Classic ASP: Server.CreateObject not supported - createobject

When I call Server.CreateObject(), from my Classic ASP page, I get
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method
I've tried the following (separately):
I know the ActiveX objects are installed because the following javascript calls work
var test = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var test = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
var test = new ActiveXObject("MSXML.DOMDocument");
I'm calling it from my localhost IIS server. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?

If you do the following:
Dim x: x = Server.CreateObject("My.ProgID.Here")
...VBScript creates the object and then attempts to access the default property for storing in 'x'. Since none of these objects have a default property defined (specifically an IDispatch-based property with [id(DISPID_VALUE)]), this fails with "Object doesn't support this property or method".
What you actually want is this:
Dim x: Set x = Server.CreateObject("My.ProgID.Here")

How about this one?
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
Or downloading this component and installing on your webserver?
Then restarting the server and trying again.

Calling them from the browser doesn't mean that they are installed in IIS.


Disable logging on FileConfigurationSourceChanged - LogEnabledFilter

I want Administrators to enable/disable logging at runtime by changing the enabled property of the LogEnabledFilter in the config.
There are several threads on SO that explain workarounds, but I want it this way.
I tried to change the Logging Enabled Filter like this:
private static void FileConfigurationSourceChanged(object sender, ConfigurationSourceChangedEventArgs e)
var fcs = sender as FileConfigurationSource;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("----------- FileConfigurationSourceChanged called --------");
LoggingSettings currentLogSettings = e.ConfigurationSource.GetSection("loggingConfiguration") as LoggingSettings;
var fdtl = currentLogSettings.TraceListeners.Where(tld => tld is FormattedDatabaseTraceListenerData).FirstOrDefault();
var currentLogFileFilter = currentLogSettings.LogFilters.Where(lfd => { return lfd.Name == "Logging Enabled Filter"; }).FirstOrDefault();
var filterNewValue = (bool)currentLogFileFilter.ElementInformation.Properties["enabled"].Value;
var runtimeFilter = Logger.Writer.GetFilter<LogEnabledFilter>("Logging Enabled Filter");
runtimeFilter.Enabled = filterNewValue;
var test = Logger.Writer.IsLoggingEnabled();
But test reveals always the initially loaded config value, it does not change.
I thought, that when changing the value in the config the changes will be propagated automatically to the runtime configuration. But this isn't the case!
Setting it programmatically as shown in the code above, doesn't work either.
It's time to rebuild Enterprise Library or shut it down.
You are right that the code you posted does not work. That code is using a config file (FileConfigurationSource) as the method to configure Enterprise Library.
Let's dig a bit deeper and see if programmatic configuration will work.
We will use the Fluent API since it is the preferred method for programmatic configuration:
var builder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
var configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
var defaultWriter = new LogWriterFactory(configSource).Create();
defaultWriter.Write("Test1", "General");
var filter = defaultWriter.GetFilter<LogEnabledFilter>();
filter.Enabled = false;
defaultWriter.Write("Test2", "General");
If you try this code the filter will not be updated -- so another failure.
Let's try to use the "old school" programmatic configuration by using the classes directly:
var flatFileTraceListener = new FlatFileTraceListener(
LogEnabledFilter enabledFilter = new LogEnabledFilter("Logging Enabled Filter", true);
// Build Configuration
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
config.AddLogSource("General", SourceLevels.All, true)
