewsList) {
if(selectedView.equals(view)) {
} else {
Are you trying to make the entire page GWT, or just the menu? If it's just the menu, you will need to embed a GWT element into your overall HTML, then call something like
Window.open(linkURL, "_self", "");
from the appropriate menu items, which will navigate to another page.

GWT - refreshing a tab panel

I have a tabpanel with 3 tabs. One of the tabs has a table which draws a table with data from the database. But if new data is entered, after I select the tab I have to refresh the browser page to see the update.
I've added the following selection handler to the tabpanel:
tabpanel.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>()
public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event)
int tabId = event.getSelectedItem();
Widget tabWidget = tabpanel.getWidget(tabId);
if (tabWidget != null)
//assumming that code to refresh will go here...
What can I do so that when a certain tab is selected then that tab will refresh?
Thanks so much in advance.
What you have done is correct. Just put your data access code in the commented area. So for example
int tabId = event.getSelectedItem();
data = AsyncCallback.getData()
tabPanel.setWidget(tabId, new Widget(data)); // PSEUDO CODE