eclipse find resource not compiled - eclipse

When I click Ctrl+Shift+R in eclipse I get a dialog that allows me to find a resource. However it shows all resources regardless if they are not compiled or compiled. Is there any way to filter so it shows just not compiled resource? Or can I hide compiled resources in some way?

To hide compiled resources when you:
open (Ctrl+Shift+R) the "Open resource dialog",
click on the black triangle on the top right,
then on "Show derived resources": it must be un-selected.
You will not see any .class file.
From: What is new in eclipse3.3

If you want to only search for Java classes, then I suggest to use Ctrl-Shift-T.
For others kinds of resources, I am not sure if you can filter the result of this popup...
See answer from VonC

As an additional note on VonC's solution, this works as long as the classes are contained within a different directory-tree to the source files - for example many projects build the classes files into a target directory which mirrors the directory structure of the src tree.
In most situations, Eclipse will have set the derived flag on this target directory (right click on target and view properties) - although some Eclipse plugins (Maven/SVN) seem to sometimes get this derived flag wrong (not sure which is the culprit).


Eclipse: Is it Possible to Open Files that are in a Workspace But Not in a Project?

I have a folder hierarchy that looks like this:
- workspace
- some_folder
+ eclipse_project
Is it possible to open and view the hierarchy in the project explorer of Eclipse beginning at "some_folder," instead of at "eclipse_project?" If so, how is this accomplished? When I try importing, Eclipse obviously refuses to because the files in the outer folder are already in the workspace.
Or does this contradict the principle behind Eclipse and projects?
Or does this contradict the principle behind Eclipse and projects?
Yes, it does. The File menu does offer to let you Open File..., but whether it's supported by an editor and how much functionality is retained is entirely up to that editor. Some will flat-out fail.
As a workaround, you can create a New General->File, expand the Advanced section of the wizard, and set the new in-workspace file to link to the real file's physical on-disk location, as long as that location is not in some way under the workspace's location. Note that even this may not always be supported by extremely old editors.

Eclipse: quick search on filename

Very often while working in Eclipse I realize that I remember class name, but forgot in which package this class is. Using Search is not very convenient. Too many clicks and key presses. I wonder, is there a plugin to simplify this process? For example, would be great if there was text-edit box in the top of package explorer which could filter showing packages and .java files depending of entered text. Anyone knows something like that?
Eclipse does provide similar functions:
Open Resource Shift+Ctrl+R for all resource files (including Java files)
Open Type Shift+Ctrl+T for all Java classes in classpath.
They also filter the list as you type.
Note that they search all files of all opened projects in current workspace.

How to view Java's byte code in eclipse IDE?