LogWriter defaultWriter = new LogWriter(config);
defaultWriter.Write("Test1", "General");
var filter = defaultWriter.GetFilter<LogEnabledFilter>();
filter.Enabled = false;
defaultWriter.Write("Test2", "General");
Success! The second ("Test2") message was not logged.
So, what is going on here? If we instantiate the filter ourselves and add it to the configuration it works but when relying on the Enterprise Library configuration the filter value is not updated.
This leads to a hypothesis: when using Enterprise Library configuration new filter instances are being returned each time which is why changing the value has no effect on the internal instance being used by Enterprise Library.
If we dig into the Enterprise Library code we (eventually) hit on LoggingSettings class and the BuildLogWriter method. This is used to create the LogWriter. Here's where the filters are created:
var filters = this.LogFilters.Select(tfd => tfd.BuildFilter());
So this line is using the configured LogFilterData and calling the BuildFilter method to instantiate the applicable filter. In this case the BuildFilter method of the configuration class LogEnabledFilterData BuildFilter method returns an instance of the LogEnabledFilter:
return new LogEnabledFilter(this.Name, this.Enabled);
The issue with this code is that this.LogFilters.Select returns a lazy evaluated enumeration that creates LogFilters and this enumeration is passed into the LogWriter to be used for all filter manipulation. Every time the filters are referenced the enumeration is evaluated and a new Filter instance is created! This confirms the original hypothesis.
To make it explicit: every time LogWriter.Write() is called a new LogEnabledFilter is created based on the original configuration. When the filters are queried by calling GetFilter() a new LogEnabledFilter is created based on the original configuration. Any changes to the object returned by GetFilter() have no affect on the internal configuration since it's a new object instance and, anyway, internally Enterprise Library will create another new instance on the next Write() call anyway.
Firstly, this is just plain wrong but it is also inefficient to create new objects on every call to Write() which could be invoked many times..
An easy fix for this issue is to evaluate the LogFilters enumeration by calling ToList():
var filters = this.LogFilters.Select(tfd => tfd.BuildFilter()).ToList();
This evaluates the enumeration only once ensuring that only one filter instance is created. Then the GetFilter() and update filter value approach posted in the question will work.
Randy Levy provided a fix in his answer above.
Implement the fix and recompile the enterprise library.
Here is the answer from Randy Levy:
Yes, you can disable logging by setting the LogEnabledFiter. The main
way to do this would be to manually edit the configuration file --
this is the main intention of that functionality (developers guide
references administrators tweaking this setting). Other similar
approaches to setting the filter are to programmatically modify the
original file-based configuration (which is essentially a
reconfiguration of the block), or reconfigure the block
programmatically (e.g. using the fluent interface). None of the
programmatic approaches are what I would call simple – Randy Levy 39
mins ago
If you try to get the filter and disable it I don't think it has any
affect without a reconfiguration. So the following code still ends up
logging: var enabledFilter = logWriter.GetFilter();
enabledFilter.Enabled = false; logWriter.Write("TEST"); One non-EntLib
approach would just to manage the enable/disable yourself with a bool
property and a helper class. But I think the priority approach is a
pretty straight forward alternative.
In your custom Logger class implement a IsLoggenabled property and change/check this one at runtime.
This won't work:
var runtimeFilter = Logger.Writer.GetFilter<LogEnabledFilter>("Logging Enabled Filter");
runtimeFilter.Enabled = false/true;

