How do I memoize a recursive function in Lisp? - lisp

I'm a Lisp beginner. I'm trying to memoize a recursive function for calculating the number of terms in a Collatz sequence (for problem 14 in Project Euler). My code as of yet is:
(defun collatz-steps (n)
(if (= 1 n) 0
(if (evenp n)
(1+ (collatz-steps (/ n 2)))
(1+ (collatz-steps (1+ (* 3 n)))))))
(defun p14 ()
(defvar m-collatz-steps (memoize #'collatz-steps))
((maxsteps (funcall m-collatz-steps 2))
(n 2)
(loop for i from 1 to 1000000
(setq steps (funcall m-collatz-steps i))
((> steps maxsteps)
(setq maxsteps steps)
(setq n i))
(t ())))
(defun memoize (fn)
(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
#'(lambda (&rest args)
(result exists)
(gethash args cache)
(if exists
(setf (gethash args cache)
(apply fn args)))))))
The memoize function is the same as the one given in the On Lisp book.
This code doesn't actually give any speedup compared to the non-memoized version. I believe it's due to the recursive calls calling the non-memoized version of the function, which sort of defeats the purpose. In that case, what is the correct way to do the memoization here? Is there any way to have all calls to the original function call the memoized version itself, removing the need for the special m-collatz-steps symbol?
EDIT: Corrected the code to have
(defvar m-collatz-steps (memoize #'collatz-steps))
which is what I had in my code.
Before the edit I had erroneously put:
(defvar collatz-steps (memoize #'collatz-steps))
Seeing that error gave me another idea, and I tried using this last defvar itself and changing the recursive calls to
(1+ (funcall collatz-steps (/ n 2)))
(1+ (funcall collatz-steps (1+ (* 3 n))))
This does seem to perform the memoization (speedup from about 60 seconds to 1.5 seconds), but requires changing the original function. Is there a cleaner solution which doesn't involve changing the original function?

I assume you're using Common-Lisp, which has separate namespaces for variable and function names. In order to memoize the function named by a symbol, you need to change its function binding, through the accessor `fdefinition':
(setf (fdefinition 'collatz-steps) (memoize #'collatz-steps))
(defun p14 ()
(let ((mx 0) (my 0))
(loop for x from 1 to 1000000
for y = (collatz-steps x)
when (< my y) do (setf my y mx x))

Here is a memoize function that rebinds the symbol function:
(defun memoize-function (function-name)
(setf (symbol-function function-name)
(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
#'(lambda (&rest args)
(result exists)
(gethash args cache)
(if exists
(setf (gethash args cache)
(apply fn args)))))))
You would then do something like this:
(defun collatz-steps (n)
(if (= 1 n) 0
(if (evenp n)
(1+ (collatz-steps (/ n 2)))
(1+ (collatz-steps (1+ (* 3 n)))))))
(memoize-function 'collatz-steps)
I'll leave it up to you to make an unmemoize-function.

something like this:
(setf collatz-steps (memoize lambda (n)
(if (= 1 n) 0
(if (evenp n)
(1+ (collatz-steps (/ n 2)))
(1+ (collatz-steps (1+ (* 3 n))))))))
IOW: your original (non-memoized) function is anonymous, and you only give a name to the result of memoizing it.

Note a few things:
(defun foo (bar)
... (foo 3) ...)
Above is a function that has a call to itself.
In Common Lisp the file compiler can assume that FOO does not change. It will NOT call an updated FOO later. If you change the function binding of FOO, then the call of the original function will still go to the old function.
So memoizing a self recursive function will NOT work in the general case. Especially not if you are using a good compiler.
You can work around it to go always through the symbol for example: (funcall 'foo 3)
(DEFVAR ...) is a top-level form. Don't use it inside functions. If you have declared a variable, set it with SETQ or SETF later.
For your problem, I'd just use a hash table to store the intermediate results.

Changing the "original" function is necessary, because, as you say, there's no other way for the recursive call(s) to be updated to call the memoized version.
Fortunately, the way lisp works is to find the function by name each time it needs to be called. This means that it is sufficient to replace the function binding with the memoized version of the function, so that recursive calls will automatically look up and reenter through the memoization.
huaiyuan's code shows the key step:
(setf (fdefinition 'collatz-steps) (memoize #'collatz-steps))
This trick also works in Perl. In a language like C, however, a memoized version of a function must be coded separately.
Some lisp implementations provide a system called "advice", which provides a standardized structure for replacing functions with enhanced versions of themselves. In addition to functional upgrades like memoization, this can be extremely useful in debugging by inserting debug prints (or completely stopping and giving a continuable prompt) without modifying the original code.