Sometimes, in Eclipse , i press a combination of keys which take me to the editor page that shows contents of my .class file (bytecode). I never seem to be able to remember what that key combination is.
Can someone please let me know?
Or in other words, how can one see own bytecode?
Eclipse's default class file viewer shows the source (see VonC's answer) if it has been associated with the binaries, otherwise it gives a javap-like view of the class (with an option to attach source). I'm guessing it's the latter that you are looking for.
I've never found a way to cleanly force Eclipse to show that output rather than the linked source. What you probably want is an Eclipse plug-in that provides Javap like functionality (or an interface to javap). Look for plugins stating they "disassemble" (as opposed to "decompile," like jad).
Barring a plug-in, you could probably configure an external tool to perform javap but it might not play nicely with other eclipse features.
Edit: Let me be clear about the above: If you hit F3, Eclipse does the following (generally, the actual procedure might be slightly different):
Resolves the target (if you are selecting a Java file, it will be the Java file itself; if you are selecting or your cursor is over a class name it will be the class declaration, similar for a method declaration, etc).
Searches the build path (same project first) for a Java file containing the target. If found, opens up an writable editor displaying that Java source file.
For class/method declarations, it continues searching references on your build path for a class file that contains the declaration. If it is found, then
a) If the class file has had source attached to it, open up a read-only editor of the linked Java file.
b) If the class file does not have source attached to it, then open up a read-only panel showing the disassembled (javap-like) bytecode of the compiled class file.
My guess would be that you're thinking there's a dedicated key sequence to 3.b), but I don't think there is. But again, I would love to be proven wrong here.
Using the following external tool configuration we can view java byte code in eclipse with the help of javap:
To get the above pop-up select Run option and select External Tools and select External Tools configuration...
${system_path:javap} is used to locate javap in the JDK used by the Eclipse. You can use an absolute path to javap instead.
${project_loc} returns the absolute path to the project. This is used, since I could not find a pre-define variable to use, to locate the .class file of a resource, and that's why javap runs in the project's directory instead of the directory containing the .class file.
Among the arguments passed to javap:
bin is the default output folder for Eclipse projects. Change this to build/classes or whatever is used by the project. Note, the value is relative to ${project_loc}; you can specify absolute paths instead.
${java_type_name} is used to obtain the selected class name.
You can select a Java file in the Project explorer view or Project navigator view, or even a Java type in any of the views, and then run the external tool. Note - this approach doesn't work quite well when you select a method, an inner class etc. and then run the tool, as they are not resources on their own, leading to the scenario where ${project_loc} will be empty.
Dr. Garbage Tools is a suite of Eclipse Plugins released under Apache Open Source license.
Install Bytecode Visualizer using Eclipse Marketplace.
To view a bytecode:
Right click on .java file, select open with and select other you will get the following popup:
Search "Bytecode Visualizer" and select the option it opens the file as follows there you can find Bytecode option as shown:
Enhanced Class Decompiler
"Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations"
Change default to your for both .class association.
"*.class" : "Class Decompiler Viewer" is selected by default.
"*.class without source" : "Class Decompiler Viewer" is selected by default.
You can use ASM 4.0 Plugin.
The Bytecode Outline plugin can be installed from the Eclipse Update Manager with the ObjectWeb Eclipse Update Site
Alternatively, the plugin can be downloaded from the ObjectWeb Forge site, and manually installed in the Eclipse plugins directory.
To see the bytecode of the current .java or .class file:
Window -> Show View -> Other -> Java -> Bytecode
To compare the bytecode of two .java or .class files:
select two *.class or *.java files -> right click -> Compare with -> Each Other Bytecode
select one *.class or *.java file -> right click -> Compare with -> Another Class Bytecode
Well... if the .class is selected in the Navigator View or Package Explorer view, a simple F3 is enough to open a decompiled version of it in the editor.
As hinted at by user833970: The Bytecode Outline plugin:
At its base, it provides a "bytecode" view for the currently opened Java file which is what you were looking for.
However, you can also assign it to load any random .class file instead of the default .class viewer, and it surpasses it in many ways. For example, this viewer actually jumps to the right spot in the bytecode if you click on a member in the Outline view.
Download links (for dropin use) can be found at the afore-mentioned link, the update-site is
If you are really interested in the bytecode there is a eclipse plugin that lets you open and edit the bytecode of a .class file using a text editor.
I've tried several different solutions for this.
Bytecode Visualizer (available here: ) is, in my opinion, the best solution. It neatly displays the output and makes clear how it links to the source code. I've noticed a few minor misinterpretations on some of the bytecodes, but you can get the gist of it.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to support Neon at time of writing. It does support Mars, though.

How to ignore/prevent javadoc folder from validation during Eclipse Build?

In my war is a huge javadoc folder. There is no point in validating it since javadocs are produced by Sun(Oracle) javadoc utility. I have forgotten how I did it the last time. I need to tell Eclipse build not to validate that particular folder.
Reasons why I need it:
1. the html produced by Sun javadoc generation utility does not meet the requirement that Eclipse uses - there is a bug report in Eclipse but Eclipse responds that Sun javadoc generator non-compliance is not their fault and that Eclipse intends to stick to their strict compliance. Which results in lots of html errors listed in the problems tab.
2. the javadoc folder is a remote link and high activity on that link is using up my cpu resource, and because it is a link to a remote location, that cpu high activity is sustained for long time until it finishes scanning the whole 35MB javadocs.
Thanks - need help.
Could you check the settings of your validator
it may have a setting allowing you to define an Exclude Group where you can add a rule to specify to exclude the validator for:
specific extensions,
folder or file name,
project nature,
facet or content type.
As the OP mentions in the comment, marking a folder as "derived" means it it will:
not be build during incremental build
only be build during full or manual build
As the article mentions:
Derived resources are resources that are not original data, and can be recreated from their source files. It is common for derived files to be excluded from certain kinds of processing.
Derived resources can influence Eclipse Resource Filtering as well:
The trick is to open the "Navigator" view, right click on the folder to be ignored, and check the "Derived" property.
This option informs Eclipse that this folder consists of generated resources that should not be directly edited.
Once this is done, the "Open Resource..." view will only show matches that would be relevant to the developer.

