Does the Eclipse editor have an equivalent of Emacs's "align-regex"? - eclipse

I've been using Eclipse pretty regularly for several years now, but I admit to not having explored all the esoterica it has to offer, particularly in the areas of what formatting features the editors offer.
The main thing I miss from (X)emacs is the "align-regex" command, which let me take several lines into a region and then format them so that some common pattern in all lines was aligned. The simplest example of this is a series of variable assignments:
var str = new String('aString');
var index = 0;
var longCamelCaseObjectName = new LongNameObject();
After doing align-regex on "=", that would become:
var str = new String('aString');
var index = 0;
var longCamelCaseObjectName = new LongNameObject();
Now, you may have your own thoughts on stylistic (ab)use of white space and alignment, etc., but that's just an example (I'm actually trying to align a different kind of mess entirely).
Can anyone tell me off-hand if there's an easy key-combo-shortcut for this in Eclipse? Or even a moderately-tricky one?

You can set the formatter to do this:
Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter. Click 'Edit' on the profile (you may need to make a new one since you can't edit the default).
In the indentation section select 'Align fields with columns'.
Then, in your code CTRL+SHIFT+F will run that formatter.
That will of course run all the other rules, so you may want to peruse the various options here.

Version 2.8.7 of the Emacs+ plugin now supplies a fairly complete align-regexp implementation in Eclipse

If you wish to do something more complex than just aligning fields (or anything else the Eclipse code formatter offers you) you are pretty much left with having to write your own plugin.

columns4eclipse is a nice option. It is an Eclipse plugin that allow you to do the alignments you mention in your question. I use it with Eclipse 4.3 and 4.5, it works well. I had made a gif video showing its use but my answer got deleted by a mod, so I let you try and see by yourself.

This plug-in does exactly what you want: OCDFormat
It works in all text files, not only Java.


Eclipse formatting cause CSS to stop working

I have following CSS in my style.css:
//some properties
Now, when I use Eclipse formatting, eclipse make space between 'not' and parenthesis and I get something like this:
.btfl-alert-warning:not (.selectize-control ):not (.selectize-dropdown-content
):not (.selectize-dropdown ) {
After using formatter second time it looks much worse, but the point is after adding this 'space' this selector just stop work. I checked all CSS formatter options in Eclipse but nothing helped me.
Do you have any idea how to prevent ruining this CSS?
You could go to Preferences -> CSS -> Code Style:
Then modify it as you want it to show.
In the case you can't make it in the CSS(Code Style), you might don't apply the format in eclipse, it is fine to do all the work in Eclipse, once you finish when you have a production ready CSS/HTML/JS/.... you can use atom from GitHub to apply format to your CSS/HTML/JS/.... use the plugins from AtomLinter
I hope this helps you.
I ended up using additional css file called style_do_not_format.css which contains only that css and comment about not formatting this file because it cause css to stop work. In my style.css file i use
#IMPORT url("style_do_not_format.css");

Netbeans Code Templates Formatting syntax

I'd like to know what's the syntax or the language used to format the code templates in netbeans ide. I mean, in the default templates I can see things like;
while (${EXP default="exp"})
${selection line}${cursor}
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="${comment}">
${selection}${cursor}// </editor-fold>
And I experimented and did this:
int ${IDX newVarName default="loop"};
for (${IDX} = 0; ${IDX} < ${SIZE int default="size"}; ${IDX}++)
And it works but I don't really know where the "${IDX}" or the "${SIZE int default="size"}" or the "${selection}${cursor}" comes from and what other statements can I use to format my templates.
Is this some scripting or programming language?
Where can I find this information?
I think Netbeans uses the template engine Freemarker for this. So all variables (= ${...}) are filled in by Netbeans at the time you use the template.
Unfortunately I don't have a full list of all default variables / methods you can use, but here are two of them listed:
defines a position where the caret will be located after the editing
of the code template values finishes.
defines a position for pasting the content of the editor selection.
This is used by so-called 'selection templates' that appear as hints
whenever the user selects some text in the editor.
See here:
${IDX} looks like a custom variable you use.
See also:
- Code Assistance in the NetBeans IDE Java Editor: A Reference Guide (Code Template)
- Code Templates in NetBeans IDE for PHP
How_to_use_Code_Templates pretty much covers everything there is.
Looking at shows there is another hint called "completionInvoke" which requests showing of the code completion popup for the currently focused text component, but that is all.