Add-CMDeploymentType warning

Im using poweshell to automate creating applications in SCCM 2012, distributing content and deploying them once created.
I have the following code:
New-CMApplication -name $appname -Manufacturer $manu -SoftwareVersion $ver
Which works fine.
Add-CMDeploymentType -MsiInstaller -applicationName $appname -AutoIdentifyFromIntallationFile -InstallationFileLocation $content -ForceForUnknownPublisher $true
Gives me a warning " Failed to get install type's technology and it won't create the deployment type.
As far as I can tell from other sites, I shouldn't need to specifiy and more than that. I've experimented with adding more options on the end but none seem to make a difference.
There isnt very much out there about this error - has anyone got past it before?
I doubt that you'll get Add-CMDeploymentType to do much useful -- at least not in its current form. I once tried and gave up when I noticed that it is missing basic, essential parameters. The documentation does not even mention, for example, detection of any sort. There's not much point in using ConfigMgr Applications without detection, and there's not much point in scripting the creation of DeploymentTypes if you still have to define the detection criteria via the UI.
You might get the odd msi file configured using the Add-CMDeploymentType's AddDeploymentTypeByMsiInstallerX parameter set. In that case you'd be relying on ConfigMgr to work out the detection logic automagically. That may work, but I have had significant issues with the MSI Deployment. I'd avoid that if possible.
I'm not hopeful that the Add-CMDeploymentType will ever become usable. The object tree that underlies Applications is necessarily complex and really doesn't lend itself to interaction using simple PowerShell cmdlets. To completely configure an Application there are hundreds of properties on dozens of objects that you need to access. Many of those objects are contained in dictionary- and array-like collections that have their own special semantics for accessing them. You just can't simplify that into a handful of PowerShell cmdlets.
I'm using the types in the following .dlls to interface with ConfigMgr:
As far as I can tell, that is the same API the admin console uses, so you can expect full functionality. You cannot make the same claims about the PowerShell cmdlets. So far I have found a way to access everything I've tried through that API using PowerShell. The basics of accessing that API is documented in the ConfigMgr SDK. It's fairly straightforward to figure out how those objects work using reflection and some experimentation.
When you retrieve an Application using Get-CMApplication you actually get the full object tree with it. The SDMPackageXML object contains a serialized copy of the Application, DeploymentTypes, detection, installers, etc. [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.Serialization.SccmSerializer]::DeserializeFromString() works to deserialize that object so you can inspect it for yourself.
I actually gave up on this - As you say - Add-CMDeployment type is completely useless. There was nothing online anywhere that described this error, or how to use it properly - an Application with no detection is pointless and adding it manually later defeats the point in trying to automate it.
PowerShell centre had some examples of how it could be used but neither of these worked...
This link was pretty useful and has everything I needed to create an application without powershell.
a bit long but the code was...
Public Sub create_SCCM_application(appname As String, version As String, content_location As String, filename As String, manu As String)
Dim appID As ObjectId = New ObjectId("ScopeId_devscope", "Application_" & Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
Dim app As New Application(appID)
app.Title = appname
app.Version = "1.0"
app.Publisher = manu
app.SoftwareVersion = version
app.AutoInstall = True
Dim dinfo As New AppDisplayInfo
dinfo.Title = appname
dinfo.Version = version
dinfo.Language = Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name
Dim dtID As ObjectId = New ObjectId("ScopeId_devscope", "DeploymentType_" & Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
Dim dt As New DeploymentType(dtID, MsiInstallerTechnology.TechnologyId)
dt.Title = appname & " Deployment type"
dt.Version = "1.0"
Dim installer As MsiInstaller = dt.Installer
Dim fakecode As Guid = Guid.NewGuid
installer.ProductCode = "{" & fakecode.ToString & "}"
installer.InstallCommandLine = "msiexec /i " & filename
installer.UninstallCommandLine = "msiexec /x " & filename
installer.AllowUninstall = True
installer.ExecuteTime = 30
installer.MaxExecuteTime = 30
installer.ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.System
installer.UserInteractionMode = UserInteractionMode.Hidden
installer.DetectionMethod = DetectionMethod.ProductCode
installer.ProductVersion = version
Dim appcont As Content = New Content
appcont.Location = content_location
Dim msifile As New ContentFile
msifile.Name = "_temp.msi"
Dim appxml As XDocument = SccmSerializer.Serialize(app, True)
Dim appinstance As ManagementObject = Nothing
Dim path As ManagementPath = New ManagementPath("SMS_Application")
Dim options As New ObjectGetOptions
Dim appClass As ManagementClass = Nothing
Dim scope As ManagementScope = New ManagementScope("\\devserver\root\Sms\Site_devsitecode")
appClass = New ManagementClass(scope, path, options)
appinstance = appClass.CreateInstance()
appinstance.Properties("SDMPackageXML").Value = appxml
Catch x As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
Your question regarding the deployment type behaviour is also wierd - We have that same product and it works from an MSI deployment type.