Excluding/Disabling Validation in Eclipse

I have the (mis)fortune of having a large project source-base in which I am working primarily on PHP and JavaScript. I have to have the full project area as the project root in Eclipse, but unfortunately this includes several directories that drive the validation built into WST/DLTK/etc. nuts.
I have tried disabling all validators in the project properties. I have gone into the validators one at a time and added rules to the "Exclude Group" set to exclude the specific folders. I have removed the folders from the PHP build path in the project properties. And yet, my Problems view/tab is still littered with thousands of red flags that stem mostly from a folder that we use to keep copies of external elements (Apache, PHP, etc.). You know, typical "have a copy of the specific versions we currently use" sort of thing.
The signal-to-noise ratio is so bad that I'm unable to use the view at all, which is a shame. If I'm not going to have the benefits of the IDE, I might as well be using vim for this (I use it for other stuff, but for this codebase a good IDE is a better choice, providing I can get it to work). It seems to me that it would be an obvious feature to be able to right-click a folder in a project and select "Exclude from Validation", but alas there is no such feature. Is there another way to get the validators (PHP, HTML, etc.) to ignore the folders I need ignored?
Tried solution;
Right click project
Select properties
Select validation
Check Enable Project specific settings
On the XML Validator row, click the '...' button
Select Exclude Gruop
Click Add rule
Select 'Folder or file name'
Click Next
Select files or folder which are not validated.
Click Finish
Click OK
Click OK
This solved my problem. Because eclipse validation gives error for generated GWT files.
Best regards.
I came upon this question while looking for the same answer. I will list the steps I did here and hopefully it will help someone in the future.
I am using Eclipse 4.1 and I do the following to exclude validation for specific xml files. I am sure if you configure the different validators it will work for other files as well.
Go to Preferences -> Validation
Find the Validator you wish to change and select settings (not all of the validators have settings, hopefully yours do).
In the settings you can add an Exclude Group where you can add a rule to specify to exclude the validator for specific extensions, folder or file name, project nature, facet or content type.
I have Eclipse for PHP Developers and I was dealing with the same issue.
In addition tot he excellent answers above, I have one more suggestion.
My first recommendation is not to use Aptana unless you actually want those validators (as they are nearly impossible to turn off from my experience).
Beyond that, go to File -> Properties -> Builders, and deselect "Validation" and "Script Builder" and "JavaScript Validator".
So far it's helped speed up some operations tremendously.
I also recommend disabling "Automatic Build". Because you're using PHP, the odds that you actually need it to build anything if you don't want validation is slim.
In the main menu, go to Project and uncheck "Build Automatically". You will want to build your project every now and then by right clicking on the project and selecting "Build Project".
All the above steps have helped me get the basic editor, which is exactly what I wanted.
I used to exclude resources from validation via project specific Exclude Group (as the most answer here suggests). But in case anyone is still having problems with disabling validation for a specified folder in 2014 - just mark the folder resource as Derived:
This should disable validation for that folder.
If you are using EGIT you might also want to disable automatic inclusion of derived resources in .gitignore:
It is not really possible to select a directory, at least under Windows.
After having pressed Preferences->Validation->Settings->Add Exclude Group->Add Rule->Folder or filename->Browse Folder->(selecting some directory)->[OK]
The "Browse for folder" dialog is being closed, with the "File or folder" field staying empty.
I had the same problem with the web app i'm developping.
I ended up disabling automatic build, and building once a day (Project->Build automatically), that way i still get the benefits of code completion from libraries, while speeding up the program on older computers.
I found in the project properties there is a Builders category. In the list of builders I had a JavaScript Builder. I deselected this builder and all my annoying javascript validation woes went away.
this worked for me:
Properties > Builders section and unchecking the corresponding box.
seems to be a bug in some versions of eclipse.
There are more gloabal validation parameters. You can suspend all validation (or only the ones you don't need) by going to:
Window > Preferences > Validation.
Here, check the box "Suspend all validators".
Alternatively, uncheck the validators you don't need from the list below.
A full build will be requested which might take some time. But Eclipse will run a lot faster afterwards [But without validation of course]
Go configure what's displayed in the Problems View like lothar proposed, create new custom filter and in "Scope" area choose "On working set". Now press the button right below this option to configure what working set would it be: in working set selection pop-up hit the "New" button and mark all your project files EXCEPT those you want to exclude from validation. You might want to save this working set under convenient name, like "No_Validation_Set".
1) working set excluding problematic files.
2) custom Problems View filter to operate on this set.
when adding new files to project you need to update your working set, so they are validated too.
When I excluded files from validation for the project, my setting didn't seem to be recognised until I restarted Eclipse and cleaned the project.