Yahoo Finance API like chart - charts

I want to create a chart very similar to yahoo Finance interactive chart in a .NET application. The interactive chart on Yahoo finance is not included in their developer API. Has anyone tried to leverage their API to create a similar chart? Although the chart is very much like the one used on Yahoo, the data used for my analysis is not Stock data. So, I will not be able to call the Yahoo Url by feeding any query params.
Any suggestions?

If your looking at a web based chart, the flot graphs for jQuery are a good option IMHO. They look pretty schnazzy, are interactive and are very simple to get working.

amCharts Stock chart is of the same breed. It's Flash based but you can easily use it with any server side engine. Not sure whether you are looking for web or windows solution though.

You might consider Infragistics Web Charts also.


Emailing vega chart

Is there any way I can send vega chart in email from server side? Say from a spring boot app? I have the vega spec saved in db and I can fill up data as well from the server side, was wondering how I can use this to send out an email with the chart.
Vega embed won’t work as most of the email clients filter out script tags from body.
I tried vega-cli too but since it’s based on nodejs libs I could not integrate it with my spring boot.
Appreciate any help find a solution here.
As discussed on slack, I think for email, the best solution is to create a bitmap (e.g., PNG) and include it since you can't really run JS on email clients.
You can optionally provide a link to a hosted page too (esp. if your chart is interactive since the PNGs won’t be interactive obviously).

Is it possible to create visualizations(charts) on our own using tableau?

The time taken to load the charts(visualization) using tableau in my mobile app is close to 10 or 15 secs. So i am looking for alternative methods like creating my own chart but only to use the intelligence tableau provides on creating the visualizations.
In short, i want to know whether there is some support or API available from tableau using which i can draw the visualizations by myself in my mobile app without losing any chart data or functionality like digging deeper in charts.
For example, an API from tableau using which i can create the chart in my mobile app. After creating it, if user touches any data that should be sent again to tableau to get further event action like showing filters/tables etc.
Is this even possible? I did lot of research in tableau and got to know about tableau SDK, tableau API's, tableau extensions etc. but unable to find what i am looking for.
Tableau provides a thorough white paper Designing Efficient Workbooks. I would start by reading that and trying some of the recommendations.
If you are looking for an API driven visualization system, you can check out MuzeJS.
You load your data in an in-browser DataModel, run relational algebra enabled data operators to get the right subset of data, and then just pass to Muze engine, which automatically renders the best visualization for it.
It is similar to the kind of intelligence Tableau provides but since it is a developer first API, you can customize as you want, whether it be for the mobile or the desktop. In fact, most of the charts will be available for both seamlessly.
Any changes to data (including application of data operations) automatically updates the visualization, without you having to do anything else.
Add to that, if you’ve to connect multiple charts (for cross-interactivity, drill-down etc.), you’ve to manually write the ‘glue’ code. With Muze, all charts rendered from the same DataModel are automatically connected (enabling cross-filtering). It also provides composability and the ability to facet your visualization, providing a multi-grid layout.
You can go through some of the examples and the documentation to see if it suits your needs

How to display graph in iPhone Application

I m new in iphone..I create Application in which I maintain data About Income ,Expenses, & total balance .I need to display that information in Graph..
Question:- How I display graph in my Iphone application???like suppose If total balance is 1000 and income is 500 then In graph It displays overall graph contains total balacne means 100% and income will Be display as its 20%
Now I get the graph in my application BY using CorePlot But I provide static data ON Axis..I want to display Data from Database.. How can I do that??
Instead of using core plot or an google api that needs an internet connection you can draw a graph yourself using quartz 2d. That's what I did for my app. CorePlot was kind of tricky to install and it seems complicated for small projects.
The advantage of drawing the graphs yourself is that you learn to use the standard drawing apis from Apple. Good luck
The easiest way is to use google chart api, I use this in all my apps.
see the tutorial here,
you will directly get image as per your requirement just by making one HTTP Request.
I used Core Plot, it's easy to use and there are samples for almost all the graphs...
If you want to draw graphs in iPhone applications using Objective-C or Swift, you can use SciChart, which supports over 20 popular chart types, including Column and Bar.
There are some really nice examples over at the scichart website for drawing chart types in Objective-C and Swift.
For instance:
iOS Column Chart Example
iOS Stacked Column Chart Example
iOS Bar Chart Example
Examples are also hosted on Github and there are also tutorials to help you learn this powerful tool.
As a disclosure, i am the tech lead on the scichart project

Is there a ManyEyes API?

I can't find one. But I find it hard to believe they've built the service without an API. Can it be true?
If so, can anyone suggest an alternative, other than the Google Charts API?
Swivel has a charts api. Yahoo also does. You could use CEwolf and set up your own api. It wouldn't be hard to set up a rest api for accessing the charts.
Here are some other links that might be useful
Simple css solution for bar charts
Protovis makes it easy to create chart in Javascript
Another simple charting solution
ManyEyes has the ability to show ManyEyes visualizations on your own web site, but from this web page it's obvious that ManyEyes did not have an api in 2008. If you think about it, IBM is a services company. They make money selling services to you, not giving you free access to their services. I'm sure it would be possible to pay IBM for access to ManyEyes, as the New York Times probably did. On the other hand, Google, Yahoo, and others make money by bringing people to their web site, so they are more likely to give things like this away for free.

How Create Charts with the Google Chart API in

How to Creat Charts with the Google Chart API in
Google is a good place to start...
Google Charts API as ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control
Google Chart Net
Or better yet use the new ASP.NET charting control
ASP.NET Charting Control
Please refer the article on 4guysfromrolla
Creating charts with Google chart API with ASP.NET
ASP.NET Custom Server Control for Google chart
FYI there are plenty of Google Chart API wrapper APIs that will make your life easier in terms of dealing with low-level Google Chart API details. I wrote one the Java side (called charts4j). But there is also at least one wrapper API in the .NET arena.
I am not completely familiar with the ASP .Net stack, but you will probably want to generate the the Google Chart URL server side, and display that URL with your HTML view technology in an image tag. The alternative is to pass the data to the browser and construct the chart URL with javascript, but this is likely to be more tedious and error prone. Hope that helps.
It is not that hard, things to consider are
1. Build up your data table for chart and save it to Json format
2. Use jquery function getJson to retrieve it, then follow google API on how to
Parse Json file, then there is the graph
I built lots of graphs by using this method using C#