This function is exactly the one Peter Norvig gives as an example of a function that seems like a good candidate for memoization, but which is not.
See figure 3 (the function 'Hailstone') of his original paper on memoization ("Using Automatic Memoization as a Software Engineering Tool in Real-World AI Systems").
So I'm guessing, even if you get the mechanics of memoization working, it won't really speed it up in this case.

A while ago I wrote a little memoization routine for Scheme that used a chain of closures to keep track of the memoized state:
(define (memoize op)
(letrec ((get (lambda (key) (list #f)))
(set (lambda (key item)
(let ((old-get get))
(set! get (lambda (new-key)
(if (equal? key new-key) (cons #t item)
(old-get new-key))))))))
(lambda args
(let ((ans (get args)))
(if (car ans) (cdr ans)
(let ((new-ans (apply op args)))
(set args new-ans)
This needs to be used like so:
(define fib (memoize (lambda (x)
(if (< x 2) x
(+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2)))))))
I'm sure that this can be ported to your favorite lexically scoped Lisp flavor with ease.

I'd probably do something like:
(let ((memo (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(defun collatz-steps (n)
(or (gethash n memo)
(setf (gethash n memo)
(cond ((= n 1) 0)
((oddp n) (1+ (collatz-steps (+ 1 n n n))))
(t (1+ (collatz-steps (/ n 2)))))))))
It's not Nice and Functional, but, then, it's not much hassle and it does work. Downside is that you don't get a handy unmemoized version to test with and clearing the cache is bordering on "very difficult".


What does gensym do in Lisp?