Crystal reports - server and database

Im using visual studio 2010 + Sql Server 2008.
Im trying to show my reports using CR.. well when i try to use the system in my local machine, everything is ok.
I use store procedures to create reports.
The issue appears when i deploy the system in another PC.. A message appears asking for:
Server: // RETRIEVES ORIGINAL Server(Local)// Its not Correct i need to get Client Server
Database: // RETRIEVES ORIGINAL DB(Local)// Its not Correct i need to get Client DB
Username: I don't use any user , what user ?
Password: I don't use any password, what password?
i saw another solutions, but i can't find what's the data that i must use in Username or password. i use Windows autenthication to login to sql..
Edit.. that's my code.. i can't use parameters, i don't receive any error. but system dont recognize the parameter that i send...
Dim NuevoReporte As New CReportNotaPorUsuario
Dim contenido As String
Dim ReportPath As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\CReportNotaPorUsuario.rpt"
Dim ConexionCR As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo()
contenido = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.LeerArchivo(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\configuracion.txt")
ConexionCR.ServerName = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.TextoEntreMarcas(contenido, "<server>", "</server>")
ConexionCR.DatabaseName = Servicios.Funciones_Auxiliares.TextoEntreMarcas(contenido, "<catalog>", "</catalog>")
ConexionCR.IntegratedSecurity = True
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportPath
'NuevoReporte.SetParameterValue("#cod_usuario", cbousuario.SelectedValue)
Dim field1 As ParameterField = Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo(0)
Dim val1 As New ParameterDiscreteValue()
val1.Value = cbousuario.SelectedValue
It appears that you have separate servers and databases between the development and production environment. You need to make sure when you deploy your VS solution that the production server and database get referenced, not the development server and database.
There are some tutorials out there that can help you find a way to achieve this. Check out:
Visual Studio 2010 Database Project Deploy to Different Environments
EDIT: This seems to have evolved into a different issue than originally stated in the question. To dynamically get the connection string for CR from the text file, you will have to read teh text file first and put server name and database name into variables. Reading a text file, you can use something like string text = File.ReadAllText(#"C:\Folder\File.txt"); but you will need to extract server name and database name into variables. Then in order to use the variables in your connection string you use ConnectionInfo.Servername = variable1; and ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = variable2.

QBO Queries and SpecifyOperatorOption

I'm trying to query QBO for, among other entities, Accounts, and am running into a couple of issues. I'm using the .Net Dev Kit v (I used NuGet to update to the latest version) and when I use the following technique:
Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.AccountQuery cquery = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.AccountQuery();
IEnumerable<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Account> qboAccounts = cquery.ExecuteQuery<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Account>(context);
(i.e. just create a new AccountQuery of the appropriate type and call ExecuteQuery) I get an error. It seems that the request XML is not created properly, I just see one line in the XML file. I then looked at the online docs and tried to emulate the code there:
Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.AccountQuery cquery = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.AccountQuery();
cquery.CreateTime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-20);
cquery.CreateTime = DateTime.Now.Date;
// Specify a Request validator
Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.AccountQuery cquery = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.AccountQuery();
IEnumerable<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Account> qboAccounts = cquery.ExecuteQuery<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Account>(context);
unfortunately, VS 2010 insists that AccountQuery doesn't contain a definition for SpecifyOperatorOption and there is no extension method by that name. So I'm stuck.
Any ideas how to resolve this would be appreciated.

Setup App.Config As Custom Action in Setup Project

I have a custom application with a simple app.config specifying SQL Server name and Database, I want to prompt the user on application install for application configuration items and then update the app.config file.
I admit I'm totally new to setup projects and am looking for some guidance.
Thank You
Mark Koops
I had problems with the code Gulzar linked to on a 64 bit machine. I found the link below to be a simple solution to getting values from the config ui into the app.config.
check this out - Installer with a custom action for changing settings
App.Config CAN be changed...however it exists in a location akin to HKEY___LOCAL_MACHINE i.e. the average user has read-only access.
So you will need to change it as an administrator - best time would be during installation, where you're (supposed to be) installing with enhanced permissions.
So create an Installer class, use a Custom Action in the setup project to pass in the user's choices (e.g. "/svr=[SERVER] /db=[DB] /uilevel=[UILEVEL]") and, in the AfterInstall event, change the App.Config file using something like:
Public Shared Property AppConfigSetting(ByVal SettingName As String) As Object
Return My.Settings.PropertyValues(SettingName)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
Dim AppConfigFilename As String = String.Concat(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location, ".config")
If (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(AppConfigFilename)) Then
Dim AppSettingXPath As String = String.Concat("/configuration/applicationSettings/", My.Application.Info.AssemblyName, ".My.MySettings/setting[#name='", SettingName, "']/value")
Dim AppConfigXML As New System.Xml.XmlDataDocument
With AppConfigXML
Dim DataNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = .SelectSingleNode(AppSettingXPath)
If (DataNode Is Nothing) Then
Throw New Xml.XmlException(String.Format("Application setting not found ({0})!", AppSettingXPath))
DataNode.InnerText = value.ToString
End If
End With
Throw New IO.FileNotFoundException("App.Config file not found!", AppConfigFilename)
End If
End Set
End Property
Create custom dialogs for use in your Visual Studio Setup projects: