How do you get the Eclipse Package Explorer to show files whose names begins with a . (period)? - eclipse

When a folder in the Eclipse Package Explorer (one which is linked to a directory somewhere in the filesystem) contains files whose names begin with a . (period), those files do not appear. Can Eclipse be configured to show these files, and if so, how?

Click the down-arrow in the package explorer (next to the editor linker). Then you just change the filters. Unmark the box that says '.*' resources.


Why is Eclipse not showing me my sub folders?

It was showing me subfolders yesterday but now it's not. I just imported a project into Eclipse.
If I look at "main" and "test" in the windows file explorer. I can clearly see that they contain subfolders
I tried closing it and starting it again but that didn't work
One possibility is that main and test are configured to be source folders in Eclipse. Source folder don't show up in their normal file system location, but instead at the top level of the project.
I guess yours don't because you don't seem to see them.
It's hard to figure out why these folders don't show up. Here is some things to try:
Verify that you are using the Package Explorer view, not Navigator or Project Explorer.
Go to the Filters configuration dialog in Package Explorer (see image below) and uncheck all filters.

Eclipse: "Find All References" ignore target directory

Is there any way to limit the search for "Find all References" in Eclipse so that it ignores files in the target directory. This is not the same as the answer from this question: Limit “Find References” in Eclipse to only references from my code. That answer only works for text search. I want all references to a particular variable.
Maven Java project?
If the target folder is properly set as Default output folder in the project's properties > Java build path > Source you should be fine.
Source: just tested on Eclipse Indigo (I've tried Ctrl+Shift+G on both classes and variables); the search is limited to src/main and src/test.
Go to Window->Customize Perspective. In Command And Groups Availability tab enable Window Working Set option if not enabled. Click OK
Go to Window->Working Sets->Edit. A dialog will pop up. Click NEW button
A dialog will pop up. Select Resource option in that. Click Next Button
Click on Select All Button. Deselect the target folder. Enter the name for this working set say "Exclude target folder".
Open the source file in editor. Keep cursor on a variable. Right on that variable
Go References->Working set->Exclude target folder
By this you can also exclude some files along with folders. One drawback in this is that you have to manually deselect each and every files and folders to exclude.
Right-click and select properties and then check the derived check-box. Done.
This works for the target directory and any other directories and files you want to exclude from searches and your normal workflow since the IDE will view these derived resources as resources that are not original data, and can be recreated from their source files.

Open Resource window in eclipse shows pyc files

In eclipse the Open Resource window (Hot keyed to Cmd+Shift+R) to open a file by typing its name seems to show *.pyc files despite the Navigator view correctly hiding them.
Is there anyway to set this up to ignore PYC files?
I have looked at the following links and it appears that pydev may require a src folder underneath the main eclipse folder. I do not have that structure however the full project has been marked as a 'source' folder in Pydev - PYTHONPATH under project properties.
I found the solution!
CMD+i on the project folder (or "right click" -> properties), then:
under "resources" -> "resources filters":
click "add"
choose "exclude all"
select "files and folders"
check "all children (recursive)"
type *.pyc in the text field at the bottom

How to link files to package explorer in Eclipse?

I know there is a way to tell the editor window in Eclipse to link to the corresponding files. Say when you're on a file in the editor, it would be located in its corresponding project in the Package Explorer.
It shouldn't take more than enabling one option, but I am not able to find out where it is.
It's a very handy thing which avoids confusion as to which file belongs to which project, if you have files with the same name in multiple projects.
Could anyone tell me where the option is located and how I can enable it again?
Package explorer has an icon named 'Link with editor'. You can locate this way your currently editing file in Package Explorer view.
Alternatively, when you are editing, you may press Alt+Shift+W and choose Package Explorer to locate your file in Package Explorer.

How to display .svn dirs in package explorer / navigator / project explorer, in Eclipse subclipse

I want to be able to see the .svn directories when I look at a files and directory view in eclipse. How would I do that?
In Project Explorer view locate a down facing triangle in the upper right corner. That will activate a pull down menu. Select Customize View and then turn off ".* resources" filter. This filter removes files and directories with names that start with ".".