contextualization: I've been doing a university project in which I have to write a parser for regular expressions and build the corresponding epsilon-NFA. I have to do this in Prolog and Lisp.
I don't know if questions like this are allowed, if not I apologize.
I heard some of my classmates talking about how they used the function gensym for that, I asked them what it did and even checked up online but I literally can't understand what this function does neither why or when is best to use it.
In particular, I'm more intrested in what it does in Lisp.
Thank you all.
GENSYM creates unique symbols. Each call creates a new symbol. The symbol usually has a name which includes a number, which is counted up. The name is also unique (the symbol itself is already unique) with a number, so that a human reader can identify different uninterned symbols in the source code.
CL-USER 39 > (gensym)
CL-USER 40 > (gensym)
CL-USER 41 > (gensym)
CL-USER 42 > (gensym)
gensym is often used in Lisp macros for code generation, when the macro needs to create new identifiers, which then don't clash with existing identifiers.
Example: we are going to double the result of a Lisp form and we are making sure that the Lisp form itself will be computed only once. We do that by saving the value in a local variable. The identifier for the local variable will be computed by gensym.
CL-USER 43 > (defmacro double-it (it)
(let ((new-identifier (gensym)))
`(let ((,new-identifier ,it))
(+ ,new-identifier ,new-identifier))))
CL-USER 44 > (macroexpand-1 '(double-it (cos 1.4)))
(LET ((#:G1091 (COS 1.4)))
(+ #:G1091 #:G1091))
CL-USER 45 > (double-it (cos 1.4))
a little clarification of the existing answers (as the op is not yet aware of the typical common lisp macros workflow):
consider the macro double-it, proposed by mr. Joswig. Why would we bother creating this whole bunch of let? when it can be simply:
(defmacro double-it (it)
`(+ ,it ,it))
and ok, it seems to be working:
CL-USER> (double-it 1)
;;=> 2
but look at this, we want to increment x and double it
CL-USER> (let ((x 1))
(double-it (incf x)))
;;=> 5
;; WHAT? it should be 4!
the reason can be seen in macro expansion:
(let ((x 1))
(+ (setq x (+ 1 x)) (setq x (+ 1 x))))
you see, as the macro doesn't evaluate form, just splices it into generated code, it leads to incf being executed twice.
the simple solution is to bind it somewhere, and then double the result:
(defmacro double-it (it)
`(let ((x ,it))
(+ x x)))
CL-USER> (let ((x 1))
(double-it (incf x)))
;;=> 4
;; NICE!
it seems to be ok now. really it expands like this:
(let ((x 1))
(let ((x (setq x (+ 1 x))))
(+ x x)))
ok, so what about the gensym thing?
let's say, you want to print some message, before doubling your value:
(defmacro double-it (it)
`(let* ((v "DOUBLING IT")
(val ,it))
(princ v)
(+ val val)))
CL-USER> (let ((x 1))
(double-it (incf x)))
;;=> 4
;; still ok!
but what if you accidentally name value v instead of x:
CL-USER> (let ((v 1))
(double-it (incf v)))
;;Value of V in (+ 1 V) is "DOUBLING IT", not a NUMBER.
;; [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR]
It throws this weird error! Look at the expansion:
(let ((v 1))
(let* ((v "DOUBLING IT") (val (setq v (+ 1 v))))
(princ v)
(+ val val)))
it shadows the v from the outer scope with string, and when you are trying to add 1, well it obviously can't. Too bad.
another example, say you want to call the function twice, and return 2 results as a list:
(defmacro two-funcalls (f v)
`(let ((x ,f))
(list (funcall x ,v) (funcall x ,v))))
CL-USER> (let ((y 10))
(two-funcalls (lambda (z) z) y))
;;=> (10 10)
;; OK
CL-USER> (let ((x 10))
(two-funcalls (lambda (z) z) x))
;; (#<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Z)) {52D2D4AB}> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Z)) {52D2D4AB}>)
;; NOT OK!
this class of bugs is very nasty, since you can't easily say what's happened.
What is the solution? Obviously not to name the value v inside macro. You need to generate some sophisticated name that no one would reproduce in their code, like my-super-unique-value-identifier-2019-12-27. This would probably save you, but still you can't really be sure. That's why gensym is there:
(defmacro two-funcalls (f v)
(let ((fname (gensym)))
`(let ((,fname ,f))
(list (funcall ,fname ,v) (funcall ,fname ,v)))))
expanding to:
(let ((y 10))
(let ((#:g654 (lambda (z) z)))
(list (funcall #:g654 y) (funcall #:g654 y))))
you just generate the var name for the generated code, it is guaranteed to be unique (meaning no two gensym calls would generate the same name for the runtime session),
(loop repeat 3 collect (gensym))
;;=> (#:G645 #:G646 #:G647)
it still can potentially be clashed with user var somehow, but everybody knows about the naming and doesn't call the var #:GXXXX, so you can consider it to be impossible. You can further secure it, adding prefix
(loop repeat 3 collect (gensym "MY_GUID"))
;;=> (#:MY_GUID651 #:MY_GUID652 #:MY_GUID653)
GENSYM will generate a new symbol at each call. It will be garanteed, that the symbol did not exist before it will be generated and that it will never be generated again. You may specify a symbols prefix, if you like:
CL-USER> (gensym)
The most common use of GENSYM is generating names for items to avoid name clashes in macro expansion.
Another common purpose is the generaton of symbols for the construction of graphs, if the only thing demand you have is to attach a property list to them, while the name of the node is not of interest.
I think, the task of NFA-generation could make good use of the second purpose.
This is a note to some of the other answers, which I think are fine. While gensym is the traditional way of making new symbols, in fact there is another way which works perfectly well and is often better I find: make-symbol:
make-symbol creates and returns a fresh, uninterned symbol whose name is the given name. The new-symbol is neither bound nor fbound and has a null property list.
So, the nice thing about make-symbol is it makes a symbol with the name you asked for, exactly, without any weird numerical suffix. This can be helpful when writing macros because it makes the macroexpansion more readable. Consider this simple list-collection macro:
(defmacro collecting (&body forms)
(let ((resultsn (make-symbol "RESULTS"))
(rtailn (make-symbol "RTAIL")))
`(let ((,resultsn '())
(,rtailn nil))
(flet ((collect (it)
(let ((new (list it)))
(if (null ,rtailn)
(setf ,resultsn new
,rtailn new)
(setf (cdr ,rtailn) new
,rtailn new)))
This needs two bindings which the body can't refer to, for the results, and the last cons of the results. It also introduces a function in a way which is intentionally 'unhygienic': inside collecting, collect means 'collect something'.
So now
> (collecting (collect 1) (collect 2) 3)
(1 2)
as we want, and we can look at the macroexpansion to see that the introduced bindings have names which make some kind of sense:
> (macroexpand '(collecting (collect 1)))
(let ((#:results 'nil) (#:rtail nil))
(flet ((collect (it)
(let ((new (list it)))
(if (null #:rtail)
(setf #:results new #:rtail new)
(setf (cdr #:rtail) new #:rtail new)))
(collect 1)
And we can persuade the Lisp printer to tell us that in fact all these uninterned symbols are the same:
> (let ((*print-circle* t))
(pprint (macroexpand '(collecting (collect 1)))))
(let ((#2=#:results 'nil) (#1=#:rtail nil))
(flet ((collect (it)
(let ((new (list it)))
(if (null #1#)
(setf #2# new #1# new)
(setf (cdr #1#) new #1# new)))
(collect 1)
So, for writing macros I generally find make-symbol more useful than gensym. For writing things where I just need a symbol as an object, such as naming a node in some structure, then gensym is probably more useful. Finally note that gensym can be implemented in terms of make-symbol:
(defun my-gensym (&optional (thing "G"))
;; I think this is GENSYM
(check-type thing (or string (integer 0)))
(let ((prefix (typecase thing
(string thing)
(t "G")))
(count (typecase thing
((integer 0) thing)
(t (prog1 *gensym-counter*
(incf *gensym-counter*))))))
(make-symbol (format nil "~A~D" prefix count))))
(This may be buggy.)

Elisp lambdas, quoting, and lexical-let

I'm trying to understand the following two snippets of code:
(defun make-adder1 (n) `(lambda (x) (+ ,n x)))
(defun make-adder2 (n) (lexical-let ((n n)) (lambda (x) (+ n x))))
These both seem to produce callables:
(funcall (make-adder1 3) 5) ;; returns 8
(funcall (make-adder2 3) 5) ;; returns 8
These both work. I have two main questions:
1) I don't understand the disparity in "quoting level" between the two approaches. In the first case, the lambda expression is quoted, which means the "symbol itself" is returned instead of the value. In the second case, it seems like the statement with the lambda will get evaluated, so the value of the lambda will be returned. Yet, these both work with funcall. When using funcall on a defun'ed function, it has to be quoted. Is lexical-let doing some kind of quoting automatically? Isn't this, kind of surprising?
2) Reading other posts on this topic, I'm given to understand that the first approach will break down under certain circumstances and deviate from what one would expect from working with lambdas and higher order functions in other languages, because elisp has dynamic scoping by default. Can someone give a concrete example of code that makes this difference apparent and explain it?
In the first example there is no variable n in the resulting function, which is just (lambda (x) (+ 3 x)). It does not need lexical binding because there is no free variable in the lambda, i.e., no variable that needs to be kept in a binding of a closure. If you don't need the variable n to be available, as a variable in uses of the function, i.e., if its value at function definition time (=3) is all you need, then the first example is all you need.
(fset 'ad1 (make-adder1 3))
(symbol-function 'ad1)
(lambda (x) (+ 3 x))
The second example creates what is, in effect, a function that creates and applies a complicated closure.
(fset 'ad2 (make-adder2 3))
(symbol-function 'ad2)
(lambda (&rest --cl-rest--)
(apply (quote (closure ((--cl-n-- . --n--) (n . 3) t)
(G69710 x)
(+ (symbol-value G69710) x)))
(quote --n--)
A third option is to use a lexical-binding file-local variable and use the most straightforward definition. This creates a simple closure.
;;; foo.el --- toto -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
(defun make-adder3 (n) (lambda (x) (+ n x)))
(fset 'ad3 (make-adder3 3))
(symbol-function 'ad3)
(closure ((n . 3) t) (x) (+ n x))
(symbol-function 'make-adder1)
(lambda (n)
(list (quote lambda)
(quote (x))
(cons (quote +) (cons n (quote (x))))))
(symbol-function 'make-adder2)
(closure (t)
(let ((--cl-n-- (make-symbol "--n--")))
(let* ((v --cl-n--)) (set v n))
(list (quote lambda)
(quote (&rest --cl-rest--))
(list (quote apply)
(list (quote quote)
(lambda (G69709 x)
(+ (symbol-value G69709) x))))
(list (quote quote) --cl-n--)
(quote --cl-rest--)))))
(symbol-function 'make-adder3)
(closure (t) (n) (function (lambda (x) (+ n x))))

From Google Common Lisp Style Guide: "Avoid modifying local variables, try rebinding instead" meaning?