Eclipse auto-formatter, disable auto line-wrapping of comment lines

I love eclipse auto formatting, but there's one feature that's driving me raging mad:
Since I use wrap-lines in my auto-formmatter, code like this:
private static Location _location = null; // this is a comment
turns into horrible, horrible code like this:
private static Location _location = null; // this
// is
// a
// comment
this is not only painful to watch, but not at all convenient to change back...
Is there any way to remove line-wrapping for comments, or at least fix so it doesn't look like an absolute mess?
I think that the thing you are specifically asking about you can achieve by editing your formatter:
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter. There edit you click on Edit...
If you are using the default Eclipse formatter you will need to edit the profile name (you cna not edit built in profile).
Go to comments
Deselect line comment formatting.
That way no formatting of comments of the type // will be done.
This annoys me also. To fix the wrapped comments you can use the keyboard shortcut CTL+ALT+J to join the comments onto one line. The comment-indicator characters (// or *) will still be there but at least it will save you some steps. Then you can just run a find and replace for the comment-indicators.

how to better use of eclipse code templates (PHP)?

One particular problem I was having was using ${word_selection} in an Eclipse PDT template.
I was recently trying to use some code templates with Eclipse PDT 2.1 to speed up some common tasks. We use a lot of getters/setters, so I wrote the following template.
function get${word_selection}() {
return $$this->getData('${word_selection}');
function set${word_selection}($$${word_selection}) {
$$this->setData('${word_selection}', $$${word_selection});
I named the template "getset" and the only way I know to use the Code Assist is to type: "getset" then hit my code assist keys (I have it set to Esc, but I think the default was Ctrl+Space). The problem is, this doesn't actually let me select a word to be used by the ${word_selection}.
how do I type in my template name, hit the key combo, and have a word selected all at the same time?
I also want to know what kinds of templates people have set up and any other tips for using templates to speed of programming.
Look at this link :
It describes two things : pdt code templates and code snippets.
how do I type in my template name, hit the key combo, and have a word selected all at the same time?
I think this cannot be achieved with code templates, but with code snippets. Personnally I do not use them at all, but I might start :-)

Looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete

I'm looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete / type-ahead, i.e. the user can enter a couple of characters and the drop down list should show all matching elements.
You can also check out the org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.AutoCompleteField class. It's not a combo, just a text field, but it adds auto complete functionality as if it were a combo very easily. You can do something as simple as this:
Text textField = new Text(parentComposite, SWT.BORDER);
new AutoCompleteField(textField, new TextContentAdapter(), new String[]
{"autocomplete option 1", "autocomplete option 2"});
I don't think there is anything like this built into either Combo or ComboViewer.
As thehiatus suggests org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.AutoCompleteField is probably the best place to look for this, however, there is support for Combos:
new AutoCompleteField(combo, new ComboContentAdapter(), new String[]
{"item0", "item1"});
You may be interested in Eclipse's "Content Assist" feature. You can see it in action when using the Eclipse IDE's Java editor. As you edit source code, you will sometimes see a drop-down menu with phrases that complete what you were typing. (Note that you can press Ctrl+Space to force the drop-down menu to be displayed.)
You can implement this in your own SWT/JFace application as well. The "Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse" has an sample application that implements Content Assist. The sample application is a SQL editor, and it is described in Chapter 26, "Building a Custom Text Editor with JFace Text." There's actually an online overview of the chapter here. The sample SQL editor project,, can be found here.
On the other hand, if you want to create your own Combo widget and auto-populate it based on input that is being entered, then this might not be very applicable. I'm thinking the org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboViewer might be helpful (though I'm not positive).
Check out:
I use it in my project (with a little tweak).
It's really dead easy to set this up.
As thanks to paz117's comment, thought I'd share the code to make this work:
String[] proposals = new String[controller.model().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < controller.model().size(); i++)
proposals[i] = controller.model().get(i).getAppropriateName();
comboViewer = new ComboViewer(parent, SWT.NONE);
comboViewer.setContentProvider(new ArrayContentProvider());
comboViewer.setLabelProvider(new AppropriateLabelProvider());
// additionally, configure the comboViewer arbitrary
new AutoCompleteField(comboViewer.getCombo(), new ComboContentAdapter(), proposals);
The only minor nuisance is that you have to separately populate the model of ComboViewer and AutoCompleteField separately, but that can be at least automated via a static utility method or something similar.
As reference for future visitors, the AutocompleteComboInput (SWT Add-on), can also be a way to achieve this.
Code snippet for screenshot (refer to documentation link above for the code template):
import net.sf.swtaddons.autocomplete.combo.AutocompleteComboInput;
subjectCodeCombo = new Combo(tab3Composite, SWT.DROP_DOWN);
// other code modifying Combo appearance here...
// returns a String[] of items retrieved from database
String[] subjectCodeArray = dbQuery.subjectsToArray();
subjectCodeCombo.setText("- SELECT -");
new AutocompleteComboInput(subjectCodeCombo);
The add-on requires all JARs below to be added to the Library: (more info)
net.sf.swtaddons_0.1.1_bin_src.jar (sourceforge)
Click here for JAR pack.