Why is Eclipse not showing me my sub folders? - eclipse

It was showing me subfolders yesterday but now it's not. I just imported a project into Eclipse.
If I look at "main" and "test" in the windows file explorer. I can clearly see that they contain subfolders
I tried closing it and starting it again but that didn't work

One possibility is that main and test are configured to be source folders in Eclipse. Source folder don't show up in their normal file system location, but instead at the top level of the project.
I guess yours don't because you don't seem to see them.
It's hard to figure out why these folders don't show up. Here is some things to try:
Verify that you are using the Package Explorer view, not Navigator or Project Explorer.
Go to the Filters configuration dialog in Package Explorer (see image below) and uncheck all filters.


Eclipse projects are not visible in workspace folder

The weird part is I can see my projects through package explorer.
I can also export them.
But when I want to access them elsewhere e.g windows explorer, they are not there.
All I see is .metadata folder.
An unexpected shutdown of the system occurred not too long ago.
Edit: When I switched the workspace, created and opened a project, they're still not visible/accessible outside of the eclipse project explorer.
Any ideas?
You most likely haven't ticked "Copy projects into workspace" checkbox option.
File -> Import -> Existing projects into workspace:
It is possible that the projects were not put into the default, workspace folder.
To check this, right click on such a project, select Properties (it is usually available at the bottom of the list), go to the Resources tab, where you have the location of the project files displayed.
Obviously, there is a problem with Windows explorer and OneDrive in particular.
When I navigate to C:/Users/username/OneDrive/Documents/workspace or through command line I do see my eclipse projects.
But when I try to use 'Open file..' option from any application or navigate through Windows explorer, projects are not recognized nor displayed.

How do I make Javadoc files show in Eclipse Package Explorer?

I'm using the Android Developer Tools wrapper of Eclipse, and the EGit git plugin for Eclipse. I'm having a problem where I'm generating Javadoc, but I can't find it in the package explorer.
I go to Project->Generate Javadoc.
I'm using C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin\javadoc.exe as my Javadoc command, and I select the package I want to generate Javadoc for.
I select the standard doclet with the following destination, where ReverseSentence is my package.
I check "open generated index file in browser", and generate the javadoc. It generates the Javadoc with no errors, and the index shows up in the main section of eclipse. However, the files don't show up in the package explorer.
I searched in the workspace through opening up the folder, and inside workspace\ReverseSentence there is a folder doc, which contains the proper Javadoc. However it isn't showing up in the package explorer.
How do I make it show up in the package explorer? When I used the regular version of Eclipse in the past (not the android developer tools wrapper), the Javadocs showed up there automatically.
What I've tried:
refreshing the project
closing and restarting eclipse
generating the Javadoc with an older version of the Javadoc command, which was what I was using in the other version of eclipse last time it worked (jdk1.6.0_43)
deleting the doc folder, recreating it, then trying to generate the javadoc in it (it generated in it but did not show up)
unchecking the filters which hide some things in the package explorer, (as shown how to do here: How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?)
I think that the problem is the destination folder/directory for your Javadoc files once they are generated. I encountered this same problem and discovered (finally) that the Javadocs were getting sent to a different folder than my package files were in. They went to the workspace folder I thought held all of my code also, but the code was going into a different repository. Maybe try looking for your code's location and then seeing if the generated Javadocs are landing somewhere else when they are generated. If this is the case, then the fix is to regenerate and send to the code's directory. This way, Package Explorer should be able to find and display them. Hope this helps!
Did you try by refreshing the workspace or re-opening the eclipse !?
Check the filters in the settings of the explorer. If something does not show up, usually the filter hides it. The filter can be accessed in the drop down menu of Package Explorer.

Eclipse: Files not showing in project explorer

There's a certain project I'm trying to open on Eclipse. But when I browse for the project's location and choose it, it loads and then gives me an empty project explorer. Why?
I don't know if this is relevant, but the project I'm trying to open has been created on a different machine than mine. And I'm mentioning that, because when I try to open a project that I created on my machine, all the files show in the project explorer and I face no trouble.
So what could be the reason behind that? And how can I solve it? Should I import the files rather than opening the whole path as a workbench?

Files externally added to working directory not showing up in Eclipse

When I make changes to my working directory outside of Eclipse, in particular when I update my project under version control, newly added files will frequently not show up in the package explorer. Usually they'll show up after about 5 or so minutes (no idea why) but today it's been an hour and I kind of need these files so it's getting to be a problem. I tried:
restarting eclipse
cleaning and building the project
opening one of the missing files using File > Open File
The last of these opened the file but didn't get it to show up in the package explorer, and the type represented by that class was still invisible to other classes. Any thoughts?
As discovered, you need to refresh your workspace or project to see changes made to the filesystem outside of eclipse.
The eclipse workspace manages access to the files it controls, fires deltas on file changes to allow incremental builders to operate, etc.
The way to refresh the workspace is to select your project name in Package Explorer and press F5.

Eclipse - Ignore Entire Directories

I use Aptana Studio (based on Eclipse). I'm trying to get Eclipse to completely ignore an entire directory inside a project. I mean COMPLETELY. I don't want it to display in the project folder. I don't want Eclipse to even be aware it exists.
Unfortunately, all my efforts to add it as a filter don't work. See http://forums.aptana.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8340#p33714 . I think the filter only prevents the folder from being displayed in the project display. It doesn't keep Eclipse from actually looking at all the files in that folder for code assist, etc.
My problem is that directory has thousands of text files. So, each time Eclipse opens or refreshes this project, it analyzes all those files.
How can I prevent this?
Not sure about this aptana thing, but there is a convenient way to do it in native eclipse:
Right-click a project folder in Project Explorer tree and go to "Properties".
Resource -> Resource Filters.
Add as much exclusion filters for files/folders as you like.
If your project tree is not refreshed immediately, press F5 to enforce it.
Consider also the 'Derived' checkbox: right-click an entry in the package explorer, choose properties, check Derived. This may solve part of your problem.
See http://robmayhew.com/eclipse-ignore-folder/
If you have a linked resource (pointing off to some other file/folder on disk) with the same name in the same location in the resource tree, then the real folder on disk will be hidden from the resource model.
Unfortunately you can't create the linked resource if the real directory is already there in the project structure. You can try something like this:
On disk, rename/move the directory in question
Refresh the project, the directory is gone
Create a linked resource ( New -> File/Folder >> Advanced -> Link to file in the file system ). Name it the same as the original directory.
On disk, restore the original name of the directory
Refresh project.
Try right-clicking "Properties" and unchecking all permissions.