Google Common Lisp Style Guide say Avoid modifying local variables, try rebinding instead
What does it mean? What does rebinding mean in that sentence?
It means that you should create new variables instead of changing the value of old ones. For example, let's take the following code:
(defun foo (x)
(when (minusp x)
(setq x (- x)))
do something with x)
Instead, one should create a new binding and use that one instead:
(defun foo (x)
(let ((xabs (if (minusp x)
(- x)
do something with xabs)
The reason for this is that you will always know what a variable contains, since it will never change. If you want the new value, simply use the variable that holds that new value.
Now you might ask why this is so important? Well, some people have a stronger preference for this than others. Especially people who prefer to emphasise the functional aspect of Lisp will advocate this style. However, regardless of preference, it can be very useful to always be able to rely on the fact that variables doesn't change. Here's an example where this can be important:
(defun foo (x)
(let ((function #'(lambda () (format t "the value of x is ~a~%" x))))
(when (minusp x)
(setq x (- x)))
(other-function x)
Then, the return value of FOO is a function that when called with print the value of x. But, the value will be that of x later in the function, the absolute value. This can be very surprising if the function is large and complicated.
I don't know Common Lisp well enough to answer with how to do this in Common Lisp, so I'm using Scheme for my example below. Suppose you're writing a function to return the factorial of a number. Here's a "modify local variables" approach to that function (you'll have to define your own while macro, but it's not hard):
(define (factorial n)
(define result 1)
(while (> n 0)
(set! result (* result n))
(set! n (- n 1)))
Here's a "rebind local variables" approach to that function:
(define (factorial n)
(let loop ((n n)
(result 1))
(if (zero? n)
(loop (- n 1) (* result n)))))
In this case, loop is called with new values to rebind with each time. The same function can be written using the do macro (which, by the way, also uses rebinding, not modifying, at least in Scheme):
(define (factorial n)
(do ((n n (- n 1))
(result 1 (* result n)))
((zero? n) result)))

Modifying function; saving to new function in lisp

So I thought one of the advantages of lisp (among other languages) is its ability to implement function factories (accept functions as arguments; return new functions). I want to use this capability to make small changes to a function and save it as a new function so that if changes are made to the original function, they are also reflected in the new function on which it is based. Note: I am not the one writing the original function so I can't necessarily encapsulate the common parts in a separate function to be called by both, which would be the obvious answer otherwise.
Toy example in emacs lisp (may not be the most ideal as it is a lisp-2):
I have a function, foo that is provided to me:
(defun foo (x y)
(+ x y)))
I want my new function to include a statement that allows me to change the value of a variable if a certain condition is met. For instance:
(defun newfoo (x y)
(if (condition-met-p x)
(setq x (transform x)))
(+ x y))
Please disregard that I could use defadvice in this particular example as I am more interested in the general task of modifying functions where defadvice may not apply. I believe I can modify the body with this form:
(setq conditional-transformation
'(if (condition-met x) (setq x (transform x))))
(setq newbody (append conditional-transformation
(nth 2 (symbol-function 'foo)))))
My questions are specifically how to
create a copy of foo to newfoo
and replace the body with the value
of newbody defined above. (I've
looked into fset, setf, and
function but perhaps not using
them properly.)
possibly wrap this in a function
called makenewfoo() or something
like this so I can invoke
makenewfoo(foo) and allow this to
create newfoo().
And, more generally,
is something like this is commonly
done or there is a more idiomatic
way to modify functions?
this is a very simple case, but is
there a more general way than
specifying the list element number
to nth for the modification. For
instance, the actual function is
more complex so is there a way to
recursively search down this
s-expression tree and test for a
particular syntax and insert this
expression before or after it
(possibly using equal), so it is
less sensitive to changes made in
the original function?
It does work in Emacs Lisp:
elisp> (defun foo (x y)
(+ x y))
elisp> (fset 'newfoo
(append (lambda (x y)
(when (< x 2)
(setq x (* x 2))))
(cddr (symbol-function 'foo))))
(x y)
(< x 2)
(setq x
(* x 2)))
(+ x y))
elisp> (newfoo 1 3)
elisp> (newfoo 3 3)
But I really don't think that it is commonly done or idiomatic. You should use defadvice if you want to modify the behavior of functions.
As far as CL is concerned: Some implementations provide similar functions/macros (for example in CCL: ccl:advise), and you can specify :before, :after, and :around methods for generic functions.
Example code for insertion of expressions:
(defun find-node (elt tree)
(cond ((null tree) nil)
((equal (car tree) elt) tree)
((consp (car tree)) (let ((node (find-node elt (car tree))))
(if node node (find-node elt (cdr tree)))))
(t (find-node elt (cdr tree)))))
(defun insert-before (node elt)
(setcdr node (cons (car node) (cdr node)))
(setcar node elt))
(let* ((function (copy-tree (symbol-function 'foo)))
(node (find-node '(+ x y) function)))
(when node
(insert-before node '(if (< x 2) (setq x (* x 2))))
(fset 'newfoo function)))

What is wrong with the following Common Lisp macro using gensym?

