Custom Date Formatting in J2ME - date

I would like to format a J2ME Date object to only show the date part, not the date and time. What would be the easiest way? Would probably need to include an external library to do this.

java.util.Calendar has all the methods required to format a date output.


How can I get only date and time value from timestamp value in flutter

I am developing a Flutter project and I want to get 'timestamp' data from firestore and display that value using 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm' format. How can I do it ?
Firestore will give you back a Timestamp object as I think you've figured out. It has a method .toDate() which will return a dart DateTime object.
Once you have the Date object, then you should use the DateFormat class as someone so helpfully pointed out in a comment without even linking to the documentation.
That would look something like this:
DateTime date = timestamp.toDate();
DateFormat(yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm").format(date);
although I haven't tested out the format function and dartpad doesn't seem to support the intl package, so you may need to play around with the format codes a bit.

Matlab - isbusday and busdate format change

Would you be able to advise how can i change the format of the date the functions isbusday and busdate are using ?
The functions use US date format by default, but I need them to be in European format dd/mm/yyyy.
I have attempted to use the code below but it is not working.
Thank you very much.
You want to convert your string to a datetime object. That is where you can control the format:
d = datetime('01-01-2015','InputFormat','dd-mm-yyyy');
See the documentation: and

Format date and add month to it

I'm currently working with embarcadero c++, this is the first time I'm working with it so it's completely new to me.
What I'm trying to achieve is to get the current date, make sure the date has the "dd/MM/yyyy" format. When I'm sure this is the case I want to add a month to the current date.
So let's say the current date is 08/18/2016 this has to be changed to 18/08/2016 and then the end result should be 18/09/2016.
I've found that there is a method for this in embarcardero however I'm not sure how to use this.
currently I've only been able to get the current date like this.
TDateTime currentDate = Date();
I hope someone will be able to help me out here.
I figured it out.
After I've searched some more I found the way to use the IncMonth method on this page.
The example given my problem is as follows:
void __fastcall TForm1::edtMonthsExit(TObject *Sender)
TDateTime StartDate = edtStartDate->Text;
int Months = edtMonths->Text.ToInt();
TDateTime NextPeriod = IncMonth(StartDate, Months);
edtNextPeriod->Text = NextPeriod;
After looking at I changed my code accordingly to this
TDateTime CurrentDate = Date();
TDateTime EndDate = IncMonth(CurrentDate, 1);
A date object doesn't have a format like "dd/MM/yyyy". A date object is internally simply represented as a number (or possibly some other form of representation that really isn't your problem or responsibility).
So you don't have to check if it's in this format because no date objects will ever be in this format, they simply don't have a format.
You will have to do additions/subtractions on the Date object that the language or library gives you, THEN (optionally) you can format it to a human-readable string so it looks like 18/08/2016 or 18th of August 2016 or whatever other readable format that you choose.
It might be that the TRANSFER of a date between 2 systems is in a similar format, but then formatting the date like that is entirely up to you.
As for how to do that, the link you posted seems like a possible way (or alternatively, I'm afraid I can't give you an example as I'm not familiar with the tool/language involved, I'm just speaking generically about Date manipulations and they should ALWAYS be on the raw object.

Java code to use Ical rrule and generate next recurrence date

I need a java code snippet to parse ICal rrule and generate the next recurrence date.
There is a Java library specifically for parsing RRULEs called google-rfc-2445.
The following link contains an example using the library where you supply a start date along with an RRULE and it prints out the dates.
But I don't want to use the google lib.
You can use ical4j:
More specifically, you can use the Component.calculateRecurrenceSet() method

Why do I need to parse dates in Grails?

I am in the unfortunate position that I need to use a composite id in a Grails app where I work with legacy data. This means I have to override some actions in the controller, but as I did this I was struck by the fact that I could not use use a date argument directly as a parameter to a dynamic method.
Instead of just doing MyLegacyObj.findBySystemIdAndLogDate(params.systemId, params.logDate), I first needed to parse the date string before giving it to the dynamic method. To further complicate matters I had no idea what format the date string had (until I added lots of log.debug() string to the output). So now I have a bit of code looking like this
def formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy")
MyLegacyObj.findBySystemIdAndLogDate(params.systemId, formatter.parse(params.logDate));
This feels unoptimal, no to say dangerous (what if the date format changes with the locale?)? What would be a recommended way of doing this, and do I really need to parse dates at all?
Date is a pretty complex object and params are just Strings, so Date is submitted in parts. It is "magically" assembled from the parts when assigning = params.
Command object will do the work for you, if you add a Date field to it.
It has nothing to do with methods' dynamic or static invocation. Your GSP that renders Date editor might interfere too.