Learning Common Lisp (using GNU CLISP 2.43) .. so might be a noob mistake. Example is the 'print prime numbers between x and y'
(defun is-prime (n)
(if (< n 2) (return-from is-prime NIL))
(do ((i 2 (1+ i)))
((= i n) T)
(if (= (mod n i) 0)
(return NIL))))
(defun next-prime-after (n)
(do ((i (1+ n) (1+ i)))
((is-prime i) i)))
(defmacro do-primes-v2 ((var start end) &body body)
`(do ((,var (if (is-prime ,start)
(next-prime-after ,start))
(next-prime-after ,var)))
((> ,var ,end))
(defmacro do-primes-v3 ((var start end) &body body)
(let ((loop-start (gensym))
(loop-end (gensym)))
`(do ((,loop-start ,start)
(,loop-end ,end)
(,var (if (is-prime ,loop-start)
(next-prime-after ,loop-start))
(next-prime-after ,var)))
((> ,var ,loop-end))
,#body )))
do-primes-v2 works perfectly.
[13]> (do-primes-v2 (p 10 25) (format t "~d " p))
11 13 17 19 23
Next I tried using gensym to avoid naming clashes in macro expansion - do-primes-v3. However I'm stuck with a
*** - EVAL: variable #:G3498 has no value
Tried using macro-expand to see if i could spot the mistake but I can't.
[16]> (macroexpand-1 `(do-primes-v3 (p 10 25) (format t "~d " p)))
((#:G3502 10) (#:G3503 25)
(P (IF (IS-PRIME #:G3502) #:G3502 (NEXT-PRIME-AFTER #:G3502))
((> P #:G3503)) (FORMAT T "~d " P)) ;
Use DO* instead of DO.
DO Initializes the bindings in a scope where they are not yet visible. DO* initializes the bindings in a scope where they are visible.
In this particular case var needs to reference the other binding loop-start.
You don't actually need the gensym here for avoiding variable capture, because you do not introduce any variables that would be "local to the macro". When you macroexpand your do-primes-v2, you will see that no variable is introduced that didn't exist outside of the macro.
You do need it for a different thing, though: avoiding multiple evaluation.
If you call the macro like this:
(do-primes-v2 (p (* x 2) (* y 3))
(format "~a~%" p))
it expands to
(do ((p (if (is-prime (* x 2))
(* x 2)
(next-prime-after (* x 2))
(next-prime-after p)))
((> p (* y 3))
(format "~a~%" p))
At best, this is inefficient, because those multiplications are done multiple times. However, if you use a function with side effects as inputs, like setf or incf, this can be a big problem.
Either move the binding of your loop-start and loop-end to an enclosing LET block or use DO*. The reason is that all loop variables in DO are bound "in parallel", so for the first binding, the (expanded) loop-start variable does not yet have a binding.
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but I do think it is relevant. In my experience, the type of macro you are attempting to write is a very common one. One problem I have with the way you have approached the problem is that it doesn't handle another common use case: functional composition.
I don't have the time to highlight some of the difficulties you will probably encounter using your macro, I will however highlight that, had you built your prime iterator geared towards functional composition, your macro turns out to be extremely simple, avoiding your question altogether.
Note: I have slightly modified some of your functions.
(defun is-prime (n)
((< n 2)
((= n 2)
((evenp n)
(do ((i 2 (1+ i)))
((= i n) t)
(when (or (= (mod n i) 0))
(return nil))))))
(defun next-prime (n)
(do ((i n (1+ i)))
((is-prime i) i)))
(defun prime-iterator (start-at)
(let ((current start-at))
(lambda ()
(let ((next-prime (next-prime current)))
(setf current (1+ next-prime))
(defun map-primes/iterator (fn iterator end)
(do ((i (funcall iterator) (funcall iterator)))
((>= i end) nil)
(funcall fn i)))
(defun map-primes (fn start end)
(let ((iterator (prime-iterator start)))
(map-primes/iterator fn iterator end)))
(defmacro do-primes ((var start end) &body body)
`(map-primes #'(lambda (,var)
,start ,end))
I too recommend that you look at Series. The generator pattern is also a very common occurrence in lisp programs. You may also want to look at Alexandria, in particular the function ALEXANDRIA:COMPOSE to see what cool stuff you can do with functional composition.
I suggest avoiding DO/DO* and macros altogether and instead going for Series (an implementation of which can be found on
If that's too complex then consider just generating a list of primes with recursion or a generator (for on-demand generation).